Border Manifesto # 2
On Wednesday August 4th I met with Supervisory Border Patrol Agent, Mark Monin. He had contacted me a few days earlier to discuss the possibility of using a high hill about a quarter of a mile south of Highway 80 at mile marker 400 to establish a camp for several National Guardsmen. They wanted to establish an observation post complete with modern optics and night vision capabilities. The purpose of this post would be to aid Border Patrol agents in spotting and identifying illegal alien groups. The hill referred to is on deeded land so Agent Monin needed my approval to proceed with the plan. My first response was to question his choice of this certain hill, it being quite high and steep, 4 or 5 hundred feet above the valley floor and having no established trail or road ascending to the summit. His response was that those obstacles could perhaps be overcome. I suggested a smaller hill on the opposite side of the hiway with a road to the top and easily accessed. This seemed fine at the time and we agreed to proceed.
It seemed odd to me that the much talked about Guard was to be deployed 22 miles north of the border so I told Agent Monin that I had thought the guard was going to be sent right to the border itself. His response was that no suitable spot had been found to that point. They had looked at a hill on a ranch very near the border with a view extended 10 miles both east and west, but had decided against it because the (the Border Patrol, and National Guard) thought it would be too time consuming to get up and down it and it was a long way from town.
Actually it is closer to town than either of the hills he was interested in on my place, and it had a road and trail already established going up to the top. I didn’t get it. Picking a hill 22 miles north of the border with no access and limited view after passing up the chance to establish a lookout right on the border? The rancher who controls the hill right on the border (we’ll call this Hill #1) pleaded with the Border Patrol to establish this new lookout there. The rancher has witnessed countless dope loads and outlaws cross the line within shouting distance of Hill #1 and was quite dismayed when they chose to go elsewhere. Hill # 1 is about 21 miles straight south of Hill #2 (the hill first mentioned at mile marker 400 on Highway 80). Several days after my meeting with Agent Monin, a Ford F-150 pick-up with over 1000 pounds of Marijuana was found at the Fairchild Ranch. The pick-up had Sonoran plates and so overloaded with dope that both rear tires had blown out. The driver escaped. The Fairchild Ranch where the pick-up was found is exactly half way between Hill #1 and Hill #2. Because of the lay of the land this truck could have never gotten north of Hill #1 undetected had there been an observation post established there. Actually in the first week of August there have been 3 drive-through loads of Marijuana pass through this same area, all easily detected from Hill #1. This isn’t counting the numerous loads going through that area on the backs of human mules.
To me the significance of this is profound. Why would the Border Patrol and our National Guard pass up an opportunity to establish a look out in an excellent spot right on the border, only to choose a spot of lesser quality 22 miles north of the border? Is this mere coincidence? In my opinion, “No.” It is planned and deliberate incompetence.
On August 5th the Washington Times printed an article written by Kerry Picket. It states that 7000 ICE employees have cast a unanimous vote of no confidence in the director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), John Morton, and the assistant director of the ICE office Detention Policy and Planning, Phyllis Coven. The Times article mentioned a letter posted by the Center for Immigration Studies and authored by ICE Union President, Chris Crane. Quoting the article, “According to CIS, the letter provides a litany of examples of how ICE’s mission is being skewed toward supporting an unflinching goal of amnesty by refusing to allow agents to do their job, allowing criminal aliens to roam free, depleting resources for key enforcement initiatives that preceded this administration, misrepresenting facts and programs, demeaning the extent of the criminal alien problem, and geared to support amnesty.”
When I read the Times article, it really hit home because I’ve been seeing and hearing these thing for years. I’ve had no less than a dozen Border Patrol agents tell me there superiors purposefully do things to make them unsuccessful. I mentioned this one time to Congresswoman Gabriell Giffords and Border Patrol Tucson Sector Chief, Robert Gilbert, and I thought they were going to have me arrested. After the meeting where this happened, I had an out-of-uniform Border Patrol Agent hug me and thank me profusely for speaking the truth.
This deliberate incompetence (I’m sorry, but putting a National Guard lookout post 22 miles north of the border, when there is a much better spot right on the border is incompetence) that we’re seeing here on the frontier isn’t the fault of agents like Mark Monin, or even the station or sector chiefs. This is a deliberate method of operation that comes straight from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The border patrol and ICE agents and the Guard are mere pawns in a grander scheme that is being directed by a President who has repeatedly shown that he is the biggest open border advocate alive. Barack Hussein Obama does not consider himself to be a citizen of the USA. He is a citizen of the world. His actions and much the he has said and written make you think America to him is like a disabled halfwit brother that he is ashamed of. Certainly traditional taxpaying Americans are something to be suspect. Since Rob Krentz’s murder on March 27, 2010, neither Barack Obama nor anyone in his administration has ever contacted the Krentz family to make any kind of a statement, even though Rob’s murder has been and still is one of the biggest news stories of the year! The minute Jan Brewer signed SB 1070 into law, Obama and his entire cabinet lit up like a slot machine making hay over a law that a majority of Americans support.
The petty fracas between professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Sgt. James Crowley instigated the much televised beer bust that was no more than another photo op for Barack Obama – but no mention from Obama of the deliberate disenfranchisement of ranchers who have the misfortune of living south of Interstate 10.
Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, laud the imagined inequity of holding radical Islamic terrorists at Gitmo but refuse to make a statement condemning Samir Shabaz standing outside a polling place with a club in his hand intimating voters.
One can’t help but compare the current administration with King George III and the American colonies in the mid 1700s. Good King George miscalculated the mood and capacity of the Americans for reprisal and revenge. But perhaps I’m wrong. Maybe Obama knows what trouble lays ahead for him come election time. That’s why he wants all these Mexican outlaws to make it north to freedom and amnesty. Good ole Barack can get his buddy Samir Shabaz to protect all these illegal outlaws (who tramp through my neighborhood) while they go inside and cast a vote for the Democratic ticket.
While all this nonsense is going on the poor people on both sides of the border continue to suffer because of the current administration’s perpetuation of a bogus border policy that is doomed to fail. Hypocrites like Barack Obama, Janet Napolitano and Raul Grijalva cry about the poor Mexican people when the trail they are leading us down enables the Cartels to get rich and abuse the poor and innocent. And cowboys like myself get blamed for it.
Ed Ashurst
Apache, AZ
August 10, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Whats going on here in these United States, Treason
Treason is defined as taking up arms against the United States or trying to overthrow the government. But when the leaders of our country and those elitist defeatist who plan on destroying the country by ruining the economy running up debts so high that we destroy ourselves is this treason? What is Uncle Tom Obama doing if not treason? Why is he in a group that is hoping to profit from Cap and Tax or the newest name given it American energy act. He and half of his friends are aiming to profit from the tax is there not laws against it? Illegal immigration and the elitist defeatist party clapping when a corrupt Leader from Mexico calls our laws bad he must think he has a lot of pull in America with so many former citizens voting against the United States and its laws and values. Just like health care the many were out voted by the few and the country keeps going down a path that is backwards and very much the wrong direction. There is no way for them to be able to say they didn't do this on purpose.I think the media is the key to stopping this there are so many people in this country that watch one channel for there news and its not fox boycotting them and there sponsors is the only way to turn this around but how to get the message out to where it might do some good is the question of the decade. I wonder if all the talk of depression and one world government is true. More and more I think this is the way we are headed I hope those who can are taking steps to prepare for this. boycott CNN MSNBC all the letters of the alphabet. Maybe selected shows maybe entire channels or writers papers that spread the socialist propaganda . I do believe that our country is being taken over but for what purpose those who contribute nothing are getting more and those of us who have been doing the right things all our lives are being punished for there lack of planning or responsibility for anything drugs women drinking them selves into a stupor every nite. Something is going on and its got to change before there is no turning back. What road are we on? Where will the people stand when it hits rights are being taking away ever day and those who will watch crap on TV instead of learning what this so called leader is up to treason nothing more nothing less. Vote them out 2010 and 2012 before its too late.Paladin kcs
Treason is defined as taking up arms against the United States or trying to overthrow the government. But when the leaders of our country and those elitist defeatist who plan on destroying the country by ruining the economy running up debts so high that we destroy ourselves is this treason? What is Uncle Tom Obama doing if not treason? Why is he in a group that is hoping to profit from Cap and Tax or the newest name given it American energy act. He and half of his friends are aiming to profit from the tax is there not laws against it? Illegal immigration and the elitist defeatist party clapping when a corrupt Leader from Mexico calls our laws bad he must think he has a lot of pull in America with so many former citizens voting against the United States and its laws and values. Just like health care the many were out voted by the few and the country keeps going down a path that is backwards and very much the wrong direction. There is no way for them to be able to say they didn't do this on purpose.I think the media is the key to stopping this there are so many people in this country that watch one channel for there news and its not fox boycotting them and there sponsors is the only way to turn this around but how to get the message out to where it might do some good is the question of the decade. I wonder if all the talk of depression and one world government is true. More and more I think this is the way we are headed I hope those who can are taking steps to prepare for this. boycott CNN MSNBC all the letters of the alphabet. Maybe selected shows maybe entire channels or writers papers that spread the socialist propaganda . I do believe that our country is being taken over but for what purpose those who contribute nothing are getting more and those of us who have been doing the right things all our lives are being punished for there lack of planning or responsibility for anything drugs women drinking them selves into a stupor every nite. Something is going on and its got to change before there is no turning back. What road are we on? Where will the people stand when it hits rights are being taking away ever day and those who will watch crap on TV instead of learning what this so called leader is up to treason nothing more nothing less. Vote them out 2010 and 2012 before its too late.Paladin kcs
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Cast the first stone,Just pay shipping cost.
Too the People of Az. Who have been waiting for the Federal Government to do the Job that they are required to by the Constitution do not hold your breath. To those around the country who accuse you of being racist against brown skinned people. First those who do not live there should not be sucked into the Propaganda of the socialist left, Who are looking for any means to off set the general feeling across the country against those of the elitist defeatist party.Spending gone wild, tax increases coming that will shake the country to the core. Obama is taking the country in the wrong direction “Socialism” ,Tea party members being shown as racist yes granny and grandpa’s who think that Government should not be buying up big Finacial companies and Banks Auto companies.and bailing out anyone who cannot read a contract.Votes that is what this comes down to . Ca, and those Mexicans who are thinking they can take over the Southwest border area like La Raza using the tactics that the United States is a racist country.Ca. and there policies are driving those who helped foul up there own state beyond recognition. Are moving to surrounding states the get away from the mess they created. The money is fleeing the state.If Ca and the people there who think AZ, law is so racist I would bet that AZ. People would be glad to load up all those who are there illegally and bus them to Ca, If Ca, would just pay shipping cost along with all the drugs and drug dealers. Those who contribute nothing take from those who work pay taxes let those who think there social experiments are worth the money and cost to tax payers put there money where there mouth is.The line forms to the left to any state that thinks they know what the people of Az, are going through. Oh by the way Mexico Murder rape any jail time for those who cannot pay the bribes of the so call police of Mexico to anyone who is there illegally 2 years then 10 years in jail for being in Mexico illegally.No services medical or otherwise without proper documentaion. Yes Mexico is such a place but they call us racist.Go on-online and visit some of the local news companies for an un-biased news source.Purto Rico another state more votes,for a party against American ideals.But even with all the Propagana being thrown at them I doubt they will succed in getting the Proud people of P.R. to vote the way they want. The country is headed in the wrong direction the people need to wake up Yes even a half black President can steer the country wrong.Paladin kcs
Too the People of Az. Who have been waiting for the Federal Government to do the Job that they are required to by the Constitution do not hold your breath. To those around the country who accuse you of being racist against brown skinned people. First those who do not live there should not be sucked into the Propaganda of the socialist left, Who are looking for any means to off set the general feeling across the country against those of the elitist defeatist party.Spending gone wild, tax increases coming that will shake the country to the core. Obama is taking the country in the wrong direction “Socialism” ,Tea party members being shown as racist yes granny and grandpa’s who think that Government should not be buying up big Finacial companies and Banks Auto companies.and bailing out anyone who cannot read a contract.Votes that is what this comes down to . Ca, and those Mexicans who are thinking they can take over the Southwest border area like La Raza using the tactics that the United States is a racist country.Ca. and there policies are driving those who helped foul up there own state beyond recognition. Are moving to surrounding states the get away from the mess they created. The money is fleeing the state.If Ca and the people there who think AZ, law is so racist I would bet that AZ. People would be glad to load up all those who are there illegally and bus them to Ca, If Ca, would just pay shipping cost along with all the drugs and drug dealers. Those who contribute nothing take from those who work pay taxes let those who think there social experiments are worth the money and cost to tax payers put there money where there mouth is.The line forms to the left to any state that thinks they know what the people of Az, are going through. Oh by the way Mexico Murder rape any jail time for those who cannot pay the bribes of the so call police of Mexico to anyone who is there illegally 2 years then 10 years in jail for being in Mexico illegally.No services medical or otherwise without proper documentaion. Yes Mexico is such a place but they call us racist.Go on-online and visit some of the local news companies for an un-biased news source.Purto Rico another state more votes,for a party against American ideals.But even with all the Propagana being thrown at them I doubt they will succed in getting the Proud people of P.R. to vote the way they want. The country is headed in the wrong direction the people need to wake up Yes even a half black President can steer the country wrong.Paladin kcs
Friday, April 2, 2010
Follow the money
Well is this the plan to silence the right, Well the elitist defeatist have made one huge mistake by playing the tactics of the 60's blaming tea party member who could care less what color someone is. Speaking for my self as a tea party member I look at the red and the lack of any kind of shame from them on scewing three hundred million to help 30 million Pre existing conditions and other parts of there bill could have been corrected so much easier then running up the take over of healthcare. I would like to see tea parties from across the country go after the sponsors of there far left media/Propaganda wing who has run story after story about the racist tea party as a whole all the letters of the A to Z talking heads there sponsors are easy to find on there web sites: inform, boycott :and if necessary picket with large rallies of tea party groups from across America. UN like all the Drones on the left we who believe in the law and Constitution have a vast power that is we have worked our entire lives and buy there products or Not, That is the power we have! Any station who as been running these videos over and over with not one sound bite showing anyone calling any body anything or using slow motion break downs of nothing. Not to mention the lies that tea party is all white they go out of there way to show it that way. Also any group on the right needs to watch for far left trouble makers in the mix or snakes in the grass .Start using videos cameras through out the rallies contact your local tea party and spead the word inform boycott and last picket the money. Have a plan if a snake is in your group, Much less any nut who might be there regardless of his motives.spread the word.Paladin kcs
Well is this the plan to silence the right, Well the elitist defeatist have made one huge mistake by playing the tactics of the 60's blaming tea party member who could care less what color someone is. Speaking for my self as a tea party member I look at the red and the lack of any kind of shame from them on scewing three hundred million to help 30 million Pre existing conditions and other parts of there bill could have been corrected so much easier then running up the take over of healthcare. I would like to see tea parties from across the country go after the sponsors of there far left media/Propaganda wing who has run story after story about the racist tea party as a whole all the letters of the A to Z talking heads there sponsors are easy to find on there web sites: inform, boycott :and if necessary picket with large rallies of tea party groups from across America. UN like all the Drones on the left we who believe in the law and Constitution have a vast power that is we have worked our entire lives and buy there products or Not, That is the power we have! Any station who as been running these videos over and over with not one sound bite showing anyone calling any body anything or using slow motion break downs of nothing. Not to mention the lies that tea party is all white they go out of there way to show it that way. Also any group on the right needs to watch for far left trouble makers in the mix or snakes in the grass .Start using videos cameras through out the rallies contact your local tea party and spead the word inform boycott and last picket the money. Have a plan if a snake is in your group, Much less any nut who might be there regardless of his motives.spread the word.Paladin kcs
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Don't kill the messenger for the message>
Today and all this week I have watched day after day attacks on tea party members and any one else who disagrees with Obama or his elitist defeatist party. Using lies and deceit and the same old videos that show nothing except a guy who has his hands up yelling at a congressman who it turns out said the guy spit on him, They throw lies of Grandma and Grandpa and all the other Americans as racist and haters of Obama because he is only half white. The left wing Propaganda keeps this going story after story. I want to go after these Propaganda Machines using the tactics of the left there sponsors first to find out who they are and second inform them of the plans to boycott them and picket them by any and all American who stands for truth and not the deceit of lies and intimidation of being called a racist for hating all the red ink and debt this clown has given us contact me if your willing to stand with tea parties and any other American who thinks this is crazy. We unlike our leftist attackers have and or had work our whole lives we are the buying power not the left they support. Paladin kcs
Today and all this week I have watched day after day attacks on tea party members and any one else who disagrees with Obama or his elitist defeatist party. Using lies and deceit and the same old videos that show nothing except a guy who has his hands up yelling at a congressman who it turns out said the guy spit on him, They throw lies of Grandma and Grandpa and all the other Americans as racist and haters of Obama because he is only half white. The left wing Propaganda keeps this going story after story. I want to go after these Propaganda Machines using the tactics of the left there sponsors first to find out who they are and second inform them of the plans to boycott them and picket them by any and all American who stands for truth and not the deceit of lies and intimidation of being called a racist for hating all the red ink and debt this clown has given us contact me if your willing to stand with tea parties and any other American who thinks this is crazy. We unlike our leftist attackers have and or had work our whole lives we are the buying power not the left they support. Paladin kcs
Friday, March 26, 2010
Blame game continues, Further down the hole we go
On latest unemployment bill extenstion blame the repub. For pay as you go !
The communist keep fanning the flames of discontent. It's always someone else's fault. Welfare for all no budget and down the elitist defeatist parties road to full welfare state of being dependent on someone else's work who needs slave reparations. The middleclass of course , No tax increases take a look down the road . Anyone who ever visited a communist country always said it was like going to a country that was in black and white and long lines of rationing even for such things as bread and toilet paper that is our future. Those that are complaining about forcing Uncle Tom Obama elitist defeatist party to be smart and use the funds that have not already been wasted or stolen by there lack of any kind of business practices . Our country is going the wrong way job cannot be created in his backward way of doing business and pretty soon they will not have the money too do anything anyway so. Keep believing that you are getting something for nothing and in the end are country will be nothing. But that's what the communist want blame the guy who is trying to stop the madness not those who are causing it. Tea party grandma's and grandpa's and maybe your neighbors are the radicals the Propaganda wing of Obama will keep the kool aid coming. Prince Harry and Queen Pelosi will fly home knowing they have you bought and paid for cheap. When you figure this out that there were those that try ed to inform you and they were called radicals tell your children that you were tricked and didn't see this no one warned you and that you believe the Government paladin kcs
On latest unemployment bill extenstion blame the repub. For pay as you go !
The communist keep fanning the flames of discontent. It's always someone else's fault. Welfare for all no budget and down the elitist defeatist parties road to full welfare state of being dependent on someone else's work who needs slave reparations. The middleclass of course , No tax increases take a look down the road . Anyone who ever visited a communist country always said it was like going to a country that was in black and white and long lines of rationing even for such things as bread and toilet paper that is our future. Those that are complaining about forcing Uncle Tom Obama elitist defeatist party to be smart and use the funds that have not already been wasted or stolen by there lack of any kind of business practices . Our country is going the wrong way job cannot be created in his backward way of doing business and pretty soon they will not have the money too do anything anyway so. Keep believing that you are getting something for nothing and in the end are country will be nothing. But that's what the communist want blame the guy who is trying to stop the madness not those who are causing it. Tea party grandma's and grandpa's and maybe your neighbors are the radicals the Propaganda wing of Obama will keep the kool aid coming. Prince Harry and Queen Pelosi will fly home knowing they have you bought and paid for cheap. When you figure this out that there were those that try ed to inform you and they were called radicals tell your children that you were tricked and didn't see this no one warned you and that you believe the Government paladin kcs
Friday, March 19, 2010
Slave reparations and Uncle Tom Obama
The Elitist defeatist party of Uncle Tom Obama health care reform communist take over of banking and the largest financial institutions in America Car companies and Power companies Student loans Health Care and expanding the IRS. I have always believed that race was not a good reason to hate someone or look down on someone. After all they had no choice of who there parents were any more then the rest of us did luck of the draw, or a shot in the dark as it were. Besides that I have met great people of all races and creeds defending our country.
I have never believed in slave reparations having always thought no person alive to day had any thing too do with slavery and no person a live to day was ever a slave. I have always thought after looking at all the countries of Africa and the poverty they live with every day and learning in history class the history of slavery and how it came to be and how we as a country got rid of it in our civil war.I was always proud that we and the Americans righted a wrong , Since then we have had Welfare, Inner City programs by the socialist to destroy the black family. Family planning centers Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Actions plans this is not a history of all the programs for blacks this is just my quick thoughts of why I never thought slave reparations was justified for something that no one alive today suffered through . Plus all the programs that I can remember since I was young till now. But every now and again I would here news reports by some one who thinks it is justified, A free handout for past crimes by Americans. It never could get much support or traction . 2008 Obama the communist, Talking CHANGE and covered by the talking heads or his propaganda wings of the talking and print media who covered his communist friends as just acquaintances and the crooks and thieves who have been put in charge of taking American into the communist hands of the elitist defeatist party. How many things these guys have taken over all in the name of change small and large business that have been demonized as has free market principles in general.While they lifted up Saul Alinsky to there party along with Mao tse tung and his murderous regime of change look Anita Dunn Clinton and pick a Czar who talks of how great this waste of life was such a hero. Kevin Jones Rev. Wright . And now with all the American opposition to health care crooks. Who by any means will attempt to pass there bill that will take over 1/6 of our economy and they say they have no plans to take over or drive out the insurance companies. Who have been demonized as crooks by the real crooks Obama Party. What is the rush? What do cap and tax and health care reform global warming or climate change all have in common. More cash to use. For what social experiments ? For who? minorities black brown white yellow who?
Health care for who ? How many really have no health care and why do they not have health care ? Me personally I think this is a little slave reparations and a big chunk of communist take over by Obama. After all he is going down in history as a one hit wonder so he plans on taking over as much as he can health care, Amnesty for illegal immigrants adding 20 more million illegal Americans and families to health care cost and the icing on the cake yes Cap and Tax taking over all aspects not all ready take over by health care. The fake climate change bill and EPA ruling on Co2 all in the name of Taking more money from those who contribute and giving it to those who do not slave reparations. What else can it be but slave repartions. And making slaves of us who bust our butt to get ahead . Welcome to the new Slave owners the Elitist defeatist party of Uncle Tom Obama glad I will be fighting this bill and those Democrates who think they are above us working class slaves .Call your Congress person and Senators now email them and see where they stand.Fight for all those Americans who have died defending the liberty that Obama and his party are taking away with this take over of our country by the communist. So sad that they are taking this chance for real progress and have it instead turned it into communist goals of taking american into the sewer of communism with a little help from those who have been victims for there whole lives these are my thoughts on the direction we are being steered down this path by the elitist defeatist party of liers Paladin kcs
The Elitist defeatist party of Uncle Tom Obama health care reform communist take over of banking and the largest financial institutions in America Car companies and Power companies Student loans Health Care and expanding the IRS. I have always believed that race was not a good reason to hate someone or look down on someone. After all they had no choice of who there parents were any more then the rest of us did luck of the draw, or a shot in the dark as it were. Besides that I have met great people of all races and creeds defending our country.
I have never believed in slave reparations having always thought no person alive to day had any thing too do with slavery and no person a live to day was ever a slave. I have always thought after looking at all the countries of Africa and the poverty they live with every day and learning in history class the history of slavery and how it came to be and how we as a country got rid of it in our civil war.I was always proud that we and the Americans righted a wrong , Since then we have had Welfare, Inner City programs by the socialist to destroy the black family. Family planning centers Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Actions plans this is not a history of all the programs for blacks this is just my quick thoughts of why I never thought slave reparations was justified for something that no one alive today suffered through . Plus all the programs that I can remember since I was young till now. But every now and again I would here news reports by some one who thinks it is justified, A free handout for past crimes by Americans. It never could get much support or traction . 2008 Obama the communist, Talking CHANGE and covered by the talking heads or his propaganda wings of the talking and print media who covered his communist friends as just acquaintances and the crooks and thieves who have been put in charge of taking American into the communist hands of the elitist defeatist party. How many things these guys have taken over all in the name of change small and large business that have been demonized as has free market principles in general.While they lifted up Saul Alinsky to there party along with Mao tse tung and his murderous regime of change look Anita Dunn Clinton and pick a Czar who talks of how great this waste of life was such a hero. Kevin Jones Rev. Wright . And now with all the American opposition to health care crooks. Who by any means will attempt to pass there bill that will take over 1/6 of our economy and they say they have no plans to take over or drive out the insurance companies. Who have been demonized as crooks by the real crooks Obama Party. What is the rush? What do cap and tax and health care reform global warming or climate change all have in common. More cash to use. For what social experiments ? For who? minorities black brown white yellow who?
Health care for who ? How many really have no health care and why do they not have health care ? Me personally I think this is a little slave reparations and a big chunk of communist take over by Obama. After all he is going down in history as a one hit wonder so he plans on taking over as much as he can health care, Amnesty for illegal immigrants adding 20 more million illegal Americans and families to health care cost and the icing on the cake yes Cap and Tax taking over all aspects not all ready take over by health care. The fake climate change bill and EPA ruling on Co2 all in the name of Taking more money from those who contribute and giving it to those who do not slave reparations. What else can it be but slave repartions. And making slaves of us who bust our butt to get ahead . Welcome to the new Slave owners the Elitist defeatist party of Uncle Tom Obama glad I will be fighting this bill and those Democrates who think they are above us working class slaves .Call your Congress person and Senators now email them and see where they stand.Fight for all those Americans who have died defending the liberty that Obama and his party are taking away with this take over of our country by the communist. So sad that they are taking this chance for real progress and have it instead turned it into communist goals of taking american into the sewer of communism with a little help from those who have been victims for there whole lives these are my thoughts on the direction we are being steered down this path by the elitist defeatist party of liers Paladin kcs
Monday, February 22, 2010
Uncle Tom Obama attacks Employees of Toyota,WHY?
Big investigation of Toyota by Elitist defeatist in the name of Safety and legal concerns or some other over riding concerns Toyota has the best product out there except maybe Honda Motors,for safety for quality and customer satisfaction so why all the Propaganda over Toyota now.
This is why Governments should never own private corporation's.Much less take sides between workers and Private industry.Now that the Obama administration owns much of Gm, and Chrysler, and is lock step with UAW , How can Toyota get a fair shake?, Is this token investigation being done as a result of real concerns about safety by Toyota. Or as a favor to unions or are they trying to sell more of there Autos.Is this why they have stuck some token liberal re pucks on this panel.How will we ever know ? As we have seen with global warming the media cannot be trusted to be unbiased.They like the elitist defeatist party have pick a side. And its not with the American people. Its with the elitist defeatist party. Not in step with the vast majority of the public. Just as with Health care how will the Government rate its self I'm sure it will.Are they always going to say that they are doing a bang up job. What will we think about our care, Who will we complain too? Some board of paper pushers the media thanks for the Change. I would rather take my chance with the company I have now I have no complaint's. So fix something that is broken not my health care fix the legal system that is driving up health care cost fix regulations that keeps cost up so people get there share of the pie that being anyone who gets payments that was not involved in my treatment .Now do you see why employers are not hiring how many thousand will be laid -off due the hype in the propaganda channels of the zombie box and talking heads. There are a lot of attacks against Obama I would like to say a lot of them are fake but more and more are well deserved I think even the impression of going after private business for any of the above reason is enough to make them think twice unless they have proof of some wrong doing watch the results of hearings . Just as with Eric Holder and the Black panthers in Philly. It gives the impression that they have chosen a side as I have said if there were KKK or skin heads or Aryan brother hood members out side of a voting place the networks and Justice Department would have been up there butt holes looking for evidence but not when its black panthers even today watch the Utube video and tell me there was no evidence. Now watch the dog and pony show unfold and tell me that Obama is not against employee's how many thousands will be laid- off. What is next and who is next target for losing more jobs." Banks wall street health insurance companies more car companies in an attempt to bring unions into the factories UAW after all did such a good job with Government motors bringing the company down to where we are at now. Why is employment going to keep going up ask Uncle Tom Obama who side he is really on brass knuckles politics Chicago Mafia no its the elitist defeatist party of communist take over nothing more crisis politics Glen Becks said that both sides like to spend but one side likes to raise taxes at the same time one side is pro jobs and employees and one is not they say they are but they are only for them selves. Janet Big SIS as she is called Napolitano say she is looking at home grown terrorist more now. Maybe this is why the Muslim radicals keep getting away with there attacks your too busy looking for the vast right wing conspiracy. If not why did you not just come out and say who? Since you wanted to put the impression in peoples mind that you are looking at WHO Tea Parties Conservatives or just leave it to people to fill in the big hole after all you just want Headlines. Feeling neglected there big sis well Obama does that to all people The Country as a whole is feeling buyers remorse and neglected till next time buy Toyota this is still America and if we do not support workers and the people who hire workers we will all be slaves to the Elitist defeatist Party of Uncle Tom Obama. Paladin kcs
Big investigation of Toyota by Elitist defeatist in the name of Safety and legal concerns or some other over riding concerns Toyota has the best product out there except maybe Honda Motors,for safety for quality and customer satisfaction so why all the Propaganda over Toyota now.
This is why Governments should never own private corporation's.Much less take sides between workers and Private industry.Now that the Obama administration owns much of Gm, and Chrysler, and is lock step with UAW , How can Toyota get a fair shake?, Is this token investigation being done as a result of real concerns about safety by Toyota. Or as a favor to unions or are they trying to sell more of there Autos.Is this why they have stuck some token liberal re pucks on this panel.How will we ever know ? As we have seen with global warming the media cannot be trusted to be unbiased.They like the elitist defeatist party have pick a side. And its not with the American people. Its with the elitist defeatist party. Not in step with the vast majority of the public. Just as with Health care how will the Government rate its self I'm sure it will.Are they always going to say that they are doing a bang up job. What will we think about our care, Who will we complain too? Some board of paper pushers the media thanks for the Change. I would rather take my chance with the company I have now I have no complaint's. So fix something that is broken not my health care fix the legal system that is driving up health care cost fix regulations that keeps cost up so people get there share of the pie that being anyone who gets payments that was not involved in my treatment .Now do you see why employers are not hiring how many thousand will be laid -off due the hype in the propaganda channels of the zombie box and talking heads. There are a lot of attacks against Obama I would like to say a lot of them are fake but more and more are well deserved I think even the impression of going after private business for any of the above reason is enough to make them think twice unless they have proof of some wrong doing watch the results of hearings . Just as with Eric Holder and the Black panthers in Philly. It gives the impression that they have chosen a side as I have said if there were KKK or skin heads or Aryan brother hood members out side of a voting place the networks and Justice Department would have been up there butt holes looking for evidence but not when its black panthers even today watch the Utube video and tell me there was no evidence. Now watch the dog and pony show unfold and tell me that Obama is not against employee's how many thousands will be laid- off. What is next and who is next target for losing more jobs." Banks wall street health insurance companies more car companies in an attempt to bring unions into the factories UAW after all did such a good job with Government motors bringing the company down to where we are at now. Why is employment going to keep going up ask Uncle Tom Obama who side he is really on brass knuckles politics Chicago Mafia no its the elitist defeatist party of communist take over nothing more crisis politics Glen Becks said that both sides like to spend but one side likes to raise taxes at the same time one side is pro jobs and employees and one is not they say they are but they are only for them selves. Janet Big SIS as she is called Napolitano say she is looking at home grown terrorist more now. Maybe this is why the Muslim radicals keep getting away with there attacks your too busy looking for the vast right wing conspiracy. If not why did you not just come out and say who? Since you wanted to put the impression in peoples mind that you are looking at WHO Tea Parties Conservatives or just leave it to people to fill in the big hole after all you just want Headlines. Feeling neglected there big sis well Obama does that to all people The Country as a whole is feeling buyers remorse and neglected till next time buy Toyota this is still America and if we do not support workers and the people who hire workers we will all be slaves to the Elitist defeatist Party of Uncle Tom Obama. Paladin kcs
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Better to have been the worst President in history then not to have been one at all!
Right off the bat, let me say to the Uncle Tom Obama and his band of merry thieves,communist loving administration and liars of Global cooling /Global warming/ and finally Global climate change of the elitist defeatist party," At last there is no discussion about it. IT was a hoax and an attempt at a giant Ponzi scheme called CAP AND TAX." Hope that the conservative party is learning something here. Conservatives should now take this whole discussion and subject and run with it. Like I have said many times in this blog. Who breaks up items like these for Communist left and this for the Repucks? I have written yes we can do better at taking care of mother earth and do so in a realistic way. But also with our economy in mind and the jobs that go with a strong economy and free market ideals for most in mind. Jobs can be created in this field just not the ways that the clowns of the elitist defeatist party are trying to do it.. Government does not create jobs- it blots government only bigger bigger. The private sector creates jobs based on demand of services or products that make a profit. More dollars in then going out. Taxes cut into profit; reduce taxes and more profit allows companies to expand. That is if there is enough of a demand and the company remains a lean mean profit making machine it will expand.States who toll roads cut into profits. States who raise tax on energy or fuel cut into profits. The bottom line is profit.Companies who make a good profit grow if demand stays high for services or goods.Taxes are always passed on to consumers after all factors are taking into consideration competition being foremost. So when Uncle Tom Obama said during the election that he will tax the fuel producers and people clapped and cheered, I knew our country was in trouble.States who follow the not being a victim mode and provide limited services are the states who are in the black- those like California and New York filled to the brim with victims are sliding into the abyss. New York should be ashamed that they have fallen into the victim trap. After all, Alexander Hamilton warned them in the beginning of their formation as a state. California never had such a person until Ronald Reagan stepped up to the plate. It's a shame they failed to learn the lessons he taught, but history is full of failed lessons.EPA in early blogs I covered the Lisa Jackson end run around Congress and the people of America and why she has classified Co2 as a dangerous chemical. It is so she can regulate America and fund their elitist defeatist ideals of social experiments and communist take over of our society. But with their attempt to take control of society comes twenty class action law suits. But this will not deter them because trillions of tax dollars are at stake and only Science can save the American people. But we all know now how science cannot be trusted when dollars are involved.Tea parties and media bashing and communist attempts to infiltrate groups tea party groups that stand against higher taxes, tea :tax enough already. It's not a racist group.It's men and women of all races and ages that are tired of the status quo by both parties. The elitist defeatist party they are the propaganda merchants who try to subvert the message with hate,lies, and greed. They are corrupt groups looking for something for nothing.Acorn, (Victims) Seiu, (Something for nothing) All of them are supporting the elitist defeatist along with all the rest of those so called victims women groups or should I say women groups for the communist left not women, Unless you agree with their politics that is. More info if you can stomach the article 12 pages of compost or worst- toilet paper-in history next to green leaves.Here is the name of the story; Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right. By New York Times 15 Feb 2010 Daivid Barstow. 12 pages of wasted space could only make it to page four my self. Comments where filled. Hope you have stronger stomach then me.Last thing is this so called worrying about DEBT. By Uncle Tom Obama will not be long now before 100% of our GDP total earning of the country will not be able to cover the Debt. Its better late then never but he should have started on this before throwing money at his buddies. Where was the worry when these programs where being debated? Tarp 1 wasted money and all money following wasted money no accounting no worries then Blame Bush Bush. Reid, Pelosi, and the rest of the elitist defeatist party have had control of Congress and the Senator for quite sometime now but they still blame Bush and they will continue to blame Bush. But it's their job now. Cut spending, cut programs that create victims with no pride and no sense of accomplishment.This is America we make no excuses for being America we have helped and given more then anyone else.Last thing before I get this posted . I just heard they are saying on MSNBC this guy who flew his plane into the IRS building for what ever reason must have been A member of the right wing. Well attacks from Muslims and one wacky female college professor must be connected to the left and I'll wager she watched MSNBC and there to the left of no one and it must have been a contributing factor to her killing spree.
Paladin kcs
Right off the bat, let me say to the Uncle Tom Obama and his band of merry thieves,communist loving administration and liars of Global cooling /Global warming/ and finally Global climate change of the elitist defeatist party," At last there is no discussion about it. IT was a hoax and an attempt at a giant Ponzi scheme called CAP AND TAX." Hope that the conservative party is learning something here. Conservatives should now take this whole discussion and subject and run with it. Like I have said many times in this blog. Who breaks up items like these for Communist left and this for the Repucks? I have written yes we can do better at taking care of mother earth and do so in a realistic way. But also with our economy in mind and the jobs that go with a strong economy and free market ideals for most in mind. Jobs can be created in this field just not the ways that the clowns of the elitist defeatist party are trying to do it.. Government does not create jobs- it blots government only bigger bigger. The private sector creates jobs based on demand of services or products that make a profit. More dollars in then going out. Taxes cut into profit; reduce taxes and more profit allows companies to expand. That is if there is enough of a demand and the company remains a lean mean profit making machine it will expand.States who toll roads cut into profits. States who raise tax on energy or fuel cut into profits. The bottom line is profit.Companies who make a good profit grow if demand stays high for services or goods.Taxes are always passed on to consumers after all factors are taking into consideration competition being foremost. So when Uncle Tom Obama said during the election that he will tax the fuel producers and people clapped and cheered, I knew our country was in trouble.States who follow the not being a victim mode and provide limited services are the states who are in the black- those like California and New York filled to the brim with victims are sliding into the abyss. New York should be ashamed that they have fallen into the victim trap. After all, Alexander Hamilton warned them in the beginning of their formation as a state. California never had such a person until Ronald Reagan stepped up to the plate. It's a shame they failed to learn the lessons he taught, but history is full of failed lessons.EPA in early blogs I covered the Lisa Jackson end run around Congress and the people of America and why she has classified Co2 as a dangerous chemical. It is so she can regulate America and fund their elitist defeatist ideals of social experiments and communist take over of our society. But with their attempt to take control of society comes twenty class action law suits. But this will not deter them because trillions of tax dollars are at stake and only Science can save the American people. But we all know now how science cannot be trusted when dollars are involved.Tea parties and media bashing and communist attempts to infiltrate groups tea party groups that stand against higher taxes, tea :tax enough already. It's not a racist group.It's men and women of all races and ages that are tired of the status quo by both parties. The elitist defeatist party they are the propaganda merchants who try to subvert the message with hate,lies, and greed. They are corrupt groups looking for something for nothing.Acorn, (Victims) Seiu, (Something for nothing) All of them are supporting the elitist defeatist along with all the rest of those so called victims women groups or should I say women groups for the communist left not women, Unless you agree with their politics that is. More info if you can stomach the article 12 pages of compost or worst- toilet paper-in history next to green leaves.Here is the name of the story; Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right. By New York Times 15 Feb 2010 Daivid Barstow. 12 pages of wasted space could only make it to page four my self. Comments where filled. Hope you have stronger stomach then me.Last thing is this so called worrying about DEBT. By Uncle Tom Obama will not be long now before 100% of our GDP total earning of the country will not be able to cover the Debt. Its better late then never but he should have started on this before throwing money at his buddies. Where was the worry when these programs where being debated? Tarp 1 wasted money and all money following wasted money no accounting no worries then Blame Bush Bush. Reid, Pelosi, and the rest of the elitist defeatist party have had control of Congress and the Senator for quite sometime now but they still blame Bush and they will continue to blame Bush. But it's their job now. Cut spending, cut programs that create victims with no pride and no sense of accomplishment.This is America we make no excuses for being America we have helped and given more then anyone else.Last thing before I get this posted . I just heard they are saying on MSNBC this guy who flew his plane into the IRS building for what ever reason must have been A member of the right wing. Well attacks from Muslims and one wacky female college professor must be connected to the left and I'll wager she watched MSNBC and there to the left of no one and it must have been a contributing factor to her killing spree.
Paladin kcs
Friday, February 12, 2010
Communist talk of coming to middle Lier lier and other bits of stupidity!
First Toyota is still the best company for lack of recalls , But you would not know this with all the Government and Media blast aim at Toyota but this can easily be account for when you look at UNCLE TOM OBAMA communist supporter and Unions like UAW, Could it be the UAW wants more people in there union from TOYOTA .I mean Look at GM; Government Motors record on recalls well first we have to look at those few they sell since being taken over by the Government OK throw out all stuff after Obama took over. OK lets just use FORD. If the Government had not went after Toyota I would have most likely went with a Ford since I was a life time GM owner and refuse to buy from Government motors in fact have pretty much boycotted anything pushing communism down are throats, TV, Magazines and Newspapers. Any mention of the communist agenda in them I did not renew, and or canceled them outright. Now since the government bashing of Toyota I have something to spend my money on besides the coming taxes and inflation this Idiot will be leaving us on his way out come 2012. Thanks to those few Governors who have just now started to come to the defense of this big employer in four states they are more an AMERICAN car company them Government Motors is . Next item J.Biden says that Iraq is a great Achievement of Uncle TOM Obama administration Joe Biden is an Idiot and always say stupid things this is an out and out lie and he thinks that we the people are as stupid as he and his party of elitist defeatist not even close more people are waking up to there tricks and lies and thievery of money hope and capitalism. Biden will not be on the Ticket come 2012 as I said in earlier blogs he is always stepping on his you know what Obama has to keep him on a short leash. Hillary on the other hand will be a set up for the Elitist defeatist party to hold on past Uncle tom Obama should he steal another election using acorn and black panthers and SEIU and other unions thinking they will get something for nothing .
Attacks on Palin by talking heads is laughable over righting on her hand key points when Uncle Tom Obama need a teleprompter to talk to school children its one thing to need notes to hit key points its another. Palin is not perfect and may not be the smartest but she is way better and smart then Uncle TOM or Hillary Look at Obama having to rely on Teleprompters for each word that has been tested and studied for effect . Palin pisses elitist defeatist party off so much because she talks from the heart and talk to people not at them like the rest of these so called politicians. She's not polished at lieing.
Last thing is the attacks on Tea parties and on the United States in general first 911 is being blamed by nuts and kooks on the United States Much as Climate change is being blamed on this latest snow storm the Giant Ponzi scheme they are pushing is not on wheels anymore but still they try to push it anyway email gate and Penn state stories do not make head line new on the zombie box but yes we still know the truth 911 was Clinton policies are at fault and yes we know Uncle Tom is following those very same policies Miranda rights for terrorist police actions and wiping out the military's funding and manning same as Clinton yes we know all about how many Army Divisions and Air Force squadrons you cut . But the Elitist defeatist party thinks we do not know about it. Yes and there trying the same thing with the melt down of the economy
who to blame the Elitist defeatist party of course. Uncle tom and his communist doctrine have done more harm then even all the spending by the Rino Republicans could ever have done.
Do your self and your family a good thing plant a garden this year and protect your self from the coming inflation of these clowns join me in tea party movements and boycott anything this communist administration is pushing at us till next time be safe and remember this is American and we will overcome because we must and because we are Americans who can overcome anything when we work together. Join me in our boycott of all things pushing this agenda down are throats TV Newpapers Magazines interi net sites drop me a comment if you can till next time Paladin kcs
First Toyota is still the best company for lack of recalls , But you would not know this with all the Government and Media blast aim at Toyota but this can easily be account for when you look at UNCLE TOM OBAMA communist supporter and Unions like UAW, Could it be the UAW wants more people in there union from TOYOTA .I mean Look at GM; Government Motors record on recalls well first we have to look at those few they sell since being taken over by the Government OK throw out all stuff after Obama took over. OK lets just use FORD. If the Government had not went after Toyota I would have most likely went with a Ford since I was a life time GM owner and refuse to buy from Government motors in fact have pretty much boycotted anything pushing communism down are throats, TV, Magazines and Newspapers. Any mention of the communist agenda in them I did not renew, and or canceled them outright. Now since the government bashing of Toyota I have something to spend my money on besides the coming taxes and inflation this Idiot will be leaving us on his way out come 2012. Thanks to those few Governors who have just now started to come to the defense of this big employer in four states they are more an AMERICAN car company them Government Motors is . Next item J.Biden says that Iraq is a great Achievement of Uncle TOM Obama administration Joe Biden is an Idiot and always say stupid things this is an out and out lie and he thinks that we the people are as stupid as he and his party of elitist defeatist not even close more people are waking up to there tricks and lies and thievery of money hope and capitalism. Biden will not be on the Ticket come 2012 as I said in earlier blogs he is always stepping on his you know what Obama has to keep him on a short leash. Hillary on the other hand will be a set up for the Elitist defeatist party to hold on past Uncle tom Obama should he steal another election using acorn and black panthers and SEIU and other unions thinking they will get something for nothing .
Attacks on Palin by talking heads is laughable over righting on her hand key points when Uncle Tom Obama need a teleprompter to talk to school children its one thing to need notes to hit key points its another. Palin is not perfect and may not be the smartest but she is way better and smart then Uncle TOM or Hillary Look at Obama having to rely on Teleprompters for each word that has been tested and studied for effect . Palin pisses elitist defeatist party off so much because she talks from the heart and talk to people not at them like the rest of these so called politicians. She's not polished at lieing.
Last thing is the attacks on Tea parties and on the United States in general first 911 is being blamed by nuts and kooks on the United States Much as Climate change is being blamed on this latest snow storm the Giant Ponzi scheme they are pushing is not on wheels anymore but still they try to push it anyway email gate and Penn state stories do not make head line new on the zombie box but yes we still know the truth 911 was Clinton policies are at fault and yes we know Uncle Tom is following those very same policies Miranda rights for terrorist police actions and wiping out the military's funding and manning same as Clinton yes we know all about how many Army Divisions and Air Force squadrons you cut . But the Elitist defeatist party thinks we do not know about it. Yes and there trying the same thing with the melt down of the economy
who to blame the Elitist defeatist party of course. Uncle tom and his communist doctrine have done more harm then even all the spending by the Rino Republicans could ever have done.
Do your self and your family a good thing plant a garden this year and protect your self from the coming inflation of these clowns join me in tea party movements and boycott anything this communist administration is pushing at us till next time be safe and remember this is American and we will overcome because we must and because we are Americans who can overcome anything when we work together. Join me in our boycott of all things pushing this agenda down are throats TV Newpapers Magazines interi net sites drop me a comment if you can till next time Paladin kcs
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
White wash Propaganda anything but the truth.
Well Since last we met here's : All that is goings on in Uncle Toms Obama land of make believe.
Fort Hood report of massacre comes out filled with white wash clean no word of radical Muslims teaching in fact no word about radical Muslims at all. This guy should be taken out and hung from the nearest tree like the traitor he is Mass murderer . Like his so call religion of peace . But since there have been a total of Eight such attacks in the last Seven months of course the Obama Propaganda machine and his attorney general giving the terrorist Miranda right including the untie bomber who tryed to kill ever man women and child on the flight to Michigan. The Plane had not even quit rolling and these clown were reading his Miranda rights and I'll bet all kinds of useful information was gotten after his questioning for what must have seem forever not close 50 minutes yes 50 I'll bet his lawyer was laughing all the way to the bank look at all the free advertising he will be getting
and if any one says anything he can always say : We are all entitled to be considered innocent till proven guilty in a court of law. One problem with that he should not be in a court of law he has no rights he should have been taken to any military base tried convicted and shot or hung. But that brings me to my last little bit of sun shine should have known from the State of the Union speech that this was coming you know the part where his American hating wife is working to help Military families like she helped the poor in Chicago find a better Hospital well a clinic or something as long as it was not her hospital that she sat on the board. This whole story was for cover after all slick Willie Clinton decimated the Army and Air force . Now this Uncle Tom Obama will finish the job with getting rid of Don't ask Don't tell but that was the whole reason they had his wife say she was going to help military families . Gates and most of the military People this clown has appointed are yes sir boss man we be doing what ever you be wanting YES Men Generals and REAR Admirals . Just like his safe school Czar phonies is it any wonder we have become the target of all radical Muslims whats to fear are jails are better then there home life and worst case they become a martyred 21` virgins and all that crap. Uncle Tom and band of elitist defeatist could not protect the White House how will they protect the People of this America they will not they have not got a clue on anything other then bashing the United States and blaming BUSH so get ready folks trouble is coming be ready for lost of Americans just hope it's not to bad for the sake of those who will mourn there losses. Who will bare the responsibility for the loss of life and the CHANGE Not the CHANGE we had in mind Paladin kcs
Well Since last we met here's : All that is goings on in Uncle Toms Obama land of make believe.
Fort Hood report of massacre comes out filled with white wash clean no word of radical Muslims teaching in fact no word about radical Muslims at all. This guy should be taken out and hung from the nearest tree like the traitor he is Mass murderer . Like his so call religion of peace . But since there have been a total of Eight such attacks in the last Seven months of course the Obama Propaganda machine and his attorney general giving the terrorist Miranda right including the untie bomber who tryed to kill ever man women and child on the flight to Michigan. The Plane had not even quit rolling and these clown were reading his Miranda rights and I'll bet all kinds of useful information was gotten after his questioning for what must have seem forever not close 50 minutes yes 50 I'll bet his lawyer was laughing all the way to the bank look at all the free advertising he will be getting
and if any one says anything he can always say : We are all entitled to be considered innocent till proven guilty in a court of law. One problem with that he should not be in a court of law he has no rights he should have been taken to any military base tried convicted and shot or hung. But that brings me to my last little bit of sun shine should have known from the State of the Union speech that this was coming you know the part where his American hating wife is working to help Military families like she helped the poor in Chicago find a better Hospital well a clinic or something as long as it was not her hospital that she sat on the board. This whole story was for cover after all slick Willie Clinton decimated the Army and Air force . Now this Uncle Tom Obama will finish the job with getting rid of Don't ask Don't tell but that was the whole reason they had his wife say she was going to help military families . Gates and most of the military People this clown has appointed are yes sir boss man we be doing what ever you be wanting YES Men Generals and REAR Admirals . Just like his safe school Czar phonies is it any wonder we have become the target of all radical Muslims whats to fear are jails are better then there home life and worst case they become a martyred 21` virgins and all that crap. Uncle Tom and band of elitist defeatist could not protect the White House how will they protect the People of this America they will not they have not got a clue on anything other then bashing the United States and blaming BUSH so get ready folks trouble is coming be ready for lost of Americans just hope it's not to bad for the sake of those who will mourn there losses. Who will bare the responsibility for the loss of life and the CHANGE Not the CHANGE we had in mind Paladin kcs
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Day of State of the Union and its " FUBAR"
Well life a trip and then you die, But in the mean time We are all born the same and we all die the same . What happens in between these two things is between god and ourselves and our loved ones!
Now since the last time eight or ten attacks and the Elitist defeatist party is still handling it like a crime less like an act of war on terrorist. Christmas day bomber or undie bomber has been grilled in an intense 50 minute interview by those sweetheart in the kinder and gentler FBI where care about feelings of people who try to kill men women and children for no reason except to make headlines .Yes lawyer's in this country have it made following in the steps of Attorney General Eric Holder. who's firm made a living defending this scum who hates American but what the heck so do most in the Elitist defeatist party of Uncle TOM Obama. Hey Eric Holder I hear its OK for KKK to hang out side of voting centers and swing bats just like the Black Panthers did in the Ass hole of Pa. Philadelphia which always makes a sucking sound from the rest of the Keystone State. Now moving on too Uncle Tom and his Party of elitist defeatist just got the ideal that we might need some help in the jobs department since he took office about 4 million jobs have went up in smoke green blue, and red brown no jobs of any kind shows he never has had a clue as to what he was doing except reading teleprompters pretty good even at an elementary school. He the great one need to read from yes a teleprompter . Those kids can ask such hard question about the indoctrination they are being fed dumbing down America at it's finest. Scott Brown winning in Kennedy's back yard must say it's the best money I spent this year hope Williams in TX. keeps my run alive he is a real conservative and honest to boot. Thanks be to God for small victories. Health care the elitist defeatist say they will ram it down our throats anyway. I hear tea baggers are going to be set up to help the communist win over the repucks separate and defeat by getting them on record and tear them apart. Divide and conquer and I can tell you from my own tea party there are people already trying to spread trouble in Brown for Massachusetts by send things around to vote for Kennedy no relationship to the Clan who was supposed to be more conservative then Brown. But the voice of others prevailed and of course Brown prevailed. I see Oregon vote to raise the tax on wealthy people and business in there state ,Can you hear that sound of its a mighty wind as those who can leave the state in droves as those who contribute nothing try to take away from those who do bust there butt and pay there bills and stuff besides smoke dope and fart babies out collecting welfare checks and food stamps or what ever the new term is so they donot get their feelings hurt poor pity those who were born with out a good example of what it means to be free, In a free land. But they are slaves to there new masters the elitist defeatist party of keep them stupid and dependent well let see what the great Uncle Tom Obama plans which mask will he pull out of his bag of tricks maybe he might get a few drones to fall for it this time but not as many as a while a go. Till next time we donot conserve we produce we come up with bigger and better way of doing things but tell that to the elitist defeatist party Paladin kcs
Well life a trip and then you die, But in the mean time We are all born the same and we all die the same . What happens in between these two things is between god and ourselves and our loved ones!
Now since the last time eight or ten attacks and the Elitist defeatist party is still handling it like a crime less like an act of war on terrorist. Christmas day bomber or undie bomber has been grilled in an intense 50 minute interview by those sweetheart in the kinder and gentler FBI where care about feelings of people who try to kill men women and children for no reason except to make headlines .Yes lawyer's in this country have it made following in the steps of Attorney General Eric Holder. who's firm made a living defending this scum who hates American but what the heck so do most in the Elitist defeatist party of Uncle TOM Obama. Hey Eric Holder I hear its OK for KKK to hang out side of voting centers and swing bats just like the Black Panthers did in the Ass hole of Pa. Philadelphia which always makes a sucking sound from the rest of the Keystone State. Now moving on too Uncle Tom and his Party of elitist defeatist just got the ideal that we might need some help in the jobs department since he took office about 4 million jobs have went up in smoke green blue, and red brown no jobs of any kind shows he never has had a clue as to what he was doing except reading teleprompters pretty good even at an elementary school. He the great one need to read from yes a teleprompter . Those kids can ask such hard question about the indoctrination they are being fed dumbing down America at it's finest. Scott Brown winning in Kennedy's back yard must say it's the best money I spent this year hope Williams in TX. keeps my run alive he is a real conservative and honest to boot. Thanks be to God for small victories. Health care the elitist defeatist say they will ram it down our throats anyway. I hear tea baggers are going to be set up to help the communist win over the repucks separate and defeat by getting them on record and tear them apart. Divide and conquer and I can tell you from my own tea party there are people already trying to spread trouble in Brown for Massachusetts by send things around to vote for Kennedy no relationship to the Clan who was supposed to be more conservative then Brown. But the voice of others prevailed and of course Brown prevailed. I see Oregon vote to raise the tax on wealthy people and business in there state ,Can you hear that sound of its a mighty wind as those who can leave the state in droves as those who contribute nothing try to take away from those who do bust there butt and pay there bills and stuff besides smoke dope and fart babies out collecting welfare checks and food stamps or what ever the new term is so they donot get their feelings hurt poor pity those who were born with out a good example of what it means to be free, In a free land. But they are slaves to there new masters the elitist defeatist party of keep them stupid and dependent well let see what the great Uncle Tom Obama plans which mask will he pull out of his bag of tricks maybe he might get a few drones to fall for it this time but not as many as a while a go. Till next time we donot conserve we produce we come up with bigger and better way of doing things but tell that to the elitist defeatist party Paladin kcs
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Slick Wille revisited
To the editor: Did you happen to see the movie, "The Blind Side"? It was based on a true story. Also, it brings back memories of what actually happened in this country during the last administration.
When President Clinton left office in 2001, he left behind a government that had a balanced budget with surpluses for several years, and a federal debt that was shrinking and projected to be paid off by 2010.
Unfortunately, in less than four months, the Republican Bush administration passed a huge tax cut that "blind-sided" middle-class taxpayers by giving them a slice of bread while the wealthy got the rest of the loaf.
There hasn't been a balanced federal budget since then, and to make matters worse, the same thing happened again in 2003. Since they only got a slice of bread, is it any wonder why there are so many people who are hungry and without jobs today?
David XXXXXX, Based on a true story. Like what is the definition of (is) as slick willie said and we all know how factual Hollywood is now don't we. There are a select few with bad memory an I know one for sure David.NAFTA,Giving away technology to China Bombing a Christian country into the stone age for defending there borders from Muslim's from Albany. To take peoples minds of the blue dress. Clinton started the housing bubble in 1999 doing away with Glass Steagall act. Uncle Tom Obama Helped along with many other so called heroes of the left Chris Dodd Barney Frank and Acorn and the pieces were in place by the way when Bush left Office deficit was only 588 billion when Uncle Tom Obama leaves it will be 14 or 15 trillion load that into a train it will reach to Chicago from Pa. So David why don't you try spreading the good news about Carter but that's another story now isn't it.By the way he slick Willi balanced the budget on the backs of military and those who died on 9-11 In Bosnia Clinton could not even get off the ramp of his plane I was there then not that I would have went to see him. Do not expect this to see the light of day. But its for myself anyway I will post this in my blog along with your comment .thanks for all you do. paladin kcs
To the editor: Did you happen to see the movie, "The Blind Side"? It was based on a true story. Also, it brings back memories of what actually happened in this country during the last administration.
When President Clinton left office in 2001, he left behind a government that had a balanced budget with surpluses for several years, and a federal debt that was shrinking and projected to be paid off by 2010.
Unfortunately, in less than four months, the Republican Bush administration passed a huge tax cut that "blind-sided" middle-class taxpayers by giving them a slice of bread while the wealthy got the rest of the loaf.
There hasn't been a balanced federal budget since then, and to make matters worse, the same thing happened again in 2003. Since they only got a slice of bread, is it any wonder why there are so many people who are hungry and without jobs today?
David XXXXXX, Based on a true story. Like what is the definition of (is) as slick willie said and we all know how factual Hollywood is now don't we. There are a select few with bad memory an I know one for sure David.NAFTA,Giving away technology to China Bombing a Christian country into the stone age for defending there borders from Muslim's from Albany. To take peoples minds of the blue dress. Clinton started the housing bubble in 1999 doing away with Glass Steagall act. Uncle Tom Obama Helped along with many other so called heroes of the left Chris Dodd Barney Frank and Acorn and the pieces were in place by the way when Bush left Office deficit was only 588 billion when Uncle Tom Obama leaves it will be 14 or 15 trillion load that into a train it will reach to Chicago from Pa. So David why don't you try spreading the good news about Carter but that's another story now isn't it.By the way he slick Willi balanced the budget on the backs of military and those who died on 9-11 In Bosnia Clinton could not even get off the ramp of his plane I was there then not that I would have went to see him. Do not expect this to see the light of day. But its for myself anyway I will post this in my blog along with your comment .thanks for all you do. paladin kcs
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Uncle Tom Obama Jhad on anyone who disagrees with his Elitist Defeatist Party.
Well the right wing radicals and there massive attack conspiracy are at it again and yes I cannot tell a lie it was so ooh good since my last entry I have been trying to see the big picture in what this nut in the big house is up too he always says look here not at the thing we should be looking at. So it not easy to see what they do not want you to see. But after carefully consideration this guy has not got a clue to what he should do other them blame blame blame anyone and everybody about what is going on in the country. This past Monday he came out and said the unemployment was shinking by ever so little and how it was good. Only thing was they lied and lied some more when caught on it they are reworking those numbers even as I write this , They were only off by say a few OK more then a few it was a bunch. Hundreds of thousands to be exact but this is good new for the left this is after all what there goal is to shake the United States to its core.
Look at this Lisa Jackson and EPA now she could not do anything in New Jersey dealing with toxic clean up she took dive after dive dealing with those problems now she does an end run around Congress and no one said a thing other then looking like a street walker selling her wares on some dark corner she says that the year 2009 will be remember for the well for her breathless announcement I'm sure of the EPA plan to regulate Co2 gas. She should start with her own carbon foot print before looking at others but that's not in the plan they and all the other Cap and tax Ponzi Schemers have one goal and one goal only controlling all that they can see and hear because as I have said before he who regulates something controls something just with this move expect people telling you how much Co'2 a single person can contribute and a family same thing Health care death panels control control car companies control heating and power control it the communist way. Media Propaganda control education tell your kids what sick books to read how to fist someone in there Ass.
Well that does bring all the clowns in this government into fist us all weather its taxes or raising and educating our own children.Uncle Tom puts a sick in the mind and soul Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings between him and Arne Duncan as Education Secretary and he wonders why people are worried about his talking to students at school Maybe you Uncle Tom should put your kids with this sick Man but that's right he only goes for Young males so maybe your daughters would be safe unless Jennings has been hiding something from the world either way no thanks keep the change. Read anything on this man and tell me he belongs in a position of telling kids what books they should read. I have taken the red pill and now waiting for the rest of you to wake up and smell the coffee never in the history of the country has it been in so much danger except maybe in the war for Independence from Great Britain.
On dirty little lies from Uncle Tom and his Party like current unemployment rate health care reform and his Party of depraved so called human beings and do not get me going on his budget deficit and the his parties raising the cap on said deficit I will admit that I have become more and more Anti Obama now so more then ever his will go down in history as the dumbest man ever to the highest office in our United States history. And the thing that is even worst is the party of elitist defeatist and all those Obamabots do not see anything I hear them arguing with talk show host on radio from across the land and given all the facts they still choose not to see this is why I thinking that our country is in real trouble the kind I saw in countries around the world this is what diversity get us for get the salad bowl All different but part of the whole its not working people One country one language one history one border culture diversity is killing our country.
How many languages should a voter ballots be in, or driver license test answer 1 English not 20 0r 50 like in California one of the most broke states in the Union but yet all those who messed it up are now fleeing to other states .
Now the illegals will get health care and Medicare no waiting time. While American Seniors
citizens are having there health care rationed. Good job seniors enjoy the party of change. 2nd grader in Ma. suspended from school for drawing a picture of Jesus on the Cross guess he should have drawn something more in line with Uncle Tom Obama's Change like bill and bobby sucking each other off or how messed up the United States is we are the meaning of evil
Last thing before I end the media pushing the 5 Muslism who were just good ole boys caring about kids and familes not the Jihadist looking to kill American soldiers to get there Jihid badge
another case of turn off your tv drones box nothing more freedom is worth more then dancing to the stars and CNN Communist news network Good luck Marry Christmas enjoy the change Paladin kcs
Well the right wing radicals and there massive attack conspiracy are at it again and yes I cannot tell a lie it was so ooh good since my last entry I have been trying to see the big picture in what this nut in the big house is up too he always says look here not at the thing we should be looking at. So it not easy to see what they do not want you to see. But after carefully consideration this guy has not got a clue to what he should do other them blame blame blame anyone and everybody about what is going on in the country. This past Monday he came out and said the unemployment was shinking by ever so little and how it was good. Only thing was they lied and lied some more when caught on it they are reworking those numbers even as I write this , They were only off by say a few OK more then a few it was a bunch. Hundreds of thousands to be exact but this is good new for the left this is after all what there goal is to shake the United States to its core.
Look at this Lisa Jackson and EPA now she could not do anything in New Jersey dealing with toxic clean up she took dive after dive dealing with those problems now she does an end run around Congress and no one said a thing other then looking like a street walker selling her wares on some dark corner she says that the year 2009 will be remember for the well for her breathless announcement I'm sure of the EPA plan to regulate Co2 gas. She should start with her own carbon foot print before looking at others but that's not in the plan they and all the other Cap and tax Ponzi Schemers have one goal and one goal only controlling all that they can see and hear because as I have said before he who regulates something controls something just with this move expect people telling you how much Co'2 a single person can contribute and a family same thing Health care death panels control control car companies control heating and power control it the communist way. Media Propaganda control education tell your kids what sick books to read how to fist someone in there Ass.
Well that does bring all the clowns in this government into fist us all weather its taxes or raising and educating our own children.Uncle Tom puts a sick in the mind and soul Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings between him and Arne Duncan as Education Secretary and he wonders why people are worried about his talking to students at school Maybe you Uncle Tom should put your kids with this sick Man but that's right he only goes for Young males so maybe your daughters would be safe unless Jennings has been hiding something from the world either way no thanks keep the change. Read anything on this man and tell me he belongs in a position of telling kids what books they should read. I have taken the red pill and now waiting for the rest of you to wake up and smell the coffee never in the history of the country has it been in so much danger except maybe in the war for Independence from Great Britain.
On dirty little lies from Uncle Tom and his Party like current unemployment rate health care reform and his Party of depraved so called human beings and do not get me going on his budget deficit and the his parties raising the cap on said deficit I will admit that I have become more and more Anti Obama now so more then ever his will go down in history as the dumbest man ever to the highest office in our United States history. And the thing that is even worst is the party of elitist defeatist and all those Obamabots do not see anything I hear them arguing with talk show host on radio from across the land and given all the facts they still choose not to see this is why I thinking that our country is in real trouble the kind I saw in countries around the world this is what diversity get us for get the salad bowl All different but part of the whole its not working people One country one language one history one border culture diversity is killing our country.
How many languages should a voter ballots be in, or driver license test answer 1 English not 20 0r 50 like in California one of the most broke states in the Union but yet all those who messed it up are now fleeing to other states .
Now the illegals will get health care and Medicare no waiting time. While American Seniors
citizens are having there health care rationed. Good job seniors enjoy the party of change. 2nd grader in Ma. suspended from school for drawing a picture of Jesus on the Cross guess he should have drawn something more in line with Uncle Tom Obama's Change like bill and bobby sucking each other off or how messed up the United States is we are the meaning of evil
Last thing before I end the media pushing the 5 Muslism who were just good ole boys caring about kids and familes not the Jihadist looking to kill American soldiers to get there Jihid badge
another case of turn off your tv drones box nothing more freedom is worth more then dancing to the stars and CNN Communist news network Good luck Marry Christmas enjoy the change Paladin kcs
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fort Hood soldiers target for another Muslim looking for his Jhad medal
Propaganda is as I have been writing about for the last year is what news has became the so called media is busy as are the Elitist defeatist Party that being the party of Uncle TOM Obama and his drones and Obamabots wanting us to believe that a Muslim killing fellow soldiers yelling Allah Akbar did it because he was sick in the mind, But yet he had the for thought to take a bunch of weapons training by the military because we all know how much of a demand the Army places on Psychiatrist to be crack killers of unarmed fellow soldiers. But if you listen to the news stories you have Uncle Tom and his Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey and the yes man Secretary of the Army Gates all saying do not rush to judgement well a turd is a turd when it looks like a turd smell like a turd and all three of the above are lying turds what was on this guys door what did it say? I hope the state of TX. Fries this piece of Crap on the express rail to hell and those who failed to act for fear.Hope your future is filled with thoughts of what you could have stopped, If only you had acted against the Elitist defeatist .
Next those people who keep planning these so called tea Parties and march'es on DC . Have you give any thought to maybe stop rushing them and post an advance warning say for say six months down the road so people can make plans and have one massive protest that cannot be propagandized in how small or big it was how about around the headquarters of CNN Communist network of news and make believe News MSNBC that way those in the south can all go to CNN and the rest to MSNBC just make sure its a success by inviting FOX and the rest of the talking heads are invited to attend . Health Care and the freedom of all is at stake down . If they get this next will be cap and tax this is America dam it we do not need communist running our country any more they should be thrown out of office and then jailed for treason. Destroying in less then a year what has stood for more then two hundred as a beacon of freedom long live America. Till next time do not believe the Propaganda if its a turd call it a turd Paladin kcs
Propaganda is as I have been writing about for the last year is what news has became the so called media is busy as are the Elitist defeatist Party that being the party of Uncle TOM Obama and his drones and Obamabots wanting us to believe that a Muslim killing fellow soldiers yelling Allah Akbar did it because he was sick in the mind, But yet he had the for thought to take a bunch of weapons training by the military because we all know how much of a demand the Army places on Psychiatrist to be crack killers of unarmed fellow soldiers. But if you listen to the news stories you have Uncle Tom and his Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey and the yes man Secretary of the Army Gates all saying do not rush to judgement well a turd is a turd when it looks like a turd smell like a turd and all three of the above are lying turds what was on this guys door what did it say? I hope the state of TX. Fries this piece of Crap on the express rail to hell and those who failed to act for fear.Hope your future is filled with thoughts of what you could have stopped, If only you had acted against the Elitist defeatist .
Next those people who keep planning these so called tea Parties and march'es on DC . Have you give any thought to maybe stop rushing them and post an advance warning say for say six months down the road so people can make plans and have one massive protest that cannot be propagandized in how small or big it was how about around the headquarters of CNN Communist network of news and make believe News MSNBC that way those in the south can all go to CNN and the rest to MSNBC just make sure its a success by inviting FOX and the rest of the talking heads are invited to attend . Health Care and the freedom of all is at stake down . If they get this next will be cap and tax this is America dam it we do not need communist running our country any more they should be thrown out of office and then jailed for treason. Destroying in less then a year what has stood for more then two hundred as a beacon of freedom long live America. Till next time do not believe the Propaganda if its a turd call it a turd Paladin kcs
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Keystone to the Heartland
conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.
Paladin kcs

- Keystone To The Heartland
- United States
- world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting