Today and all this week I have watched day after day attacks on tea party members and any one else who disagrees with Obama or his elitist defeatist party. Using lies and deceit and the same old videos that show nothing except a guy who has his hands up yelling at a congressman who it turns out said the guy spit on him, They throw lies of Grandma and Grandpa and all the other Americans as racist and haters of Obama because he is only half white. The left wing Propaganda keeps this going story after story. I want to go after these Propaganda Machines using the tactics of the left there sponsors first to find out who they are and second inform them of the plans to boycott them and picket them by any and all American who stands for truth and not the deceit of lies and intimidation of being called a racist for hating all the red ink and debt this clown has given us contact me if your willing to stand with tea parties and any other American who thinks this is crazy. We unlike our leftist attackers have and or had work our whole lives we are the buying power not the left they support. Paladin kcs
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Blame game continues, Further down the hole we go
On latest unemployment bill extenstion blame the repub. For pay as you go !
The communist keep fanning the flames of discontent. It's always someone else's fault. Welfare for all no budget and down the elitist defeatist parties road to full welfare state of being dependent on someone else's work who needs slave reparations. The middleclass of course , No tax increases take a look down the road . Anyone who ever visited a communist country always said it was like going to a country that was in black and white and long lines of rationing even for such things as bread and toilet paper that is our future. Those that are complaining about forcing Uncle Tom Obama elitist defeatist party to be smart and use the funds that have not already been wasted or stolen by there lack of any kind of business practices . Our country is going the wrong way job cannot be created in his backward way of doing business and pretty soon they will not have the money too do anything anyway so. Keep believing that you are getting something for nothing and in the end are country will be nothing. But that's what the communist want blame the guy who is trying to stop the madness not those who are causing it. Tea party grandma's and grandpa's and maybe your neighbors are the radicals the Propaganda wing of Obama will keep the kool aid coming. Prince Harry and Queen Pelosi will fly home knowing they have you bought and paid for cheap. When you figure this out that there were those that try ed to inform you and they were called radicals tell your children that you were tricked and didn't see this no one warned you and that you believe the Government paladin kcs
On latest unemployment bill extenstion blame the repub. For pay as you go !
The communist keep fanning the flames of discontent. It's always someone else's fault. Welfare for all no budget and down the elitist defeatist parties road to full welfare state of being dependent on someone else's work who needs slave reparations. The middleclass of course , No tax increases take a look down the road . Anyone who ever visited a communist country always said it was like going to a country that was in black and white and long lines of rationing even for such things as bread and toilet paper that is our future. Those that are complaining about forcing Uncle Tom Obama elitist defeatist party to be smart and use the funds that have not already been wasted or stolen by there lack of any kind of business practices . Our country is going the wrong way job cannot be created in his backward way of doing business and pretty soon they will not have the money too do anything anyway so. Keep believing that you are getting something for nothing and in the end are country will be nothing. But that's what the communist want blame the guy who is trying to stop the madness not those who are causing it. Tea party grandma's and grandpa's and maybe your neighbors are the radicals the Propaganda wing of Obama will keep the kool aid coming. Prince Harry and Queen Pelosi will fly home knowing they have you bought and paid for cheap. When you figure this out that there were those that try ed to inform you and they were called radicals tell your children that you were tricked and didn't see this no one warned you and that you believe the Government paladin kcs
Friday, March 19, 2010
Slave reparations and Uncle Tom Obama
The Elitist defeatist party of Uncle Tom Obama health care reform communist take over of banking and the largest financial institutions in America Car companies and Power companies Student loans Health Care and expanding the IRS. I have always believed that race was not a good reason to hate someone or look down on someone. After all they had no choice of who there parents were any more then the rest of us did luck of the draw, or a shot in the dark as it were. Besides that I have met great people of all races and creeds defending our country.
I have never believed in slave reparations having always thought no person alive to day had any thing too do with slavery and no person a live to day was ever a slave. I have always thought after looking at all the countries of Africa and the poverty they live with every day and learning in history class the history of slavery and how it came to be and how we as a country got rid of it in our civil war.I was always proud that we and the Americans righted a wrong , Since then we have had Welfare, Inner City programs by the socialist to destroy the black family. Family planning centers Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Actions plans this is not a history of all the programs for blacks this is just my quick thoughts of why I never thought slave reparations was justified for something that no one alive today suffered through . Plus all the programs that I can remember since I was young till now. But every now and again I would here news reports by some one who thinks it is justified, A free handout for past crimes by Americans. It never could get much support or traction . 2008 Obama the communist, Talking CHANGE and covered by the talking heads or his propaganda wings of the talking and print media who covered his communist friends as just acquaintances and the crooks and thieves who have been put in charge of taking American into the communist hands of the elitist defeatist party. How many things these guys have taken over all in the name of change small and large business that have been demonized as has free market principles in general.While they lifted up Saul Alinsky to there party along with Mao tse tung and his murderous regime of change look Anita Dunn Clinton and pick a Czar who talks of how great this waste of life was such a hero. Kevin Jones Rev. Wright . And now with all the American opposition to health care crooks. Who by any means will attempt to pass there bill that will take over 1/6 of our economy and they say they have no plans to take over or drive out the insurance companies. Who have been demonized as crooks by the real crooks Obama Party. What is the rush? What do cap and tax and health care reform global warming or climate change all have in common. More cash to use. For what social experiments ? For who? minorities black brown white yellow who?
Health care for who ? How many really have no health care and why do they not have health care ? Me personally I think this is a little slave reparations and a big chunk of communist take over by Obama. After all he is going down in history as a one hit wonder so he plans on taking over as much as he can health care, Amnesty for illegal immigrants adding 20 more million illegal Americans and families to health care cost and the icing on the cake yes Cap and Tax taking over all aspects not all ready take over by health care. The fake climate change bill and EPA ruling on Co2 all in the name of Taking more money from those who contribute and giving it to those who do not slave reparations. What else can it be but slave repartions. And making slaves of us who bust our butt to get ahead . Welcome to the new Slave owners the Elitist defeatist party of Uncle Tom Obama glad I will be fighting this bill and those Democrates who think they are above us working class slaves .Call your Congress person and Senators now email them and see where they stand.Fight for all those Americans who have died defending the liberty that Obama and his party are taking away with this take over of our country by the communist. So sad that they are taking this chance for real progress and have it instead turned it into communist goals of taking american into the sewer of communism with a little help from those who have been victims for there whole lives these are my thoughts on the direction we are being steered down this path by the elitist defeatist party of liers Paladin kcs
The Elitist defeatist party of Uncle Tom Obama health care reform communist take over of banking and the largest financial institutions in America Car companies and Power companies Student loans Health Care and expanding the IRS. I have always believed that race was not a good reason to hate someone or look down on someone. After all they had no choice of who there parents were any more then the rest of us did luck of the draw, or a shot in the dark as it were. Besides that I have met great people of all races and creeds defending our country.
I have never believed in slave reparations having always thought no person alive to day had any thing too do with slavery and no person a live to day was ever a slave. I have always thought after looking at all the countries of Africa and the poverty they live with every day and learning in history class the history of slavery and how it came to be and how we as a country got rid of it in our civil war.I was always proud that we and the Americans righted a wrong , Since then we have had Welfare, Inner City programs by the socialist to destroy the black family. Family planning centers Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Actions plans this is not a history of all the programs for blacks this is just my quick thoughts of why I never thought slave reparations was justified for something that no one alive today suffered through . Plus all the programs that I can remember since I was young till now. But every now and again I would here news reports by some one who thinks it is justified, A free handout for past crimes by Americans. It never could get much support or traction . 2008 Obama the communist, Talking CHANGE and covered by the talking heads or his propaganda wings of the talking and print media who covered his communist friends as just acquaintances and the crooks and thieves who have been put in charge of taking American into the communist hands of the elitist defeatist party. How many things these guys have taken over all in the name of change small and large business that have been demonized as has free market principles in general.While they lifted up Saul Alinsky to there party along with Mao tse tung and his murderous regime of change look Anita Dunn Clinton and pick a Czar who talks of how great this waste of life was such a hero. Kevin Jones Rev. Wright . And now with all the American opposition to health care crooks. Who by any means will attempt to pass there bill that will take over 1/6 of our economy and they say they have no plans to take over or drive out the insurance companies. Who have been demonized as crooks by the real crooks Obama Party. What is the rush? What do cap and tax and health care reform global warming or climate change all have in common. More cash to use. For what social experiments ? For who? minorities black brown white yellow who?
Health care for who ? How many really have no health care and why do they not have health care ? Me personally I think this is a little slave reparations and a big chunk of communist take over by Obama. After all he is going down in history as a one hit wonder so he plans on taking over as much as he can health care, Amnesty for illegal immigrants adding 20 more million illegal Americans and families to health care cost and the icing on the cake yes Cap and Tax taking over all aspects not all ready take over by health care. The fake climate change bill and EPA ruling on Co2 all in the name of Taking more money from those who contribute and giving it to those who do not slave reparations. What else can it be but slave repartions. And making slaves of us who bust our butt to get ahead . Welcome to the new Slave owners the Elitist defeatist party of Uncle Tom Obama glad I will be fighting this bill and those Democrates who think they are above us working class slaves .Call your Congress person and Senators now email them and see where they stand.Fight for all those Americans who have died defending the liberty that Obama and his party are taking away with this take over of our country by the communist. So sad that they are taking this chance for real progress and have it instead turned it into communist goals of taking american into the sewer of communism with a little help from those who have been victims for there whole lives these are my thoughts on the direction we are being steered down this path by the elitist defeatist party of liers Paladin kcs
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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.
Paladin kcs

- Keystone To The Heartland
- United States
- world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting