
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Talking heads, Let them eat cake!


Economic stimulus Package of 2009 : good for Lobbyists and DNC and ACORN, and B.O. Not too good for the Middle class that is paying for their Change. It must be that new math again that is fouling up the works.Or could it be that a socialist that people elected could not find the right scalpel to get us out of this financial mess if our lives depended on it.(It's scary that they kind of do) and besides, they can always blame it on Bush. Not the wicked witch of the west -Pelosi- or the Harry Potter of the Senate- Reid. The Untouchables and the methods they use are just not grounded in reality .They talk of change and the only change so far is our money. Our money that is paying for all their change. For them and their buds like Acorn and all the other socalist programs you can throw stick at. None for the tax hit middleclass that voted him in. Oh that's right. It's not the person who cast the vote that matters. It's the person who counts them. Look at Minnesota and Al Franken.Fairness doctrine and the socialist need to censor the airwaves. Where else will they try to bring fairness? Perhaps Bosnia? That was fair. It was fair for people to try and protect themselves from invading Muslims from Albany. Maybe not.Just ask the socialist, Bill Clinton, who after getting caught with his fly open needed something to change the subject. Now, B.O. and the Untouchables have put their sights on talk radio. And if they get away with it, they can control not just what you see with the talking heads and the T&A programing to keep the American people on Snooze control or asleep at the wheel of this Country. It has now been four months since I turned off the talking heads and all their sponsors that promote socialism, the gay agenda, and all that is wrong with America now. B.O. has put in motion his plans of socialization of the American people where we all are beholding to the state and they use rich against the poor. And middle class, as usual, is in the middle. Perhaps,they are the useful idiots as the Karl Marx crowd calls them. The Tea Parties that are popping up and the people that are attending have had their eyes opened. A lot of people who have spent their life putting money away for their retirement have listened as B.O.says that the country is in Crisis. More then any other person in government and following the liberal creed that B.O. and Untouchables and the Wicked Red witch of the West -Pelsoi-and Harry Potter Reid have not turned around and showed that big Yellow streak down their backs and for the rest of us in the country who have gone through this more then a few times- get ready for the results of their actions. Bush was not a good President by any measurement, but he played the hand that Bill Clinton left him, when the Sept 11 attack happened because of cutting defense and intelligence. The problems we have now with our financial meltdown can and has been traced back to Clinton. Barney sticklicker Frank and the Democratic Congress in 2007 and the canceling the uptick rule and the Glass Steagall act in1999. Not to mention the wrecking of bank lending under threat of Government intervention and allowing junk paper loans to be sold as AAA paper which the CEOS of Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack payed both parties to insure this would happen. And yet all these so called experts cannot find where billions of dollars have gone. Have we all not heard " follow the money and you will know what happened and who did it? But now B.O and his Media -the untouchables- think we the people believe his approval ratings. Why even bother printing this junk up? Who can stand against you? Both houses and the head Kommissar in change and the media is telling him let us eat cake. There are so many things repeating and new. Durbin and his back door attack on talk radio, or all of us being called cowards by the country's Attorney General. Yes, he who profited most by the carpetbaggers like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson both; who made a living from being the biggest cowards out there. The victim in all this- for the last forty years is the black community thinking they cannot compete without the government's help. I served, and lived with great blacks in the military and I believe they can compete and thrive in our country without making them inferior to anyone or anything. But then I donot believe in making victims of anyone ,One only needs a fair shot at their goals. The same as you and me. Till next time save your money and grow a garden this summer .Palidin kcs

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The road to hell paved with good intentions


Well its been more then a few weeks since the new Leader of Neo-Marxist Party of American Seized power with the Help of the state run media outlets. The only free voices left are under attack by the state run media outlets. Talk Radio and Internet and a few hard print hold out Newspapers seems like something out of "Red Dawn "But no its today's reality and what you get when the useful idiots watch more game shows or sports complaining how crooked Politicians are you hear it all the time same old thing they are all crooks. When you hire a crook and then act surprised who is at fault?
I wonder how that got to be so much the norm and not the usual. B.O. and the KKK are not that far apart B.O. used ACORN and anyone else who could get him the power he felt he deserved and he would say what ever he had to in order to get elected. Now the Untouchables in his inner circle are flaunting there corruption in the face of all who would look and daring someone to say something who would hire a tax cheat to run IRS. There great stimulus package for all that got them elected payed for by us the tax payers will benefit only those who help elect a Neo -Marxist and put American on the road to her ruin When you hire crooks to do America's business is it any wonder that people say they politicians are all crooked.
Peter Schiff: Stimulus Bill Will Lead to "Unmitigated Disaster"Posted Feb 06, 2009 08:05am EST by Aaron Task in Investing, Newsmakers, Recession
The fiscal stimulus bill being debated in Congress not only won't help the economy, it will make the recession much worse, says Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital.
Schiff scoffs at the notion the economic decline is starting to level off and concedes no government action means a "terrible" recession. But the path of increased government intervention will lead to "unmitigated disaster," says Schiff, who gained notoriety in 2007-08 for his prescient calls on the housing bubble and U.S. stocks.
I wonder are their any of the talking heads or TV news or print that have bother to look into where is the Scalpel that B.O. wielded like a sword during media coverage or debates has he used it on this payback bill? Has he cut any positions? I can name and recommend a few and have FCC FDA Homeland Security or FBI one of the two should go. Nothing and no one is accountable anymore I wrote on this earlier. But has anyone checked into the thousands of pages of transparent easy reading to see who gets what like, What is there for the much beat up middle class? What about the states that were red vs those states that voted blue? The fact that the media is no longer honest or impartial is why we are up to are behinds with alligators when all we wanted to do was drain the swamp.
I hear how the states are waiting with baited breath for there shares of this bill from hell and no one is saying wait a minute. This is not need but would be better spent here. Those people who put nothing into the pot get the most per serving.Who will pay for this bill all those who have the gall to have a job. Its the spread the wealth just like he said to Joe the Plumber crooked in crooked out. How about Hillary and all her China backers during the primaries well on this trip I guess she will be explaining that all those things her husband didn't give them to help ruin our country she will still be able to fulfill her obligation to them from her current position or the next as Vice-President in three plus years .This goes back to what I have been saying about the buying power of average Americans who think they have as much buying power as they did ten or twenty years ago the answer is no you have a Walmart and other stores that make you think you do but its not quality stuff like back then its stuff cheap from China.How many jobs will be created from the 2009 Stimulus payback to those who got him elected?How much to roads and bridges I read #3% not much considering how long and how bad the infrastructure has gotten . After the payback bill was passed with the help from the three fake Repucks is it any wonder America is in the mess we are in B.O says this bill may not help or fail. I for one will bet it will do nothing it might create three thousand jobs but for that amount of money they could have done something great but we the working people of America get Cake and you should all enjoy it for in the coming months inflation inflation I would suggest put in a big garden and save your money for those of us in the northeast its going to be taking a lot more of your money this next winter to heat our homes and eat food you know the things we really don't need. Well chin up till next time. Paladin kcs

Monday, February 2, 2009

B.O and Untouchables vs The Three Stooges


B.O. and Untouchables vs The Three Stooges. Personally, I think the three stooges could have helped the economy a lot more then the socialist that they have in there now. A lot of effort has been put forth to show how the 2009 stimulus package will not help the economy one little bit. It was just payback to all the groups that helped him to steal the election of 2008. After two failed attempts at it in 2000 and 2004; one, a weather alarmist and Internet inventor, and the other an American traitor who sold out all the men he served with in Vietnam with his Senate speech. You know the one. It goes "They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam." He did this and has been rewarded again and again by His good friend- Big Teddy bear Kennedy -the one who got away with Murdering a Young lady because he was rich and from a powerful family of bootleggers.
B.O says he wants to be a good President, but, like a lot of people, has no clue what to do except blame Bush and the fake Repucks. The ones who have gone so far to the left that no good Conservative can support them any longer. That was a masterful stroke by someone in the Untouchables inner circle . Divide and Conquer,with the media's help. The media's job was to keep them distracted and on the defensive,just like now. The RNC has no clue what happened. They should have listened to some of the talk shows on am radio; the only place to get the news that the talking heads on TV will not tell you about . While I'm on the subject of family, how many of you know that Pepsi and its parent company have declared war on the American family?They gave $500,000 to a gay agenda group who's trying to change the definition of marriage. You can use it to contact the ones in charge there. The list of contacts is a good target for all Americans who would like to let Pepsi know that the rest of America does not like the Gay Agenda attacking marriage and Family Values. If they attack our values and those who give money to support Family and marriage between man and woman,then it's OK. But if we attack them,we must be Homophobic or worse. But I say, bull crap. and all of its parts should be boycotted by all Americans who think the Gay Agenda is wrong for American families. And if they have their way, " normal" will become the abnormal of the future. Look overseas- where their liberal views have been put in place by the mental retards in Europe. If they have their way, it will be a hate crime to say what I just did.So don't wait.Boycott Pepsico now. Back to the subject at hand: With less then a month in office, B.O. and the Untouchables have started attacking talk radio and the fairness doctrine is waiting in the wings . B.O has talked to the Arab media even before he talked to us, the American people. All the untouchables are Old Clinton retreads or DNC Hacks. Have you seen all the Tax dodgers in his inner circle? Or how all those who received bailout money have spent millions of taxpayer's money to lobbies for even more money? The circle of power from taxpayer to government to Lobbyist to Politician circle complete. Where is the middle class in all their talks of bailouts? They are invisible. The useful idiots have done their part and the downfall of America is underway. When we needed a Ronald Reagan, we got a B.O. that can't be washed away. And Untouchables driving the country into ruins. At least the Three Stooges would make us laugh-not cry from all the Hypocrisy. Paladin kcs

conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting