
Sunday, September 13, 2009

America under attack from within!!!


With the march in DC finished for now at least a short after action report is due. The talking heads of ABC CBS AND NBC ,Reported as little as they could on the hole affair least they be accused of reporting news instead of Propaganda for the communist. Cable news did a little better they including the worst MSNBC HAD SHOCK OF ALL SHOCKS A REPORTER THERE SHOOTING VIDEO!!!! Even thought they did try to marginalize the event, "Big story there uh". CNN Did there part to show this event from there point of view far left that is and fox fair and balanced as long as they agree with the owners point of view. But coming from someone who could not make it and after seeing the many faces of Patriots standing against the communist government of this country. There is hope even if the talking heads and the Propaganda units offer there many head counts and try to break apart the message of this event. Too those who got on those buses and took this trip to those who got the buses and help to ensure a safe event for those who offered a learning event for there kids. A teachable moment to the country to use a lefty or communist tactic hooah I salute you and hope that if there is another march that I can find out about it in time to make arrangements to attend . But to one and all good job Patriots.
Next item Van Johnson and Cass Sunstein One Communist busted and on the way out and one worst Sunstein on the way in "Plans on changing the Constitution" to better match his communist views on the world as he see it thats why The Liar Fairy tale King hired him and of course no one spoke up and asked "What in the world are you doing here you slimmy turd" .
Last item during my last blog I wrote about the destruction of the Military its even worst then I wrote about its not just the Military that is being plundered budget wise its departments that do not meet the far left agenda like the secret service that defends the Fairy tale king , the Home land security department that defends us all. They could Ax this one completely and it would not break my heart just another case of government gone wild FBI all ready does or did this job and the CIA filled the gap all though the wall that prevented them from working together needed to be voided the goal is to prevent another attack on this country. What else have these communist been up to? What other department do they think are not essential to us if they are willing to cut protection for the head idiot in charge. Did they not tell us about the rise in far right radicals so why have they cut funding to the secret service or do they have plans on making a martyr out of there Communist Idiot or like every thing else this corrupt bunch of criminals has done are they gambling with all our lives like they always do thinking their so superior to us common people.
Which is what I think is going on in this current nut jobs Administration of liars thief's and devout communist hiding under the cover of Green Environmentalist nothing more then communist seeking change Your money there Power till next time watch out for Cass Sunstein wolf in sheeps clothing but well limp wristed is "what these guys are all about ". Till next time may the left wing radicals be in someone else's family. Shut off you zombie box and listen to talk radio. All tea party members from across this great land of every color and sex and even religion again great job defending all of our liberties Paladin kcs

Friday, September 4, 2009

If the fairy tale king and his Obamabot gates wish to destroy military How could they do it??????

A single photograph Jacobson’s shows Lance Cpl. Joshua M. Bernard, 21, on August 14 after he was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade during a firefight with the Taliban in southern Afghanistan. His suffered severe injuries.!!!!!!!!!
How Robert Gates , destroyed the Military for the Communist and his Fairy tale King . The two wars that are military is currently engaged in are being underfunded and soldiers sailors and airmen have been cut using early outs and not recruiting enough numbers to fill positions so they can have cash for clunkers and all there other social experiments in ripping the social fabric of our United States. But this was not working fast enough for those on the communist DNC party. Now under the leadership of Gates the Defense Department first allowed coffins of Patriot's being flown back to there families for there good bye's and burial . Now the greatest slap in the face of love of country and Patriot support is that each person in the Military has to worry that there loved ones might have to deal with seeing there loved ones last moments in pictures for all to see due to the communist and far left propaganda outlets like AP news. Yes Gates Protested to the AP for headlines but he is laughing at the families of those who serve this country and defend the Constitution that his Fairy tale king is working so feverishly trying to tear apart so this country will be transformed into this 3rd world Utopian socialism dump that they see in there sick mind's. Propaganda by the AP was more important then the feeling of those loved ones this young Marine left behind they ask two times for the AP to please not do this, Their plea's were over looked because the AP has an Agenda and it is not the News or free speech its showing young people not to join these hate mongers and baby killers never mind that most soldiers have babies at home as well and soldiers are those young people from each and every city and town and neighborhood they are the kids you played with all through school the guy next door the AP should have looked at this young man and his family and looked at what he believed in??? What he was all about? What his plans were when he got out of the marines.? He was a hero not some picture for them to use as a political pawn in there anti American campaign. And if the AP was really that hell bent on causing pain to the family and friends of this young patriot; But the pain the family feels will be multiplied many times over. How will a young person fight the enemy in one on one when he's praying that if something bad happens to him that his loved ones will not have to look at the final pictures like Lance Cpl Joshua M Bernard family did. If Gates really had wish to stop these photo's he could have told the AP Associated Press or Asshole Press correspondent Alfred de Montesquiou, AP photographer Julie Jacobson or there company Ceo or at the very least the idiot who said this" AP journalists document world events every day. Afghanistan is no exception. We feel it is our journalistic duty to show the reality of the war there, however unpleasant and brutal that sometimes is," said Santiago Lyon, the director of photography for AP Read more: Gates should have said show those pictures and not one person from there Organization would ever be allowed into the war zone again they obviously cannot be trusted to show good judgement but since they have gone down this road if there are military out there reading this if you see any of these blood sacks gut shot make sure you get a picture for there family before you move on A special place in hell for all these leaches Boycott all thing AP blood sucking propagandist paladin kcs

conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting