
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Uncle Tom Obama Jhad on anyone who disagrees with his Elitist Defeatist Party.


Well the right wing radicals and there massive attack conspiracy are at it again and yes I cannot tell a lie it was so ooh good since my last entry I have been trying to see the big picture in what this nut in the big house is up too he always says look here not at the thing we should be looking at. So it not easy to see what they do not want you to see. But after carefully consideration this guy has not got a clue to what he should do other them blame blame blame anyone and everybody about what is going on in the country. This past Monday he came out and said the unemployment was shinking by ever so little and how it was good. Only thing was they lied and lied some more when caught on it they are reworking those numbers even as I write this , They were only off by say a few OK more then a few it was a bunch. Hundreds of thousands to be exact but this is good new for the left this is after all what there goal is to shake the United States to its core.
Look at this Lisa Jackson and EPA now she could not do anything in New Jersey dealing with toxic clean up she took dive after dive dealing with those problems now she does an end run around Congress and no one said a thing other then looking like a street walker selling her wares on some dark corner she says that the year 2009 will be remember for the well for her breathless announcement I'm sure of the EPA plan to regulate Co2 gas. She should start with her own carbon foot print before looking at others but that's not in the plan they and all the other Cap and tax Ponzi Schemers have one goal and one goal only controlling all that they can see and hear because as I have said before he who regulates something controls something just with this move expect people telling you how much Co'2 a single person can contribute and a family same thing Health care death panels control control car companies control heating and power control it the communist way. Media Propaganda control education tell your kids what sick books to read how to fist someone in there Ass.
Well that does bring all the clowns in this government into fist us all weather its taxes or raising and educating our own children.Uncle Tom puts a sick in the mind and soul Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings between him and Arne Duncan as Education Secretary and he wonders why people are worried about his talking to students at school Maybe you Uncle Tom should put your kids with this sick Man but that's right he only goes for Young males so maybe your daughters would be safe unless Jennings has been hiding something from the world either way no thanks keep the change. Read anything on this man and tell me he belongs in a position of telling kids what books they should read. I have taken the red pill and now waiting for the rest of you to wake up and smell the coffee never in the history of the country has it been in so much danger except maybe in the war for Independence from Great Britain.
On dirty little lies from Uncle Tom and his Party like current unemployment rate health care reform and his Party of depraved so called human beings and do not get me going on his budget deficit and the his parties raising the cap on said deficit I will admit that I have become more and more Anti Obama now so more then ever his will go down in history as the dumbest man ever to the highest office in our United States history. And the thing that is even worst is the party of elitist defeatist and all those Obamabots do not see anything I hear them arguing with talk show host on radio from across the land and given all the facts they still choose not to see this is why I thinking that our country is in real trouble the kind I saw in countries around the world this is what diversity get us for get the salad bowl All different but part of the whole its not working people One country one language one history one border culture diversity is killing our country.
How many languages should a voter ballots be in, or driver license test answer 1 English not 20 0r 50 like in California one of the most broke states in the Union but yet all those who messed it up are now fleeing to other states .
Now the illegals will get health care and Medicare no waiting time. While American Seniors
citizens are having there health care rationed. Good job seniors enjoy the party of change. 2nd grader in Ma. suspended from school for drawing a picture of Jesus on the Cross guess he should have drawn something more in line with Uncle Tom Obama's Change like bill and bobby sucking each other off or how messed up the United States is we are the meaning of evil
Last thing before I end the media pushing the 5 Muslism who were just good ole boys caring about kids and familes not the Jihadist looking to kill American soldiers to get there Jihid badge
another case of turn off your tv drones box nothing more freedom is worth more then dancing to the stars and CNN Communist news network Good luck Marry Christmas enjoy the change Paladin kcs

conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting