
Friday, June 26, 2009

First vote in House of REPRESENTATIVES GOES DOWN IN SMOKE for Common sense


The vote was extremely close 219-212, with eight Republicans voting yes and 44 Democrats voting no. Bill voted on but not even read as most bills are these days . American Government at it best Fools leading fools. Next stop Senate will try to ram this up Tax Payers you know what with out any KY-Jelly" California getting all hot and bothered Charge led by Waxman and Markey with Pelosi doing the Holding. Propaganda outlets faking fact checks or just out and out picking and choosing which facts to inform America about. You know same as all there fake Polls. Like I've written before You can make a poll say any thing you want and they do the same thing now with facts. Pick and choose till you get the Socialist economy they think they want. The have and have nots do not come to gather they drive Limos and we drive GM government Made clown cars that will get you killed in a minor fender bender but what the hay Your a nobody any way just expelling to much CO2. Want to know what America will look like in a few years if they pass there Cap and trade "BS" bill watch the old black and white moves about East Germany you know maybe some of you heard of Check point Charlie IE. Movie "GOTCHA" I had Conducted my own survey at work and only one other person was even aware of the vote and what cap and trade stood for. Better Pray for devine intervention in the Senate vote because voters have to get there fill of Dance with the Stars or the Lastest news on The Prince of touch little kids "MJ" well hopefully we can stop the Carpetbaggers on this next vote but what the heck they need to be able to fund there social engineering experiments brainwashing 5 years old about how cool being Gay or lesbians are. Till next time we cross paths at Keystone to the Heartland Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting