
Monday, August 31, 2009

The Great a waking from this Nightmare and the Fairy tale King


The month of August has been uneventful except in the destruction of our country. WE the tax payers have funded a car bail out from both ends first GM Government made cars sucking up tax payers money. Then cash for clunkers we funded people who need a new car. The jobs market keeps getting worse due to we are still headed in the wrong direction. Gibbs White House Propaganda speaker always servicing the fairy tail King on his knees that's why his mouth cannot seem to speak plain truth. In fact he is a bold face liar and an Obamabot.
To those who still watch TV and the talking heads and after a fresh rewrite of history dealing with Teddy Kennedy and according to them how much he did for all of us. He was a pile of crap left over from his two brothers who loved the American Dream and the American way. Teddy should have been in jail for killing a 28 year old young women, But he spent the last 40 years making jokes about it instead.
More people are awaking to the fact that the Democrats and the media elites and the fake environmentalist and white haters and American haters are all one under this faker moron I have been calling The Fairy Tail King spending money and nothing to show but a huge deficit's. The stock market is rolling back and forth ready to roll over and sink. But all you here is the light is visible at the end of the tunnel. Town hall meeting have shown me that there are others out there who see the fairy tail king for what he is a moron loser I'm not talking about his skin color half white half black but his soul is communist that's what I have issues with. He is a crook who lies hires thieves and con artist to work for America. He has made America the laughing stock of the world. Like I have said many times only this guy could make Gw Bush look like a genius and Bush for the most part try ed to protect us.
Last thing Obama's take over of health care. Obama has been his own worst enemy in that he has no clue to what is in the thing. So he runs around telling his version and those who have taken the time to read it and expose all his lies and mistakes: Like does it cover illegals? Yes it does. Are there death panels?yes! Will your health care be rationed? Yes it will. Who will treat you. Your Dr? (or) there panels telling the Dr what he can and cannot do. there is much work to be doing these days tea parties fighting against the communist take over of this country should be the only thing on the news, but what do they talk about the stars have a break down or a pimple and teddy of course hope he is in hell sucking crap through a straw., harvest time in the garden hope your was a good one and that you have saved your cash for the coming assault on your wallet. take care join a local tea party in your area Paladin kcs

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Goverment of thieves with no shame""""" Waxman Cap and tax himself
A Thief in the Night: Veterans’ Land Grabby Jeani DiCarlo
Did you ever have an encounter with a thief? If not, how many times have you read or heard about their sudden attacks in newspapers or TV and thought or gasped, “I hope that never happens to me”?
Well, it is happening. As I write this, we have politicians all over the country stealing from us. Many of you are now more than aware of this new Cap and Trade bill brought to us by “our” representative in the 30th district of California, Mr. Henry Waxman. Well, you may also want to know that Mr. Waxman has been quite busy these days not only promoting the biggest tax in history, but also by helping to give away land he does not own.
Whose land?
The land of our revered Veterans.
This land is slowly being doled out to special interest groups that benefit Mr. Waxman and his friends who are known as the “Westside Political Machine.” Sadly, he is not the only one doing this; politicians all over the country are “giving” land they do not own to special interest groups. Eighty-five acres of Veterans’ lands were just annexed in Chicago. Where did it go to? Who got it?
In order to get the big picture of what’s happening all over this country, let’s start with a little history on the Veteran land here in Waxman’s Los Angeles district.
Veteran land is land deeded to Veterans to take care of their physical and emotional wounds. One of these lands, the West Los Angeles Veterans’ Home (WLA VA), the largest parcel on land for Veterans in the USA, was donated by Arcadia de Baker and John P. Jones in 1888 to the government for the sole purpose of providing permanent care to our Veterans ONLY.
At that time, the hospitals on the land were providing care to returning Civil War Veterans, and to emphasize the intensity of their suffering they were called asylums. What Arcadia de Baker realized was that the peaceful and isolated land was perfect for healing the physical and emotional wounds of people who served their country.
What Arcadia de Baker did not know, though, that in time this isolated land would end up in the middle of one of the most affluent areas of the country. The WLA VA is the largest Veterans Healthcare Center in the Untied States. It also just happens to be located in an area considered the Fifth Ave of California, a place with multi-million dollar mansions and fancy condos surrounding it. Being a piece of prime real estate, many are vying for it.
In Henry Waxman’s Brentwood district, homeless Veterans sleep outside the gates of their own land while TV productions rent empty hospitals that neither the VA nor Waxman will open for our Veterans claiming the buildings are damaged. Yet, these same damaged buildings are rented to “Grey’s Anatomy,” among others, and net seven-million per year. Now, would anyone rent damaged buildings for seven million a year?
Recently, the WLA VAMC gave Veterans Park Conservancy (VPC) (a non-veteran group consisting of wealthy residents of Brentwood) $1 million to help build a wrought iron fence to beautify the entryway into their community, while Veteran health-care services and facilities continue to go under-funded. Was the beautification of an already very wealthy community a priority?
The WLA VAMC also gave VPC permission to engrave in stone on Veterans property, “Beauty, Honor, County,” thereby seriously insulting and denigrating the Military creed of “Duty, Honor, Country.”
The VA also “rents” this land for special fundraising parties. I was recently at one such $1000-per-ticket celebrity-saturated fundraiser with a Vietnam-era Veteran, Robert Rosebrock.
Mr. Rosebrock, founder of “Veterans’ Revolution,” was not allowed to enter the Veterans’ land and was harassed by a hired security guard who kept a camera on him the whole time.
For 72 consecutive Sundays, Mr. Rosebrock and Veterans from all wars gather in front of the WLA VH to protest the land grab perpetrated by the VA and federal politicians in conjunction with affluent Brentwood neighborhood community organizations, businesses and Mr. Waxman’s Westside political machine.
In this shameful orchestration, the VA rented about 16 acres of Veterans’ land (worth more than a billion dollars) for a dollar per year to the Brentwood Homeowners Association. Yes, you heard me right, a buck a year. Why, you ask? So the people of Brentwood, some of the wealthiest in the country, can have a park. A park on Veterans’ land when there are empty hospitals our Veterans need!
Another game being played by the LA bureaucrats is the building of “apartments” at the cost of about $325,000 per unit in the unused hospitals that they now rent for TV productions at the Sepulveda VA. These very expensive so-called “apartments” are meant to house recovering addicts, etc. They say some Veterans can live there (this is really generous of them, isn’t it?), but the truth is these apartments will end up being fancy condos sold for millions in a few years.
In accordance with the Flag Code of the United States, the Veterans decided to turn the flag upside down as a sign of distress. In return, the federal police almost arrested them for “disturbing” conduct! Domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers can stomp the flag, anarchists can burn flags on the steps of the Congress, paint flags, rip flags, put flags in dung and call it art — but Veterans who fought for what the flag represents cannot, in accordance with the law, hang the flag upside down as a call of distress? Last week Mr. Robert Rosebrock was cited for having the American flag in distress attached to the Veterans gate, yet, the VA allowed the Iranian flag to be displayed on the Veterans gates!
Something is very wrong with this picture in America. Right now in history we have a group of renegade politicians who have buried our Constitution under the structure of false laws that we must abide by, “laws” that allow them to steal in the dead of night. And make no mistake about it: if they can steal our Veterans’ land without blinking an eye, they will soon be able to steal yours.
These “thieves” work on people’s minds, making them believe they are spotless individuals who do no wrong. Their abuse is silent and “lawful.” It is always for “our good.”
Our Founders fought a long battle to give us freedom and we cannot let anyone steal it from us. The first stand is with our Veterans to stop this land grab. Call your representatives, write your senators, demonstrate with your fellow Veterans, and do not allow this to go on any longer. In many ways, their land is your land — for without these good people freedom would be just a word.
For links, more facts, updated information and to contact representatives, visit
Paladin Just thought I would help spead the word being a veteran I hope those who read will do the same and a special thanks to the writer (Jeani Decarlo)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for the left and there limp wristed drones supporters

snitch line above for those Drones and Tv zombies, Snitch your parents brothers and sisters out!!!

First things first cash for clunkers ripping off tax payers again, here we go again their using tax payers money to fund first Gm and now for people to buy cars they may or may not be able to afford will we have to bail them out too. Also Mr Propaganda Gibbs why not bring Baghdad Bob he might as well be doing the job after all he sounds like one of the current talking heads on the zombie box . Gibbs should be signed up for one of the many realty TV shows around for comedy. Next if any one likes the ideal of Government run communist health care please go into Gates Military he has cut so much money from the services with the Fairy tail king Obama that now military families cannot even get care on post and must relying on civilian health care providers.Great Jobs Talking Parrot I'm sure he Obama has torn up the armed services budgets just like all Democrats do and when a Real Conservative show up he will have to try and repair the damages this clown and his man Gates have done to Military readiness and the Left wing nuts will not be able to understand why all this money must be spent to repair the catastrophic damage they the left always do. There are so many items on my list of things to mention that this blog would be a full time thing and God only knows that if I had the time I would focus in on health care that the Left wing Communist will try and force on us with lies and deceit and make us dependent on there generosity for care. I would rather earn my own care not have some limp wristed idiot who counts money and odds to determine how much care I get and for the left to call us who are worried about the Government lies in this area as working for insurance companies trying to scare buy intimidate threaten what ever it takes to get there scam and power take over through look at all the money the left and media propaganda outlets are throwing at us trying to pull the wool over our eyes . Late breaking news in this area is now there sending brown shirts to beat anyone who stands up for Liberty they are calling us extremist but we all know they are scum filth who live in the elite world of let them eat cake after all the drones of the left are too stupid to see they are the worker bees for there masters
media outlets and the talking heads of 6 pm news reports right wing scary scary vast right wing whiteys up surge due to half white Talking Parrot who lies when his lips are moving , But I remember the lefty socialist nut jobs at WACO and Ruby Ridge let see which party was in charge then that's right the Party of KKK , Gay agenda and Pedophiles Anti-American Anti- Religion the Party of Carpetbaggers who have stolen more money from us the tax Payers more then all the money that was stolen by so called thief's in Jail even if you lumped them all together .
The so called Elitist Jerks think that we Americans are as stupid as there drones or themselves
the real threat to our country is the Propaganda outlets that pass them selves off as News People or Journalist when they are nothing more them blogs for a cause who twist news to fit there socialist agenda so much for freedom of the press till next time watch your back Obama and his group of thieves are looking for money and information on dissenters who have a brain.
and are willing to use it. Paladin kcs

conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting