
Monday, August 31, 2009

The Great a waking from this Nightmare and the Fairy tale King


The month of August has been uneventful except in the destruction of our country. WE the tax payers have funded a car bail out from both ends first GM Government made cars sucking up tax payers money. Then cash for clunkers we funded people who need a new car. The jobs market keeps getting worse due to we are still headed in the wrong direction. Gibbs White House Propaganda speaker always servicing the fairy tail King on his knees that's why his mouth cannot seem to speak plain truth. In fact he is a bold face liar and an Obamabot.
To those who still watch TV and the talking heads and after a fresh rewrite of history dealing with Teddy Kennedy and according to them how much he did for all of us. He was a pile of crap left over from his two brothers who loved the American Dream and the American way. Teddy should have been in jail for killing a 28 year old young women, But he spent the last 40 years making jokes about it instead.
More people are awaking to the fact that the Democrats and the media elites and the fake environmentalist and white haters and American haters are all one under this faker moron I have been calling The Fairy Tail King spending money and nothing to show but a huge deficit's. The stock market is rolling back and forth ready to roll over and sink. But all you here is the light is visible at the end of the tunnel. Town hall meeting have shown me that there are others out there who see the fairy tail king for what he is a moron loser I'm not talking about his skin color half white half black but his soul is communist that's what I have issues with. He is a crook who lies hires thieves and con artist to work for America. He has made America the laughing stock of the world. Like I have said many times only this guy could make Gw Bush look like a genius and Bush for the most part try ed to protect us.
Last thing Obama's take over of health care. Obama has been his own worst enemy in that he has no clue to what is in the thing. So he runs around telling his version and those who have taken the time to read it and expose all his lies and mistakes: Like does it cover illegals? Yes it does. Are there death panels?yes! Will your health care be rationed? Yes it will. Who will treat you. Your Dr? (or) there panels telling the Dr what he can and cannot do. there is much work to be doing these days tea parties fighting against the communist take over of this country should be the only thing on the news, but what do they talk about the stars have a break down or a pimple and teddy of course hope he is in hell sucking crap through a straw., harvest time in the garden hope your was a good one and that you have saved your cash for the coming assault on your wallet. take care join a local tea party in your area Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting