
Friday, November 6, 2009

Fort Hood soldiers target for another Muslim looking for his Jhad medal


Propaganda is as I have been writing about for the last year is what news has became the so called media is busy as are the Elitist defeatist Party that being the party of Uncle TOM Obama and his drones and Obamabots wanting us to believe that a Muslim killing fellow soldiers yelling Allah Akbar did it because he was sick in the mind, But yet he had the for thought to take a bunch of weapons training by the military because we all know how much of a demand the Army places on Psychiatrist to be crack killers of unarmed fellow soldiers. But if you listen to the news stories you have Uncle Tom and his Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey and the yes man Secretary of the Army Gates all saying do not rush to judgement well a turd is a turd when it looks like a turd smell like a turd and all three of the above are lying turds what was on this guys door what did it say? I hope the state of TX. Fries this piece of Crap on the express rail to hell and those who failed to act for fear.Hope your future is filled with thoughts of what you could have stopped, If only you had acted against the Elitist defeatist .
Next those people who keep planning these so called tea Parties and march'es on DC . Have you give any thought to maybe stop rushing them and post an advance warning say for say six months down the road so people can make plans and have one massive protest that cannot be propagandized in how small or big it was how about around the headquarters of CNN Communist network of news and make believe News MSNBC that way those in the south can all go to CNN and the rest to MSNBC just make sure its a success by inviting FOX and the rest of the talking heads are invited to attend . Health Care and the freedom of all is at stake down . If they get this next will be cap and tax this is America dam it we do not need communist running our country any more they should be thrown out of office and then jailed for treason. Destroying in less then a year what has stood for more then two hundred as a beacon of freedom long live America. Till next time do not believe the Propaganda if its a turd call it a turd Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting