
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Slick Wille revisited


To the editor: Did you happen to see the movie, "The Blind Side"? It was based on a true story. Also, it brings back memories of what actually happened in this country during the last administration.
When President Clinton left office in 2001, he left behind a government that had a balanced budget with surpluses for several years, and a federal debt that was shrinking and projected to be paid off by 2010.
Unfortunately, in less than four months, the Republican Bush administration passed a huge tax cut that "blind-sided" middle-class taxpayers by giving them a slice of bread while the wealthy got the rest of the loaf.
There hasn't been a balanced federal budget since then, and to make matters worse, the same thing happened again in 2003. Since they only got a slice of bread, is it any wonder why there are so many people who are hungry and without jobs today?
David XXXXXX, Based on a true story. Like what is the definition of (is) as slick willie said and we all know how factual Hollywood is now don't we. There are a select few with bad memory an I know one for sure David.NAFTA,Giving away technology to China Bombing a Christian country into the stone age for defending there borders from Muslim's from Albany. To take peoples minds of the blue dress. Clinton started the housing bubble in 1999 doing away with Glass Steagall act. Uncle Tom Obama Helped along with many other so called heroes of the left Chris Dodd Barney Frank and Acorn and the pieces were in place by the way when Bush left Office deficit was only 588 billion when Uncle Tom Obama leaves it will be 14 or 15 trillion load that into a train it will reach to Chicago from Pa. So David why don't you try spreading the good news about Carter but that's another story now isn't it.By the way he slick Willi balanced the budget on the backs of military and those who died on 9-11 In Bosnia Clinton could not even get off the ramp of his plane I was there then not that I would have went to see him. Do not expect this to see the light of day. But its for myself anyway I will post this in my blog along with your comment .thanks for all you do. paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting