
Friday, April 2, 2010

Follow the money

Well is this the plan to silence the right, Well the elitist defeatist have made one huge mistake by playing the tactics of the 60's blaming tea party member who could care less what color someone is. Speaking for my self as a tea party member I look at the red and the lack of any kind of shame from them on scewing three hundred million to help 30 million Pre existing conditions and other parts of there bill could have been corrected so much easier then running up the take over of healthcare. I would like to see tea parties from across the country go after the sponsors of there far left media/Propaganda wing who has run story after story about the racist tea party as a whole all the letters of the A to Z talking heads there sponsors are easy to find on there web sites: inform, boycott :and if necessary picket with large rallies of tea party groups from across America. UN like all the Drones on the left we who believe in the law and Constitution have a vast power that is we have worked our entire lives and buy there products or Not, That is the power we have! Any station who as been running these videos over and over with not one sound bite showing anyone calling any body anything or using slow motion break downs of nothing. Not to mention the lies that tea party is all white they go out of there way to show it that way. Also any group on the right needs to watch for far left trouble makers in the mix or snakes in the grass .Start using videos cameras through out the rallies contact your local tea party and spead the word inform boycott and last picket the money. Have a plan if a snake is in your group, Much less any nut who might be there regardless of his motives.spread the word.Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting