
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Whats going on here in these United States, Treason

Treason is defined as taking up arms against the United States or trying to overthrow the government. But when the leaders of our country and those elitist defeatist who plan on destroying the country by ruining the economy running up debts so high that we destroy ourselves is this treason? What is Uncle Tom Obama doing if not treason? Why is he in a group that is hoping to profit from Cap and Tax or the newest name given it American energy act. He and half of his friends are aiming to profit from the tax is there not laws against it? Illegal immigration and the elitist defeatist party clapping when a corrupt Leader from Mexico calls our laws bad he must think he has a lot of pull in America with so many former citizens voting against the United States and its laws and values. Just like health care the many were out voted by the few and the country keeps going down a path that is backwards and very much the wrong direction. There is no way for them to be able to say they didn't do this on purpose.I think the media is the key to stopping this there are so many people in this country that watch one channel for there news and its not fox boycotting them and there sponsors is the only way to turn this around but how to get the message out to where it might do some good is the question of the decade. I wonder if all the talk of depression and one world government is true. More and more I think this is the way we are headed I hope those who can are taking steps to prepare for this. boycott CNN MSNBC all the letters of the alphabet. Maybe selected shows maybe entire channels or writers papers that spread the socialist propaganda . I do believe that our country is being taken over but for what purpose those who contribute nothing are getting more and those of us who have been doing the right things all our lives are being punished for there lack of planning or responsibility for anything drugs women drinking them selves into a stupor every nite. Something is going on and its got  to change before there is no turning back. What road are we on? Where will the people stand when it hits rights are being taking away ever day and those who will watch crap on TV instead of learning what this so called leader is up to treason nothing more nothing less. Vote them out 2010 and 2012 before its too late.Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting