
Tuesday, January 6, 2009



Coleman vs Franken Big lips and Mega Rich Carpetbaggers. Court so far siding with Franken .
ACLU wins $240,000 for guy wearing a Tee shirt with writing in Arabic which had some passengers freaking out but of course the courts gave this waste of oxygen $240,000 for what I have no clue. He was not denied. He was provide a shirt to cover it up. Was he too hot or was he belittled or was it that someone mentioned that it was like a bank robber wearing a shirt saying bank robber? How about someone getting on a Saudi Arabian Airliner wearing a shirt that says 19 terrorists of Saudi Arabia in English. And a picture of The World Trade Tower with we will not forgive. Would you be surprised if he was asked to cover it up? I was not on that flight and only the employees of this particular airline and the passengers know for sure but are there any takers that he was a little W-I-L-D in the eyes from seeing all those dollars signs? There are cases out there of acting a little strange and see how much they can agitate the crew and passengers.
ACLU, is of course following their pattern of anything to destroy the country and make Big headlines and dollars. Forget the little manand never mind tax pays dollars help fuel this. "We must protect this man's right to scare the crap out of the rest of the passengers." And if all the other passengers ask to be let off would it be within there right?How about the rights of the airline to offer safe flights to a location of your choice? A no win for airlines.!
Bag of Crap Media bias and Fairness doctrine and political correctness. Media Bias is what it is; bad journalism or taking sides in an argument or story and people can beat it by boycotting it as I have. Television and the talking heads (as well as a lot of Magazines and Newspapers) I hear some of the leftist largest newspapers are asking for a bailout of sorts from the government.Sure why not? Take my taxes and pay them for their hate speech about America. I think in their current mental state that if they can not sell that rag they call a paper it's due to the content of said rag. They cannot compete in a fair competition between their leftest ideals and what normal Americans will and want to read.
So they want to control what normal Americans see and hear by using the Fairness Doctrine. What they think is fair is that you hear their point of view along with those you agree with. Personally, I think it's mind control and censorship. That can be described as nothing more then political correctness gone wild. We must hurt their feelings.Poor babies. It seems that no one wants to hear the not normal speech that they have to offer.
Global warming is dollars in the pockets of the left. Nothing more nothing less. And it is also a way to control your actions. Or you pay have to pay them dollars. A win win for the left. Boiled down to its bare self -when the wall in Europe came down all those nuts ran to the Global warming crowd. They saw a good scam and didn't want to miss the boat. Good job, Big Daddy Gore. Cow farts and a tax on them for dollars to go into the socialist pockets.What's next a tax on all males due to the fact we have more gas then women? It's all a sham and its comes down to dollars.
Cities with slums and urban violence live in a war zone they created. Most of it is caused by the mental defects for leaders who make zones that the police will not go into because of law suits and crap from liberal papers. And they attack guns so they do not have to face the truth that they made a war zone so they can live the lives they want. Give the Politicians and police a hand and a mission and see how fast they can turn your urban ghetto into a neighbourhood where drugs and welfare fraud and broken families are not the norm. If I see someone lurking around my street and he is acting suspicious, I would keep an eye on him and call the police. I do not think of this as snitching someone out. It's a duty! Protect your neighbors and they will do the same for you. That's a community, not a slum. Look at the cost in man hours for a Mayor who hides the truth from the tax payers like say Philadelphia. There should be billboards in the slums that tell how many young men and women are currently housed in prisons across the state. Also, the Mayor should be taxed higher by said state if he cannot get the numbers down. And I'll bet anyone money that he or she will do the right thing then. No one should have to live in a war zone in America. Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting