
Monday, January 5, 2009

Rich Liberal and Media Chalk up another win in Minnesota


Dollars and the lack of Media attention again helped leftest socialists win election in Minnesota while the people watch their sports game shows and whatever else idiots watch. Maybe I'm being too hard on the people there. Look across the nation and I bet the people think this last election was fair and square. Stalin said,"It's not the person who cast the ballot,but the person who counts it." Well guess what people? The liberals are not the Liberals who people grew up with. They are all American haters and the only way to overthrow a country that is happy with its government is to make them unhappy with that government. Communism 100 for idiots.
Al Franken and his sugar daddies must really like his lips and the crap that drips out of them. First it was his anti-American rants on the failed left-wing radio station. I will not name it or give it any more thought then it deserves. But then Big lips says it's a Humbling experience.It is for the voters who cast their ballots for Coleman. Coleman, who won the election and then the rich and crooked carpetbaggers with their out of state cash from their Sugar Daddies . The Mega-Rich Left wing Socialists with media's lack of coverage of what is really going on and then New York Sen. Charles Chucky Schumer, has to put his penny brain and mouth in the fray. Good work Chucky you are as disgusting as Big lips . I feel that the media again let the people down and failed to show the people who and where the votes were coming from. It is amazing that Coleman-who was way ahead -so a country that favors Big lips finds votes for him and how many times are they going to keep finding more votes? If the courts say no to some of the tactics that the counties have used to get their party the win. Like I said in my last blog it is the person who counts the votes that matters not the people who voted. 2008 Elections stolen by massive voter fraud and corruption and media as the accomplices of the Mega-Rich Sugar Daddies dialing for dollars facts and figures to the highest bidder.The people who also failed to check into either candidate because they are all crooks or that it would have cut into their sports or game show watching time deserve what they get. Big Lips says he will work for you, whether you voted for him or not. Big lips drip drip drip I hope that the people of Minnesota get tired of your carpetbagger friends and sending you packing. Drip Drip also until this makes it's way through all the court battles, try keeping your face shut. Drip Drip that way it's not so obvious that you stole it, you waste of air and carbon. I think tar and feathering would be too kind. It looks like the vast left wing conspiracy continues...... how to go from a democracy to communism in four short years.Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting