
Monday, December 29, 2008

Religion of the Socialist Liberal Left and the Untouchables!!


First to all readers of this blog- I'm not a scientist or a member of (NNOA )IE; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. But,then, I never claimed to be the founder of the Internet either, Al Gore and his: Inconvenient Truth. His presentation is so filled with lies and half truths. He and the group of Chicken Little , the sky is falling, Liberal Socialist Engineers are a group of malcontents who all look for something to fill that void. The void of just not quite living up to the American dream.They attack anything that shows them they are not quite normal. And they are on the outside looking in of what ever they think normal is. Our belief in God, the family- man woman and child-, and marriage strictly between man and woman . Now, it's the environment.They think they have gotten the lead on this important life altering event. But as usual, they have again (with out any facts to back them up) went running around like a bunch of little girls,- no offense to little girls. But it's true. The media -not being scientists- and always agreeing with their socialist buddies -have also jumped on the latest new thing called Global Warming. I am reminded of the movie Independence Day with Will Smith. In particular, the part where the people were dancing and waving banners welcoming the aliens.When the aliens attacked, the liberals are the same thing. They do not have a clue. Michael Savage says it correctly; "Liberalism is a mental disorder. " Newsweek Magazine wrote an article about the coming global Ice age or global cooling. It's true. Google it and you will see the same as I did. 1975 had all the scientists telling all their facts of food shortages and disaster waiting for us. Just like now. In a 100 years the temperature will rise a half a degree or there abouts . Now Newsweek is saying a person who points this out is wrong because their facts (at the time)were correct. But beyond that, they now report as if it were a fact that global warming is coming and it's all man's fault. But is it? And is the way the mental cases in the media cover it the right way? Is it fair and honest? Not that this ever applied to the liberals in the first place. Let's scare the Bejesus out of all those people who might believe them. So for those of you like me who really cares about the environment and plan to leave this life with as little damage done as possible. Thank you. If, unlike me,you do believe them; the below list applies and good luck.The following is from to stop producing carbon dioxide :
Stop breathing - When you exhale you release carbon dioxide
Don't drive - We all know how bad driving is.
Don't live in a house/apartment/condo or any building that uses gas or electricity - Homes produce 2-3 times as much carbon as cars.
Don't wear shoes or any sort of clothing produced in a factory. Grow a cotton field and make your own clothes by hand.
Quit school - Those school buildings produce more carbon in a year then you do in 20 years.
Eat meat raw - Whether you are using gas or electric -both produce carbon dioxide.
Turn off this monitor and computer - You hypocrite.
Don't use toilets, urinate or poo in your back yard.- The water to your house is cleaned and sent to your house using pumps that use electricity.
Stop exercising - Increasing your heart rate increases the amount of oxygen you take in and turn into carbon dioxide.
Die - Dying younger means you will do all of the above less. Living one year less means you will save the earth 8.4 tons of carbon dioxide every year you are not here! But if you are like me and you're waiting for all the scientists to get together and come to a consensus on what the facts are. Not the politicians or foreign bodies looking for American dollars. What are the facts ? The government is trying to tell us and the scientists what is going on.And they are waving the all mighty dollar as reward for their correct response. Liberals should find a new way of stealing from the American people. Not come up with a carbon credit sham. I have a lot of carbon credits for sale at my farm to those who think they need to waste their money on liberal shams. You can contact me through this blog. I have said that I have a great respect for the earth and understand that we have used and abused her and I know we as humans can do a lot better. Since the end of 2008 has come,I hope we all will think of the day to day actions and what they mean to old mother earth and to ourselves. Plant a tree. Go to the National Arbor Day Society and order a tree, any tree. I prefer fruit trees myself- but what ever floats your boat-and you will know for sure where your money went . And you will have some fruit or nuts and help get rid of some carbon. Plus it will help you get off to a good start for 2009. It would be one thing if they said we are going to error on the side of caution and do the following laws; but they are not interested in the environment.They are concerned with controlling people- nothing more, and nothing less. 2009 lies ahead with a chance for B.O and his Cabinet to prove that he he not a socialist on the take. Like so many of his Cabinet who are Clinton's retreads. But I think B.O. and his Cabinet will be known as THE UNTOUCHABLES . Unlike other Presidents that the media looked at threw charges at, and sometimes it stuck. Other times it could not hold water. Ronald Reagan comes to mind. But B.O. will have a free pass or get out of jail card because he is their sweet heart and hero to all the oppressed ethnic people. Old and poor whites of the United States that those mean old Republicans held back, drugged,and failed to provide with an education. And then made them enlist in the armed services and otherwise live in squalor,and filth in the combat zone know as the Cities. Getting back to my point-there s a bumper sticker I saw that says drill now or walk.How many Liberals will we see walking? The Untouchables are coming to your television soon and I can hear it now-they are all crooks. No, not all just the media and their darling from Chicago and his Clinton retreads. But the talking heads in the media will never let there sweet heart be held accountable.No change, just the same old stuff. Get rid of both parties or at least level the playing field for third parties. How about the Conservative party, or the Green party? Again -the Conservative party needs it's own party. The Republicans- like Fox news- are too busy bowing down to the liberals and socialists. Also,are there any takers out there that in 2008 Hillary will get the nod for Vice -President-thereby paving the way for 2012? With all her vast Government experience, HA HA . Sadly, she will have more experience than B.O had when he got elected. Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting