
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Welfare State Governors Beg for Unemployment Funds and Other Ironies


Governors from across the country- the number is up to 30 (according to the New York Times)both Democrat and Fake Republicans-are facing a shortfall in money to cover unemployment.The experts say the usual. They see problems with this a lot later into a downturn of the economy. Not at the beginning. Problems at the top of the federal government have been seeping down to the state and local governments. Bush II, The Earl of Fake; the liberal Democrats in congress, and the crooked Governors that are out there, look for solutions.Some have gone so far as to sell bits and pieces of their state. In 2006, Indiana and their governor and their crooked state assembly sold their turnpike for 75 years at 3.8 billion dollars. They've passed laws that if you work for a company and are injured due to careless management practices, You no longer have the right to sue that company.You have been sold out -unless you are a lawyer or have one in the family. Blocked by the the very entity that should be looking out for you. Good job, people of Indiana. Pennsylvania, on the other hand, has gotten slot machine fever and it was supposed to be for property tax rebates. I know of no one that has received, it as of yet.Fast Eddie Rendell and his buds have tried selling the Turnpike and then making Int.#80 a turnpike as well. He has helped some in Philadelphia build a couple of new stadiums;but for the most part would be better suited to selling used cars in another state.But as bad as these are, I can't decide which is worse- New York or Michigan . New York's Governor- who is lost in a fog- wants to raise as much money as he can to prove to his state that he, the Liberal government,is good and Conservatives are bad. So he has started taxing just about everything in site. In 1787,another famous New York state writer who I admire said the following,"If duties are too high, they lessen the consumption; the collection is eluded; and the product to the treasury is not so great as when they are confined within proper and moderate bounds. This forms a complete barrier against any material oppression of the citizens by taxes of this class, and is itself a natural limitation of the power of imposing them."
Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 21, 1787.But like I said, Michigan is no better. It's the home of welfare and greed. And the people have only to look in the mirror to see the guilty parties. Now it is not what can I do for the country but what can the country do for me?The workers and middle class have fled and soon only the welfare class will remain. So I say Welfare to all ! Why be a sap? Why work just to appear like you are still living the American dream? Its like the movie Matrix. It's pretend nothing is going on and stay on course to your doom.Or take one of the two pills and wake up and Open your eyes!The Lobbyists and crooked politicians (with the wealthy,elitist media's help) have stolen the country and we need to get about the business of taking it back. Madison wrote:
It may be a reflection on human nature that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. Our government has failed to control it self and we are watching sports soaps and game shows while the greatest country in the history of this world goes down in a burning pile of rubble. The solutions are there . Do you already know what they are? Do you think the country as a whole is still United or are we heading into Divisions and civil war somewhere down the road? The rich get richer and the poor get poorer and the middle class catch it from both directions. Get back to basics and repeal and or put back laws that we put there for a reason.Glass Steagall Act Then President Clinton and his leftest buds Barney Sticklicker Frank repealed in 1999. Google the world at your finger tips, and everything for sale to highest bidder. Or how about 2007 and the Democrats killing the uptick rule again google it. Control the Borders,English as the only Language on all government forms and merchandise and culture American only we are Americans nothing more nothing less if you cannot handle it hit the road jack and never come back . If you want to tax or fix things, look to the past. The answers are there waiting with out excuses . If you need money try this- tax anything that cannot be 100%recycled or something that ends in a land fill higher tax. Have heard there is a rush too raise the age of drivers why not raise the fee to Five to Ten times what is currently charged. Also if you should lose it for breaking the law the fee is the same as the initial fee, not the much cheaper renewal rate. How about taxing people who receive TV over an antenna? None of these are my ideas they are around. But I do give them to those who claim they are looking for tax dollars. But it's not how much money you have,but what you do with the money you have. B.O and the Al "fat daddy" Gore and his "do as I say not as I do" typical liberal rhetoric of I know best for you . They are starting a new agency- Global warming and green jobs.If it were up to me I would be closing any Department that was not performing the job they were created to perform.FDA and FCC are the first to face the budget test:do they perform the task they were created for? The answer is NO! I think about how much lead is still in toys! How safe is the food and water?Not up to American standards. Maybe up to 3rd world standards.How about Pet food?Safe?Not even close. The FCC is no better .Look at our economy and the damage the liberals and the greed merchants have put on the American people. I will not even get into mad cow disease. It takes ten years just to show up in humans from the time you get it and there is no cure. But the fat cats get rich and we the workers get dead but just ask the Indiana Governor. He would tell you they are replaceable easy enough unless it happens in your family. B.O. is worried about global warming and I'm sitting here writing and its about #-8 degrees outside. I think we can all agree we can do better for the environment, but where are your priorities? The jobs follow the technology, not jobs creating technology. Get rid of Government Departments that are all bureaucracy and not performing the task they were created to perform. Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting