
Friday, December 5, 2008

A Giant Step Sideways for Feminist Movement


The feminist movement and it's Allies took a giant step sideways in Election 2008.The movement showed that it had succumbed to the almighty dollar and it's not that surprising.Look at what had happened to the Civil rights movement in America.The Carpet Baggers of the modern era (like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton) have been making a mockery for quite some time -not to mention a good living- off the backs of a movement that has done so much to improve lives for Americans of all races. Look at the good old Rev. Wright, he saw there was a lot more money preaching hate and separatist movement then the teaching of the Bible. And when people of some fame got caught up as being members of a hate Church they all said they didn't know that he was like that.Well to the point,Gloria Steinem and her feminist movement and the above has made a living off always being the victim, and the church of hate, and poor ,pitiful me. The media go to for forgiveness of sins past and some not even thought of as of yet. Yes, they're the go to for any thing in their area of expertise and ripping off and turning hard working Americans into being victims. While they stuffed their bank accounts and scratched each others backs and with a wink of the eye and the media's help. While they formed front groups to funnel even more money into their accounts. Yes, they all make their mothers proud.Gloria Steinem, the former publisher of Ms. Magazine, and a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton's in the primary, spelled out her concerns about Palin in an Op-Ed for the LA Times:
"She[Palin] opposes just about every issue that women support by a majority or plurality. She believes that creationism should be taught in public schools but disbelieves global warming; she opposes gun control but supports government control of women's wombs; she opposes stem cell research but approves "abstinence-only" programs, which increase unwanted births, sexually transmitted diseases and abortions; she tried to use taxpayers' millions for a state program to shoot wolves from the air but didn't spend enough money to fix a state school system with the lowest high-school graduation rate in the nation; she runs with a candidate who opposes the Fair Pay Act but supports $500 million in subsidies for a natural gas pipeline across Alaska; she supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, though even McCain has opted for the lesser evil of offshore drilling. She is Phyllis Schlafly, only younger." Which- if you can google line by line her statements about Palin-they are half truths or opinions with some irritating facts thrown in for good measure. Stephen Colbert calls it truthiness. For example, google Palin wolf killing and you get a lot to choose from but the sixth items down say by La Times Wolf killing may have Merit then the rest were from ;people that are pushing animal rights or different takes or points of view. She also attacked Palin with good old God that the liberals "Created Global Warming." As if she and her leftist buddies are the fact bearers on this subject. Long story short- why didn't you say-I support Hillary and as a women I also support Palin's right to run. And why didn't you attack anyone who said she should stay home with her five kids?There must have been no money in that. You compared her to Phyllis Schlafly. I thank you for that. She writes good articles that do not make victims of her readers like you do. After Hillary's loss to the Media darling of the Socialists, what were your excuses then? Where was your heart?For women or for yourself? For a soon to be 75 year old political leader who's queen of one liners, she went the easy way and supported a socialist who will be totally lost when he makes it into office. But like everyone else you can claim you were fooled too. Drilling.You make me laugh. Most of America supports drilling that is done responsibly.Not everyone has the Jetson's car. We have to make a living, unlike you, who makes a career of being a victim and creating victims.You are a leader for kool-aid drinking fools that the socialists called useful idiots. I have no respect for you or the so called feminist movement. Schlafly, on the other hand, makes people stand up on their own. Something your parents or teachers or friends should have taught you.But, like all liberals-you look for the easy road and you took it. Being old is not for the weak or simple minded nor the cowardly.Maybe in your old age you will learn all that has escaped you so far.Good luck, you will need it.But if you ask, I'm sure Phillis Schlafly would lend you a hand. Paladin kcs

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