
Friday, December 26, 2008

The American Dream or Nightmare Ahead


People are people, I believe, after moving around my whole life and living on both coasts top to bottom. Up north to down south; most of us just want to be able to live our lives without too much interference from anyone or anything . We do not like someone making fools of us because we are busy trying to make a living and pay bills. We would like to be able to add a little to our saving now and again without the tax man either at federal or state or even city levels all fighting for bigger cuts. So they can make promises they had no plan on keeping in the first place. We try our best to stay informed at each of those levels as to what is going on in the world so we can do our duties as citizens of this country. But when did the politicians think that because they were elected to an office of trust think that they are better citizens- more informed, more intelligent better able to understand the needs of the people who voted them into a position of responsibility and trust? Just so they can vote themselves bigger pay raises, better medical insurance, and bigger retirement pensions. That is reserved only for the most elite. Each year they look to the country's problems and solve them with no regard to future of the country; just how it affects there ability to con America into the ideal that they are doing America's business . Now in America we have two bad parties and two make believe parties. The two bad parties have stacked the card deck against the two pretend parties; and the whole time the media is now supporting one of the bad parties; along with all the lobbyists supporting their causes. And no one is looking out for the American people. All of the mega rich that are feeling guilty for being successful so they bash one of the parties and back the other. Unions think that one of the parties is there for them when the truth is they now make it look like they are trying to help ,but in reality they are blocking (at every turn) the other party.In truth, all the political parties seem to have sold American interests out to the new Global Party. While the Global Socialists Toast Victory Over America , Please go to the web site and read the whole article
AIM Report By Cliff Kincaid, published on December 3, 2008.
"Now that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has admitted that his $700-billion plan didn’t work out as planned, some in the media are acknowledging that they helped stampede the Congress into passing it. The American people may be losing their jobs and savings, but on Friday night, November 14, on the eve of the international financial summit, they provided President Bush and other G20 leaders a lavish banquet that included $300-a-bottle wine, Vermont Brie, eggplant fondue, and rack of lamb. Details of the “culinary delights” and “sumptuous feast” provided to the politicians who departed their black limousines were included in wire service stories. They were toasting the demise of America as a global economic and military superpower and planning to loot another trillion dollars from U.S. taxpayers.
Stories about the feast can only cause rising anger in the United States. A C-SPAN moderator on November 16, hosting a discussion of the growing financial crisis and taking calls, himself commented that there was a lot of anger out there. One caller mentioned taking up arms against the government over the looting of the taxpayers. We have seen the people react this way in the past to proposals for Congressional pay raises and illegal alien amnesty. But the growing anger over the endless series of taxpayer bailouts is getting louder and louder." I do not believe in a lot of things,but if the Mainstream media does not cover this or any of the other items not covered during 2008, how could the media not make a bigger stink over super Delegates ? Whose job is to correct the mistakes of those common men and women who voted them into office?? New super delegates . How about two states locked out of the primaries by the very party they end up backing in the Presidential election? Minnesota votes seem to be for sale to the deepest pockets. They are somehow able to find votes out of no where untill they get the right outcome. Where was the media on that election?How or why should I ever trust them again? Why do the people watch them like zombies? That is, if they bother to keep up on current events at all? With most guys- they can tell you football,basketball, and baseball stats of teams players,but think all politicians are crooks. But if they are pressed, they do not know what is going on in America. Women are no better in this area. The media is not the media of twenty years ago. If you think they will inform you of what going on in America, the tanks will be on your front porch and they will say it's a parade. B.O or President Elect will follow the new path ,and I hope it is as my bud from New York wrote, "The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society; and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public trust." Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 57, February 19, 1788. But if the past is telling us of the future B.O will do no wrong according to the media. He will raise people from the dead and feed the masses with 1 fish 1 loaf of bread and a cup of night train or MD 20/20 wine . There are only points of view, now, not facts. Anymore a fact is a story told enough times that it appears as fact.But is not even close. You can make a hero or you can make a villain- look at OJ Simpson or Rodney King. By cutting the first 20 seconds of tape, a person might assume incorrectly that the police started the whole thing and he was an Innocent and that the police over stepped their authority. But if I were the Mayor of Los Angeles, I would have gone after the media for editing out those missing shots. I would have sued to try to get some money for rebuilding and all the lives lost. Who was more at fault? The police? The Media?Rodney King?Or was is the Jury? The same Jury that saw the entire video from start to finish. About 20 missing seconds showing King getting up and rushing at one of the officers. But the media played it for the most part with twenty missing seconds and made a fact look like a man being beaten for no reason. Who should have paid for all the death and destruction? Can we afford to trust the new far left media with Acorn?
Can we trust their take on Al Franken? Global warming? The vast Right Wing Conspiracy theories? The trans Canada -Mexico Highway? What about the new power of taking your property from you and giving it to the highest bidder so it will generate more taxes? The court should have been tarred and feathered and chased from the country. Both parties should have passed bills that would prevent the court from allowing people to steal your property. But they all act like there is nothing they can do . Pelosi , Reid, and B.O. History will tell if the media was corrupted by greed or by thought or lobbyists who work for everything except the good of the country and the citizens who were born here. So why isn't there a bigger uprising about the media? Because the people are not working on taking America back yet. They are asleep at the switch. How do we warn them, when the media is in on the problem of failing to protect America? IF I could, I would shout it from the roof tops. But unlike the Muslims and their Call to Prayer, I would be arrested and sent in for evaluation of my mental Competence. So I will just keep banging at it until maybe enough people have told enough people that from a bare grassroots movement an awakening will happen. IF we can get enough people not watching the media and If we talk to the sponsors about what they are promoting by giving the media money. Look at PBS. We the taxpayers are paying for anti -American rhetoric just like we supported Acorn and their crooked voter registrations.And again, the Fairness Doctrine is nothing more then a way to silence and control one of the few remaining ways of hearing what is going on. Not counting the Internet. Besides, like in China, it too can be controlled . Again, we need a group like OAK tree (acorn all grown up) and defending America. A conservative movement that will start taking back America, one person at a time till the mental disorder that is the progressive movement is stopped in it tracks and sent packing. A small step in the right direction would be stop listening to massive radio companies who play the same music night and day because it's on their play list. They have no DJ, any way. What do they offer? Bigger is not better. So what if it's free? If you listen more then a few hours, it plays the same old songs. With all the music that is in the world they have to play the same old songs until you are sick of hearing them. TV plays junk.I gave it up due to the news being run by liberals and Socialist. The shows they put on are not worth watching,for the most part. Look at what's on and see if they use a writer or not? Reality TV is Cheap TV.Cut back on commercials and you might make a better profit. T&A is always a hit with young guy and gals. Watch BET or MTV and see what all the evening shows are about-Good writers -sure thing . Looking for answers to some questions? How to get the media interested in facts? What is the truth about the election fraud? What is the truth about Global Warming ? What is the truth about Bias in the media? What is the true meaning of 'IS"?When a President has to resort to this, is there any wonder we have this Financial melt down on Wall Street to main street? There is no accountability for anything. This is why we are where we are at. No ACCOUNTABILITY, WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE, WHO HOLDS THEM ACCOUNTABLE??

paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting