
Saturday, March 7, 2009

POTUS? You could have voted for a well trained Parrot


Alexander Grazer Tyler,English Historian of the 1700's

"A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Goverment. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess (generous benefits) from the public treasury . From that moment on , The majority always votes for the canidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury , with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy ,Always followed by Dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years . These nations have progressed through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith, From spiritual faith to great courage,From great courage to liberty ,From Liberty to abundance, From Abundance to selfishness,From Selfishness to Complacency ,From Complacency to Apathy, From Apathy to Dependence,From Dependence back to bondage".

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.
George Bernard Shaw

This past week B.O and the parrots drones tryed to make veterans wounded in battle or in the service to this country pay for there own care through there own insurance, How stupid is this guy and his crew of untouchables the media and this guy will kill me each time I get going on a good story he does something else even worse so for better or worse in the intrest of getting something out there here it is .
Larger message for all scientists: Follow the data, not political ideology.
"Our government has forced what I believe is a false choice between sound science and moral values," Obama declared ! What B.O. is Global Warming oh that right it not Science its all about power and taxes energy credit my butt........
B.O. is the Crisis , I think that the country is in bad shape even worse then I have been writing about since November. B.O. Is just another Jesse Jackson Al. Sharpton or Wright the only difference is B.O. is doing a shake down of the Entire economy. He is the Crisis that is spreading across America and its all about power. He is a pretender who is in over his head the liberal and the socialist are all fronts for a Talking Parrot who has no clue what he is doing and being that I shut of my TV last November I can imagine the talking heads during there nightly broadcast to there believers and the TV Zombies but I know all the attempts at rewriting history I hear and see it all on talk radio from the useful idiots that call in saying how great the new Messiah is or on the news stories on Internet news they all talk of the inherited budget deficit that he and all the Dems vote on along with those so call Repucks who sold American out where was this Scalpel that B.O. threw around like a knight with a sword. How many earmarks does one have to threw in for him to be able to see . He is worthless he is a Parrot nothing more. He can be proud of cleaning up the streets ,Look at all the criminals he has gotten off the streets. Tax dodgers thief's all make up the Untouchables . B.O you and your Cronies might act like your Celebrities but how long before people see that you are worse then nothing. A fake spending money that will yoke future generations to the biggest debt that you and yours voted and approved of I hope that all of those who voted on this sham are booted out of office and I think tar and feathering should be brought back. How and when will you keep one of your promises to the voters of America I'm not talking about the drones who helped you steal the election but to the middle class or whats left of it after just a few months of you as Leader of the Country as sorry as you are. When we are attacked and we will be because just like all Democrats you have a big yellow streak running across your back it show up even more on you due to your socialist leanings but none the less it is a shiny yellow that the enemy's of this country can spot for miles and miles what and who will you blame Bush the vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Look into the mirror Parrot? Are you cutting the Military even as I write this ?????? You cannot spend my money for your Social Experiments running the country into ruin and expect me or anyone with a brain or reason to respect you or your party. You are the Crisis and it is Leadership and solutions that have been proven to work. Not pay back to your buds ,That will get us out of the hole that your fellow idiots like Clinton Chris Dodd and Barney Sticklicker Frank have gotten us into. Who is doing all these trade deals?. Are they from some country where inbreeding is allowed? Who does these immigration laws ? Maybe just maybe since we keep getting our but kick when you and yours write law and trade deals We the people should outsource your jobs.... Here's a good Ideal how about we adopt the practice of what ever the trade policy of a country is we adopt that so if we are talking Mexico deal with them using there laws if dealing with European union then we adopt there laws same thing for Immigration Mexico does not have people running into there country using all there social services stealing from there people . Oh but we must get more and more useful idiots to destroy are country while increasing ???? What the tax base or just to bring our country even closer to a third world status them we already have become . To treat our trade partners like they treat us radical isn't it. Or to have fair and equal immigration laws with Mexico as a American can I own land in Mexico if unlawfully Immigrated there ???I do not think so Jail Jail so we should match them if England has free trade and Immigration with us we should match them each country is match one for one fair and balanced if a country doesn't have free and fair anything we match that too. To hard to keep track of maybe but as least we might get a fair shake out of it . Just some musings of a muse. Tea parties and Son and Daughters of liberty watch what the talking heads are saying. Listen for what Paul Harvey ( a great man who has gone onto to bigger and better things ) Look for what the rest of the story is? Have faith and speak up. More then that shut off the zombie box and wake up.The enemy is among us and he is us the talking heads or news anchors are spokesman for what you should hear, or not hear.Till next time grow a garden, Save you money and and get ready for all those changes that will be payed for out of our wallets . Shut your TV off and listen to talk radio read the blogs or internet news , Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting