
Monday, March 30, 2009

So what you have a contract ! Big Deal


The talking Parrot and his Untouchables have done somethings in the past couple of weeks ,That I thought could never have happened in these United States. But who could have thought of something like the current socialist movement. Much less the Government hiring and firing company Co's.Yea right like it knows something of a civilian company it pays hundreds for a hammer. The current czar and his media and cabinet of Untouchables have told the entire world that a contract is not a binding agreement between parties. Only if our government likes your policies more them they do there own. Since the founding of our country a contract was binding but not anymore the Government can change it they can modify it. Say like they did the GI bill,You know free Medical and Dental for a life time of service to the country. We make the laws and we can change it. But this talking Parrot or Ali-Obama and his forty+ thieves have set new records for stupidity and the talking heads for the most part have remained silent "Reminds me where the story goes when they came for those I said nothing until they came for me and there was nobody left to say anything". This AIG was nothing but a front anyway Bonuses 1/10 of all the money they had given AIG for paying off all those overseas banks.You know camouflage for the true thing Socialist Youth Training for his Civilian SS Corp not that they would call them SS but pretty much that's what they are you know the thing he let slip during his news conference about as well equipped as the military. How can an idiot tell a man who spent his life running and working in private companies with all the government bureaucracies and interferences compete with the talking Parrot who cannot run a news stand. But yet do you hear an out cry from the talking heads Never Alexander Hamilton ensured that the first government honored all contracts from then till now. Tell the talking Parrot that it stood the test of time. But like I said he can do no wrong as he drives the country straight into the lowest parts of Hell. 14 trillion in debt and counting who knows maybe he can cause a Revolution yet. I do not think it will be the one he is planning on through he has in my opinion even out done Jimmy I hate Jews Carter in being the worst leader in the History of our country and I only hope that he has not written the final epitaph for our country led to ruin by liberal greed and thirst for power. Where is the long term goal for our country energy if the communist had not all run to the green party or red to green party they saw that this was the next golden egg to screw with and now they are hard at Cap and Trade and all the new taxes it will put on the Drones.The middle class will still be waiting for there tax cuts right up till he sticks it to them again and again all in the name of Global Warming. If it were about energy they would be providing nuclear power plants licences with out all the bureaucracies holding up ground breaking till the next crisis and then it will be too late being that they are currently working on Volt the electric car cheap energy will bring a boom to this market or how about this not all people live in the City . Why not make Hybrid's that kick in after you hit 60 mph . I would drive one of your little cars it you can put a snow plow in front of me when ever I have to get to work other wise leave me alone with my little 4x4 truck not to mention haul trees and stuff for my farm. not to much room in those little cars and what are you going to do with all those batteries every two years just like all these new light bulbs B.O you are and Idiot and talking parrot. Maybe you should take a second look at things before you leap on the socialist band wagon even if affirmative action got you through collage you should have taken a few class on American History or worst case talk to KKK from Virginia (D)Sen. Byrd he lived through a lot of history and if you listen real close you might even learn not to listen to those nuts on the left like Reed and Pelosi they will run you into the ground and sharks eat there own you know. If you must continue down this road look yesterday even Shell Oil said they were getting out of Alternative Energy no money in it . But they do not have tax payer money to waste like you I cannot think of how you fooled so many people into thinking you were an educated person nothing more then affirmative action at its worst. A good reason to hire the most qualified person male, female, regardless of race get rid of race boxes on applications for work it should not matter if there an American and most qualified. Now back to this veterans paying for there own care how in the world did you think you would get that through was that the first time you had been told know you think your Lenin or Kennedy or who ever struck your fancy this week why not be an original and do what is best for all Americans Yes the infrastructure was in bad shape but why not say this money is going to first be spent on paying off some debt and after the country picks up again work on projects that benefit all Americans not just those who do not contribute in any shape way or form for now will have to leave it here till the next time God Bless America. I also hope that all those radio host out there who make there living off talking on the radio would put aside personal feelings and start working as a group to put forth a strong front to face the latest battle facing America at least till the battle is started egos and one upping each other for who has the better ratings will not help our country just yourselves so join in the battle sons and daughters of LibertyPaladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting