
Monday, April 6, 2009

The Talking Parrot Strikes Again Gates,Murtha

Just a quickie just saw that B.O. and his big yellow stripe that runs through his party or his crew that is bent on destroying America and putting all Americans in the poor house, But this is not the worst thing he is doing now, "There quickly dismantling the defenses of our country" Just as Clinton took away money from the intelligence field which led to the attack on the 9/11 and now the Talking Parrot and his crew are taking away funding from the military not a balanced approach if you know what I mean. Too just cut with out thought to consequence research and development which we as a nation have always led in but this talking Parrot and the worst Secretary of Defence Robert Gates who is a traitor to this country and his Post.He should have told the press that do to mismanagement of our country's spending that he is being told to make these cuts even if this country is facing more foes now then ever before. But as I have said more times then I can count he is a weak mind fool who would be better as a fast food manager and don't get me started on (The shame of Pennsylvania the Home of Murtha (D ) ) Traitor Traitor should be run from office even before his actions in this Defence budget wiping out future defence capabilities leaving us wide open. Look at the world does it make you feel more or less secure in the current world condition of peace and tranquility. But the talking Parrot and his yes man bent on destroying America have just fired the first shot what remains is what the talking heads and both Houses of are government think.Will they let him disarming our countries defences and calling us arrogant as a country.The drones who voted this idiot into offices so he could be the Affirmative Action President putting the entire country in harms way and when the attack happens he will be crying its because he is black or worst crying for his mommy he is without a doubt the worst kind of man one who has no foundation no hard core values except Anti American Socialist Black Party who thinks he can and will do whats best for America as he sees fit.Never mind a Constitution ,Bill of Rights nothing matters he knows whats best for you and me just keep paying your taxes and get you brain into you sports , game shows and soaps its all in you head. Your a radical! All government's do this.! Give him time he's only been in office! , How long ? Your a racist! . Never mind the fact you served with great Americans of all races and they are the Patriots that I hope will wake up and see what this nut and his party are doing . The blame is on the Republicans or Repucks fake Conservatives who even now have no plan what to do except put a none conservative token black in charge Steel is without a doubt one of the worst Conservatives to lead at this time they have no clue, He has no plan. There was a teenager at the CPAC Convention he would be doing a better job then Steel. I hate both Parties at the current moment,We need to as a nation fire every single one of these idiots and hire new people to go in there and put thing right, The way it was made to be. Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting