
Thursday, May 28, 2009



During previous letters I started calling B.O. The talking Parrot due to his need for using a TelePrompter lately do to his similarities to King Ludwig of Bavaria IE the mad mad spending and them saying we as a nation cannot continue the spending it will act to dampen the economy.OR his ever historic statement of it would not be right for federal government to cut spending when industry and people have cut spending. Or how about the fake environmentalism practice by The King and his administrations and both houses that are controlled by his Flakiness who with both houses are drunk with power and think the drones and zombies are dumb lazy and are mental retards which to some small way after blaming the propaganda machines I agree that a lot of idiots are taking up useful air and polluting the countries air with all the Co2 they give off there fat welfare food stamp using.Drug selling using drugs in -bred urban slums using all the resources up. Criminals that make up his support along with the drones you know them they're the people who vote Democratic because they cannot be bothered to check into the way the modern world and its parties of shame and sham have gotten so bold to openly act communist and yes very few even notices it. They say all politicians are crooks. When are country fails and the history is written all these people who voted for this pretender and stood and watch as he spent and spent more then any president all together more money them could fit in a rail road train 300 miles long.. It was the drones and TV zombies and those from the great generation who vote Democratic because there family has always voted that way. Those who read this blog it you go back and see some of the early things I wrote I'm 80 or more percent right and the other 20 percent just has not happen yet but I believe will when the time is right IE H Clinton 2012 Vice- President. You might say Old Joe Biden what about old Joe every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. The King had to Hide him . Plus there getting ready to replace King B.O unless he decides to get really bold and change the two terms limit which he is just crazy enough to try. But getting back to old fake environmentalism this is only good for grabbing power grasping it from the American people and using the money it generates to fund your ever growing bands of influence into the household of each American. The only thing slowing you down at the moment is the economy let see you all caused the biggest financial melt down since the great depression and blame Bush and Chaney who helped Acorn change the lending laws I don't think BUSH OR Chaney OH that's right it was The talking Parrot his buddy Clinton Barney Stcklicker Franks and Chris Dodd yes that's about right isn't it! Now they have used Taxes to buy into most big Financial institutions own 70% of GM government made cars here come the HUGO Hugo again good job there all that tax money to help them go bankrupt . If I were and Investor I would be pissed that due to government interference I loss all my Money in Fannie Mae and GM can hardly wait for the law suits to start flying there Global warming fake science land water air pollution sewers filled with everything plus the usual all these things I have covered before taxes life style taxes money grabbing carpetbaggers using us against them tactics and dump stupid people who believe in Darwin's theories survival of the fittest or in there case weakest supported by and taken care of all of there life needs pretty soon they will take people and say you are to stupid to live so you cannot breed. Or you must marry this guy and the off spring will stand a better chance of being smarter you will live here and you can only drive this small clown car so we can have gas for our smarter leaders who are all knowing and all seeing each of your needs will be given to you and if you should get sick there's always state medicine or if your too costly to repair they will terminate you humanely of course and what the heck they have billions of worker bees just like you so what the heck those mean old Conservatives that wanted me to take care of all of my needs myself who do they think we are all I want too do is smoke my dope watch TV or play videos or listen to my jams I cannot take time to see what them smart politicians are doing. Not about environmentalism if it were we would be building nuke power plants that have been providing power in European Countries for 20 or more years safely Wind is find but you must have back up working all the time anyway so why not go the right way clean coal or nuclear. Taxes life style taxes how about if it cannot be recycled tax the crap out of it water ways so bad from sewers emptying or factories putting stuff in the water that kills all creatures or makes them uneatable to us. But lets have them make fuel out of this it creates more pollution them regular fuel but do not let those fools know this us against them all the experts agree and the propaganda machines keeping us guessing I would not believe any so called news from there so called news agencies propaganda department is closer to the truth. Survival of the fittest God abortion and family planning centers started by raciest mostly in black urban areas carpetbaggers who spend there time making victims of hard working people and now they have us against them later it will be them against us let them take your guns voting machines jobs medical care of your choice. Radio stations that inform you of the truth government jobs in agency that do not work for the people its just a job that you must do so you are controlled where are we heading we are now in uncharted territory so your guess is as good as mine but we will all be victim's and when it comes time you better be ready third world rules or a lack there of rules that is. Keep watching and believing the government for the people by the people ha ha how about love your country fear your government that's the bumper sticker I have in my back window I need no idiot making apologies for me or my country and most of all not to sick countries that have already fallen. When are country falls it will be due to this ass in charge who might be historic but is still going to be written about as the first black president who was a total failure do to his communist education and his lack of experience and his handling by his parties upper white handlers. Up and down around and around lets see where he goes next till then remember his Secretary of transportation "He says he has joined a "transformational" administration: "I think we can change people's behavior." Government "promoted driving" by building the Interstate Highway System—"you talk about changing behavior." Yes he is all about changing your behavior the rest of article is in Newsweek for those who might think that I like the propaganda department picked just or miss quoted him till next time be safe watch for homeland security busting down your door for using your computer oh that's right now they have a cyber government watch who has a lot of power over you and me and the truth you know us right wing radicals till next we meet be safe turn your TV off and do not support there sponsors Paladin kcs

B.O crisis with a mission carbon-credits propaganda mission full speed ahead


Potus as I've said last month is easy to catch in a lie his lips are moving his latest crisis is medical coverage for all the speech in Wisconsin was filled with more lies then truth but the Talking Parrot and his rag tag bunch of thieves have no honor or truth just a mission to destroy our country this bunch think their so smart elitist socialist. I have a good Ideal If they think there medical coverage is gong to be so great let them test drive it out for five or ten years and if they like the results let us put it to a vote, He the Fairy tell King thinks we are a part of his drones or TV zombies to believe anything that passe's his lips he has never been acquainted with truth or love of country. You have to have something Alex Haley wrote about called ROOTS .
Crisis Crisis (x) 10 as I have written before everything he works on he inherited and its a Crisis
mostly of his and his parties making look at Housing Banking now Automobile and medical coverage but he only wants what is best for his country. This Affirmative Action President is clueless on American love of country and god they believe in nothing and know nothing.The Repucks and Conservatives might as well not exist the only place they can be heard is on talk radio and blogs main stream Propaganda outlets have very few Repucks or Conservatives voices ever now and again they put out there someone who pretends to be Conservative saying crap crap crap and the Propaganda outlets let him stand as a poster child for the Conservative Movement. So between his words and his actions what are we to believe Like I said if his lips are moving he is lying Look at this and tell me I'm wrong Government owns now banks AIG Automobile Companies and what he doesn't own out right he controls with regulations and if you can regulate it you can control it now he has the Cigarette Companies under his control and before long medical which makes up 22 percent of our jobs what about his Propaganda outlets those people we use to count on for news now nothing more then his own little propaganda outlets. Look now at what has been going on with King Ludwig or B.O. the talking Parrot or affirmative action president has been spending money at a rate that has never been seen in the whole history of our world. He B.O. has no plan to pay any of this money off in fact he has been doing this on purpose crisis crisis that is the key to his plan can you say carbon credits a two-part regulatory system in which the “cap” is a government-imposed limit on carbon emissions, and the “trade” is a government-created market to buy and sell greenhouse gas credits. ...cost to you and me about 1600.00 two 3000.00 more in taxes each and every year government getting bigger and your rights getting smaller and smaller he the talking parrot has done all he can do to harm are free market system. But the drones TV shows are keeping the haze over the eyes of those who could stop this or as I often hear from these drones does it matter what can you do nothing. Well how about writing emailing your state Senators or Representatives and let them know that you are tired of there crap and if they continue down this road that you will do all within your power to vote them out of office. What will it take to wake people. New so called life-style tax? No How about B.O firing of the AG A Real AG Gate - Questions Swirl Around Obama Firing of Americorps IG ... Which is interesting because Obama ran on a platform to identify and eradicate ...corruption. No the propaganda outlets will not let this get to far it will be that vast right wing conspiracy Janet Reno or Napolitano will start another witch hunt for a diversion Maybe when they come for those who think they do not have a dog in this hunt.Well how about the freedom to work and live the way you want with the ability to work hard and succeed or fail without Government interference or red tape taxes taxes taxes. How about when you go to the store and the shelves are empty and those things you take for granted now like if you old and need medical help you can get it now but in the future your option might be to be put down you know like we do are old and sick pets? Well could not happen here in America already has in Oregon if the lady had chosen to say yes to the state Luckily she told them she was not ready to give up yet. and a drug Company gave her the drugs she needed I hear B.O. has been bully any body that gets in his way but he goes on TV and acts like he's above all this he is because no one calls him out on this and the Repucks that voted for the Cigarettes regulations should be voted out of office for stupidity he who regulates controls. For those who think what harm can B.O do to medical care look at the country in 6 months B.O. controls what ?? look at Social Security,
medicare and medicaid all going broke how about Am-track,Just look at the bailouts they said he must pass this stimulus package to avoid double digit unemployment what is it now ???? Do you see the light at the end of the tunnel No its a light behind us fixing to run us all in to third world status and where will B.O. be when this is all proved to be so messed up he will be making millions with book deals and speaking for $$$ to the drones tell your friend we are going the wrong way they will look at you like you have a third eye not a clue TV zombies or drones look at
his actions around the world Mr Apology and his actions with North Korea or Iran while the whole time stripping the military down to peanut farmer Carter levels Carpetbagger at every turn the Democrats should apologize to blacks for slaver they are the party that started it as well as the KKK and they now control people with the media. Wake up people If I can see this how come you cannot I'm no rocket scientists nor am I a right wing Radical Janet but I like many in this country sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the bill of rights where are the States coming out against this nut job just one state has said anything and he was quickly shut up most Blue State Governors have sold there states to Washington D.C. for there own federal tax dollars coming back to the states for future big governments programs that will never die. Guess which states are the most needy of course those who have the biggest taxes and most government bureaucracy are you surprised look at the Keystone state PA. Fast Eddie Randell and all his work for B.O. he will not work with the state lawmakers he wants his budget or he will keep the entire state hold up like the little fast boy who want to take his ball and go home because he didn't get his way jobs what jobs he is welfare welfare loved in Philly hated in the rest of the places he hasn't bought with tax dollars this state has some some real winners in government Murtha Arlan Sphincter and Fast Fat boy Rendell who should be selling used cars but yet he seats in Harrisburg Pa. When he there the rest of the time he's in Philly checking on his statue made of gold. Pick a blue state and see for your self, Till next time spread the word write email call by phone but let them know Government made everything is not America save your money shut off the Propaganda box and listen to talk radio and grow a garden till next time be safe right wing radicals Paladin kcs

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nortre Dame 2009/Media


Too all of you out there who say That The Talking Parrot should not have talked at the UNIVERSITY of Nortre Dame shame shame look at the peace makers words at the big event. Abortion is not and will always be a sin and now its more then that its a form of Birth Control for Idiots and the talking Parrot says look at it from each others point of view. How about running up historic a first of its kind he inherited deficit then telling people that this speeding is not sustainable it will dampen the economy. The talking heads in the network Propaganda departments are working over time spinning polls and keeping the drones and zombies happy while the biggest rip off artiest in the history of the world are taking them for a ride down 3rd world status and the drones and zombies are still saying give him time let see he controls the housing market the auto industry banks and propaganda networks a majority in both houses and the Repucks say nothing but blah blah . The Department of homeland Communist spying of veterans those who voted against gay marriage illegal immigration and just say anyone who voted against them and . Now there going after talk radio and inflation is starting right now as summer is beginning by fall the network propaganda department will be blaming Bush and Chaney. Speaking of Chaney his daughter has more brains then the entire staff of the Talking Parrots Administration she tore up Chucky Todd of NBC she told him the country security is the priority not polls from the left or right or looking for common ground which moron boy could not grasp . AS I talk to people older and younger I run into the media's white washing of King- Obama. Taxes are going to be going up if you didn't listen to the speech mention above where he sited spending out of control in AZ. Look at there Life style choice taxes Beer soda wine and grain alcohol. The Propaganda Departments listed all the bad bad things the come from alcohol and soda IE; sugar, obesity and how diet soda would not be taxed . Life style choice tax also mention was that this would be used to fund there socialized medical coverage. Not the current medical care we are using.The government is like the old mask one frowning and one smiling used in old TV Sunday shows they try to look neutral when behind the scenes they are steering us to third would status and the people keep watching there drone box's and zombie box's for the Propaganda that they and there sponsors spew forth each hour of each day its only a shame that I do not have the resources that just one of these networks have to get the truth out look even talk radio is more interested in profit then helping one of there own. The three stooges Rush Hannity and Levin all talk a good game but there egos will not let them help M SAVAGE Only one RADIO BIG WIG BILL CUNNINGHAM 700 AM CINN OH. know that they will pick them off one at a time or will it be the new version on fairness doctrine Community local being key word advisory board stacked with communist far left group's like Acorn who's tied in with crooked unions and other thieves from the far left telling us what we should be listening to .
How we should eat. What kind of car we should drive so they can have gas for there Limousines and private jets while the rest of use are driving around in clown cars you know the kind where if your in a accident that you will be killed because there is nothing but plastic and tin between you so the car companies can meet the gas target that the government set. Only the rich and privileged will be able to afford a car that would prevent you or your kids from dieing in a fender bender but that is Darwin's theory of survival of the weakest supported by the government. Target sponsors of network propaganda machines do not buy anything the government takes control of I have bought by last gm vehicle I will own grow and or buy food that doesn't support this government and its group of thieves and the sponsors who support there goals. turn off your drone box's and see what is really going on in this country You can lead a horse to water but you can not make them drink. so the old sang goes but spead the word this country future depends on all people waking up and wiping the fog from there eyes before its to late till next time be safe save your money grow a garden and watch for the next life style choice tax coming your way.Paladin ksc

Monday, May 4, 2009

B.O. The Talking Parrot is the crisis along with his Party


Can you tell when The talking Parrot is lying. I can, But I do not watch the drone box or read or listen to socialist propaganda. This is how you can tell his lips are moving . If it sounds like I'm a B.O. Fan not even close I hate his policies I give him credit for only one thing and that is getting all those tax cheats to pay up. Yes he had to hire them in order to get it done but at least we know the kind of people The talking Parrot thinks are good candidates for service in his administration. Like I said in the last letter I wrote B.O. is the Talking Parrot or Affirmative action president I believe in giving credit where credit is due B.O is as ass backwards as any President in all of American history he will be remembered as the Media's President. Look at what his spokesman said about how they love MSNBC. I think its not even news its a normal bashing for degenerates, who want to feel normal. By bashing normal, look at where are our movies come from. Au Vant Garde to be hip modern or employable, Rebel's without a cause. Such a queer little town. By just being Contrary to anything us poor unenlightened masses might think of as normal .Its an upside down world at the moment and there will be a prices to all Americans for this need to put an idiot on a pedestal. He B.O. does not have a clue as to what he needs to do, he could not run a girl scout cookie drive much less a country. If and when we are attacked this Idiot will get cover from the talking heads I just wonder who they will make as the scapegoat if it's late into his first term.Its one think to blame Bush for the Economy and his inherited budget deficit even with the facts that all the Democrats voted for and wanted and even bigger amount spent . Never mind that Barney sticklicker Frank and Chris Dodd and B.O. did the most to fold up our economy with there friends at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac not to mention those most Patriotic SCUM called Acorn. But truth is B.O and the Democrats Liberal Socialist Party will get theirs not from the Right but there own will see what hollow promises they make and how they flaunt there elitism's . If Pelosi has her way their will be two laws one for us and one for her elitist friends in government. Average Americans need to wake up and see that the false promises are made by those who cannot do anything. But must depend on those who can. Homeland Security Department spying on The Right for Political gain ONLY!! Janet Napolitano take your Apology stick up Janet Reno Ass. Can you say Ruby Ridge or Waco Cases of Leftist Goverment gone wild Like nobody can figure this out even the drones in there own party know this to be true. Except those Kool Aide drinkers who's legs quiver when the Talking Parrot speaks.The media there sponsors and the new socialist party with there hidden tax's think they can throw lies and accusation around to keep the Re-pucks on the Defensive and too this point they have succeeded only due to a lack of leadership in the Conservative Party. Could it be that we just do not get media coverage. ? What games are going on that there is no voice in the dark. Except talk radio maybe the lobbiest have been waving money in front of these hacks who cannot hear what is on the radio ever weekday from early in the morning till very late into the nite there are so many answers in front of them to counter these lies but still not a word. Global warming, Mark to market, Cap and trade are money from you and me too these idiots who could not sell newspapers on the street. If they need more and more money to fund there bureaucracy's of lies and idiots there is no hope left for average americans the far left can always be counted on to take a win situation and turn it into a loss and blame the American people for there actions. I will wait for the American people to wake up too these slight of hand idiots. Who say look at this why they do this behind the curtain now its the class warfare and its all big business'es fault. But like I said before shut off your tv and listen to talk radio and watch these idiots self destruct or stab each other in the back in the name of power till next time . Maybe we should have a tea party in front of MSNBC and CNN Corp. Then invite Fox to cover it so the world will know that we were not just racist and a few rednecks who know nothing of history. Do not let me get started on the Talking Parrots pick for education one of the worst school districts in the country Chicago average reading level 8th grade B.O. Picks there boss to be in charge of the entire countries school system "FUBAR" again LORD help the country HIS Highness King B.O. The 21st century Fairy tale King A match for King Ludwig of Bavaria any time hope his advisers do not drowned him and say it was an accident for his uncontrollable speading Paladin kcs

conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting