
Monday, May 18, 2009

Nortre Dame 2009/Media


Too all of you out there who say That The Talking Parrot should not have talked at the UNIVERSITY of Nortre Dame shame shame look at the peace makers words at the big event. Abortion is not and will always be a sin and now its more then that its a form of Birth Control for Idiots and the talking Parrot says look at it from each others point of view. How about running up historic a first of its kind he inherited deficit then telling people that this speeding is not sustainable it will dampen the economy. The talking heads in the network Propaganda departments are working over time spinning polls and keeping the drones and zombies happy while the biggest rip off artiest in the history of the world are taking them for a ride down 3rd world status and the drones and zombies are still saying give him time let see he controls the housing market the auto industry banks and propaganda networks a majority in both houses and the Repucks say nothing but blah blah . The Department of homeland Communist spying of veterans those who voted against gay marriage illegal immigration and just say anyone who voted against them and . Now there going after talk radio and inflation is starting right now as summer is beginning by fall the network propaganda department will be blaming Bush and Chaney. Speaking of Chaney his daughter has more brains then the entire staff of the Talking Parrots Administration she tore up Chucky Todd of NBC she told him the country security is the priority not polls from the left or right or looking for common ground which moron boy could not grasp . AS I talk to people older and younger I run into the media's white washing of King- Obama. Taxes are going to be going up if you didn't listen to the speech mention above where he sited spending out of control in AZ. Look at there Life style choice taxes Beer soda wine and grain alcohol. The Propaganda Departments listed all the bad bad things the come from alcohol and soda IE; sugar, obesity and how diet soda would not be taxed . Life style choice tax also mention was that this would be used to fund there socialized medical coverage. Not the current medical care we are using.The government is like the old mask one frowning and one smiling used in old TV Sunday shows they try to look neutral when behind the scenes they are steering us to third would status and the people keep watching there drone box's and zombie box's for the Propaganda that they and there sponsors spew forth each hour of each day its only a shame that I do not have the resources that just one of these networks have to get the truth out look even talk radio is more interested in profit then helping one of there own. The three stooges Rush Hannity and Levin all talk a good game but there egos will not let them help M SAVAGE Only one RADIO BIG WIG BILL CUNNINGHAM 700 AM CINN OH. know that they will pick them off one at a time or will it be the new version on fairness doctrine Community local being key word advisory board stacked with communist far left group's like Acorn who's tied in with crooked unions and other thieves from the far left telling us what we should be listening to .
How we should eat. What kind of car we should drive so they can have gas for there Limousines and private jets while the rest of use are driving around in clown cars you know the kind where if your in a accident that you will be killed because there is nothing but plastic and tin between you so the car companies can meet the gas target that the government set. Only the rich and privileged will be able to afford a car that would prevent you or your kids from dieing in a fender bender but that is Darwin's theory of survival of the weakest supported by the government. Target sponsors of network propaganda machines do not buy anything the government takes control of I have bought by last gm vehicle I will own grow and or buy food that doesn't support this government and its group of thieves and the sponsors who support there goals. turn off your drone box's and see what is really going on in this country You can lead a horse to water but you can not make them drink. so the old sang goes but spead the word this country future depends on all people waking up and wiping the fog from there eyes before its to late till next time be safe save your money grow a garden and watch for the next life style choice tax coming your way.Paladin ksc

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting