
Monday, May 4, 2009

B.O. The Talking Parrot is the crisis along with his Party


Can you tell when The talking Parrot is lying. I can, But I do not watch the drone box or read or listen to socialist propaganda. This is how you can tell his lips are moving . If it sounds like I'm a B.O. Fan not even close I hate his policies I give him credit for only one thing and that is getting all those tax cheats to pay up. Yes he had to hire them in order to get it done but at least we know the kind of people The talking Parrot thinks are good candidates for service in his administration. Like I said in the last letter I wrote B.O. is the Talking Parrot or Affirmative action president I believe in giving credit where credit is due B.O is as ass backwards as any President in all of American history he will be remembered as the Media's President. Look at what his spokesman said about how they love MSNBC. I think its not even news its a normal bashing for degenerates, who want to feel normal. By bashing normal, look at where are our movies come from. Au Vant Garde to be hip modern or employable, Rebel's without a cause. Such a queer little town. By just being Contrary to anything us poor unenlightened masses might think of as normal .Its an upside down world at the moment and there will be a prices to all Americans for this need to put an idiot on a pedestal. He B.O. does not have a clue as to what he needs to do, he could not run a girl scout cookie drive much less a country. If and when we are attacked this Idiot will get cover from the talking heads I just wonder who they will make as the scapegoat if it's late into his first term.Its one think to blame Bush for the Economy and his inherited budget deficit even with the facts that all the Democrats voted for and wanted and even bigger amount spent . Never mind that Barney sticklicker Frank and Chris Dodd and B.O. did the most to fold up our economy with there friends at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac not to mention those most Patriotic SCUM called Acorn. But truth is B.O and the Democrats Liberal Socialist Party will get theirs not from the Right but there own will see what hollow promises they make and how they flaunt there elitism's . If Pelosi has her way their will be two laws one for us and one for her elitist friends in government. Average Americans need to wake up and see that the false promises are made by those who cannot do anything. But must depend on those who can. Homeland Security Department spying on The Right for Political gain ONLY!! Janet Napolitano take your Apology stick up Janet Reno Ass. Can you say Ruby Ridge or Waco Cases of Leftist Goverment gone wild Like nobody can figure this out even the drones in there own party know this to be true. Except those Kool Aide drinkers who's legs quiver when the Talking Parrot speaks.The media there sponsors and the new socialist party with there hidden tax's think they can throw lies and accusation around to keep the Re-pucks on the Defensive and too this point they have succeeded only due to a lack of leadership in the Conservative Party. Could it be that we just do not get media coverage. ? What games are going on that there is no voice in the dark. Except talk radio maybe the lobbiest have been waving money in front of these hacks who cannot hear what is on the radio ever weekday from early in the morning till very late into the nite there are so many answers in front of them to counter these lies but still not a word. Global warming, Mark to market, Cap and trade are money from you and me too these idiots who could not sell newspapers on the street. If they need more and more money to fund there bureaucracy's of lies and idiots there is no hope left for average americans the far left can always be counted on to take a win situation and turn it into a loss and blame the American people for there actions. I will wait for the American people to wake up too these slight of hand idiots. Who say look at this why they do this behind the curtain now its the class warfare and its all big business'es fault. But like I said before shut off your tv and listen to talk radio and watch these idiots self destruct or stab each other in the back in the name of power till next time . Maybe we should have a tea party in front of MSNBC and CNN Corp. Then invite Fox to cover it so the world will know that we were not just racist and a few rednecks who know nothing of history. Do not let me get started on the Talking Parrots pick for education one of the worst school districts in the country Chicago average reading level 8th grade B.O. Picks there boss to be in charge of the entire countries school system "FUBAR" again LORD help the country HIS Highness King B.O. The 21st century Fairy tale King A match for King Ludwig of Bavaria any time hope his advisers do not drowned him and say it was an accident for his uncontrollable speading Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting