
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Investor Beware! Obama comes this way.


If your looking to invest here weather for your IRA or just for some future thing the powers that be have done all they can do to tear down this country and the economy. If you happen to own stocks that the Administration eye's for take over or selling to one of there supporters you could stand to loose a lot of you hard earned money, A few examples (GM) unless you own as many shares as say a school union in In, you lost all your money or how about Fannie Mae you again lose all your money ,Contracts no problem they do not mean what they use too.!The Talking Parrot Obama waves his arm presto change O and again you lose all your savings . Your charged a lot of money for experts to lose your money,But no matter what they make money You on the other hand may choose to manage your own stock folder and buy good companies and next thing you know the government moves in and wipes you out ,How can an investor make out its all rigged at the moment and the government is holding all the cards so if you have money to invest choose something out of the USA. You might be saying oh your an Obama hater and you just do not know what or where to put your money. I would say take a look at the stock market how many shows on TV are nothing more them advertisement for companies on the stock market where did all the money go that came up missing from peoples accounts who got the money?From Fannie Mae can you say Chris Dodd or B. Obama or look at (Ge) The company gave billions and now the stock is in the pits who did they give money to B.Obama all in the hopes of getting to be the bank for carbon credits under the name of Cap and tax or global warming or climate change the new word trying to hide the nature of taxes for everyone.
Alexander Hamilton said a strong Central bank who honors its debts and contract are a must not B.O. like I said he can do what he wants King Obama knows better then the founders of the Central bank but he was an affirmative action student not a founder of a nation . The stock market is not a good place to risk your money until the government removes it hand from those who operate it, Also if they cannot take your company outright they will blackmail you into doing what they want ask some of the banks who made the big mistake of have the Government give them a loan or if they cannot blackmail you they regulate you into doing what they want .But if you must throw your money away go ahead, My personal choice will be in silver or gold take your pick and if you see the government showing any interest sell asap or a soon a possible. Maybe an old fashion saving account might be best or a hole in your back yard who know but the Government has got it sights on other people money do not let them see yours or it might become theirs like thieves on a dark street no better this King and his band of 40 thieves have taken more money then all the people in all the prison around this thing we call earth thieves who stole so much money there accounts are bursting hows yours doing ???? attention. Medical stocks I would start making plans to cash out,You say no way I'll bet a lot of investor right now wish they had listened to the warning. Take care till next time stay tuned same bat channel Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting