
Monday, July 6, 2009

This and that ,Media will feel repercussions for picking the wrong side against Americans!!!!!!!


Mark Levin

"Conservatism is not a narrow philosophy……it is the philosophy of the Founding Fathers. It is the philosophy of liberty, opportunity, private property, national security.
It is a philosophy that promotes the liberation of the individual, that nurtures competition, and that embraces all people regardless of who they are, or where they have been.
It is a philosophy that rejects the authoritarianism of the few, of the politician, of the bureaucrat; and promotes limited, stable and predictable government authority.
It is a philosophy that rejects the bankrupting of future generations to pay for the benefits of the current generation.
It is a philosophy that expects its citizens to abide by a just and righteous and predictable law and demands the same from aliens who cross our borders illegally.
It is a philosophy which emphasizes the family and faith, over government.
Conservatism is the antidote to tyranny. It’s the only one. It’s based on thousands of years of human experience. There is nothing narrow about the conservative philosophy. It’s a liberating philosophy.
It is a magnificent philosophy.
It is a philosophy for the ages, for all times".
—Mark Levin ShowApril 28th, 2009 (Now this is Modern King Ludwig .The talking Parrot or Affirative Action Pres teachings) Saul Alinsky

'Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.' - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.

Look the Communist wimp up he was a little wimp with wimpy Ideals. Not Like real men who if they have a problem with someone take it outside and work it out but Alinsky tactic were used on Sarah Palin by Abc cbs cnn nbc msnbc and by alot of print media as well they took there marching orders from the crooks around the talking parrot and soon we hope the American people will start the payback to these liers and thieves who have put the con man King Obama and his group of American haters white haters and they think there enlightened they are the racist and race baiters who turn hard working patriots into those welfare queens and the rest who think they need morons like the King to set things right for them by robbing them of there dignity and pride by taking a little handout for what. Nothing is what the Democrats offer they are the racist and woman haters anyone who is not a drone know that they cannot be trusted look who there friends are Al Sharpton Jess Jackson Wright ,Look at the cast of low lives who rip= the people off each day of the year and say its for the poor while they get rich fly around in private jets and getting young girls knock up and they act mightier then the next guy they are the gutter rats of the new age and there King is Obama the Communist who hates everyone just so he can prove how messed up of a person his mother made him. Hitler and B.O. are not that different in this aspect ; there personal lives and all we need to see is his brown shirts called acorn acting as his enforcers to prove how mess up the news and media has been. They will not succeed they are going to damage America but from the ashes. I never want to hear from the media that they did not know how screw in the head and left of center the weasel was and the people will remember the crap that was called News and facts and it was nothing but Propaganda for the weasel and his thieves. The media thinks no one is keeping track of there lies but its all there for anyone who wishes to look for it 47,000.000 uninsured sure that sounds good lets keep repeating the lies till we believe it. Bull Crap How about Global warming to climate change. How about the minute we walked in the door we were handed a 1 trillion deficit by the Bush administration sure moron try 550,000.000 which you quickly ran up to two or three trillion where was the media who checks the facts anyone see anyone of those listed above checking the numbers (NO) Not one of them even Fox has started to lean left with there owner is it any wonder. Martin Luther King had a dream it was not for his people to became the haters that tried to keep them in there place. Its was to be judge by the content of there own character not there skin color or how much bling they can dazzle the crowds with. or for that matter become welfare queens or drug dealers keeping there own people down. Much less the sewers rats of Sharpton Jackson Wright which party was the party of Jim Crow laws or KKK and not the party of Laraza =The race , Brown not American All Americans have bought it this game of race baiting. Hispanic American Afro American Caucasian American Asian American hate to say this we are all Americans rich poor want too be rich old young smart dumb just Americans trying to have a good life good family and a little happyness along the way. Well only time will tell if you have been following me for awhile now you know that I shut off my Dish for it was nothing more then Propaganda any way and it has been since Nov that I told them to shut it off and they said what ever.The truth is out their you just have to listen for it and shut off the Propaganda till next time do not fall into the trap the King is laying for us each of us at each others throat while they rob us all blind the only Crisis is the current goverment and there Propaganda units.this current little race thing with Gates is nothing more then a distaction while the New socialized medicine slithers through the law makers haha in Congress reading Conyers poor baby has to read the bill didn't know it was required I guess Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting