
Tuesday, January 20, 2009


1- 20-2009

Today is Inauguration day for the first half white /half black and all Liberal socialist President. Now the waiting game begins in earnest to see who will betray him first. But before I get too far into that, I have thoughts for all of you who have been following the two border guards who have been held as political prisoners in Federal Jail by Bush Jr. Yesterday he did a little hat trick to save what little history that will be written about him.When the time comes for history to record his legacy- by commuting their sentences -not a pardon; which would have been justice with compensation due. But that little act was a last ditch effort to not look like the total pricks that he and Johnny Sutton will be remembered in history books as. Also, if we are attacked during the early days of B.O.'s term as "President", it will be Bush Jr.'s fault for all time.
Anyway, getting back to who will stab B.O. in the the back first: Bidden most likely with his mouth engaged before his brain gets involved. Or will it be Pelosi -the Red Witch of the West? Don't rule out the Harry Potter of DC- Harry Reid. Or will the Untouchables turn on him?We will all have to wait and see in the continuing saga of a man called B.O. I hear a lot of people saying we must all give him a chance. I, for one,will give him a chance when he shows me that he is for the people of the United States and not for the fat cats and carpetbaggers who got him elected. But the media cannot ever be trusted again due to the current ownership of Mega-Conglomerates who lean so far to the left that they think the Constitution is just a piece of paper that should be changed at their will -along with anything else that prevents them from ripping off all of us lowly underlings. Get ready for a rough ride ahead. I pray for all of us, if he's as bad for this country as I think he will be. But for now we can pray and hope for the best. Until next time, God bless the USA and every one of us. Paladin kcs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reviting! It's nice to know that there are people out there that are not totally "numb" to the political state of our counry.

conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting