
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Propaganda Communist and far left Obamabigbots other stuff on my mind

Just back from the vast Right Wng Conspiracy Meeting and you Communists are in trouble now!God told us that your bill is coming up due and your funds are not worth the paper they are printed on. We are watching and you are coming up short all the way around. You are found to be lacking in all areas.For those who maybe visiting this site for the first time, you might be thinking this person really doesn't care for Uncle Tom Obama and his Elitist Defeatists- also called his base. He is "The fairy tale King" and his group of thugs and Maoist Administration currently in the Uncle Tom's Obama White House. To this I would have to say without a doubt you are 100% right, I cannot stand the sounds his lies make when they pass through his lips. He is communist and I have said many times you can tell he is lying because his lips are moving. Now that being said -I'm neither racist or bitter of a lying Uncle Tom. I hope nothing harmful happens to this clown, due to the fact that we in the Conservative side of this country will finally be able to get rid of the centrists who think you can work with the left; or that it's all right to act like a Conservative when election time rolls around but the rest of the time lean left . Even though leaning leftnow means being a communist.Communist Obamabigbots have told Communists in this government not to go on Fox Network. I do not watch Fox because I shut off my TV, but I do visit the web site along with many other web sites to stay up with the news.The very news that so called Democrats have been told by Move On. org Not to go on, including Fox News as well. You might be thinking Move On is as bad as your pick for Leadership of the country Did you learn this tactic from the gay and lesbian groups, because they are now in a class above yours and mine. They are Part of the Elitist Defeatists- a group head and shoulders above all othersThey have special laws that cover and protect them. People that claim they wanted to be treated like all the rest of us' now are better then us. I cannot wait to see who else needs special protection and laws like an Endangered species. Since I am a straight, hard working, tax paying, patriotic American; I think those who have received anhonorable discharge from the armed forces should get special rights and privileges and protections under the law . If gays and lesbians have special protections under the law then I feel I deserve the same rights. If someone attacks me it has to have been a hate crime. Because we all know how the vast communist wing hates the military. Or maybe women and men who get divorced, and due to stupidity and bad laws become targets by their ex; who feels they have lost everything including HOPE. Those people who have nothing left to lose, that spent a lifetime putting together everything only to loseit all due to bad laws and stupid judges. Judges who have no concept of fairness. I think those who face this need a special protection law. It must be hate that causes all these spouses to grab a gun and kill the ex and then the kids and finally themselves. News flash-this person was not a nut. Bad laws for bad situations equals No Hope anddeaths; but you will never see this reported on the news unless these people start going after the system that took hope away .Health care is not free even with the Elitist Defeatists. 38 million will still not have health care and for the rest of us our health care will be run by the same idiots who run Amtrak who now run GM and the post offices, social security,medicare and medicaid and who are bound and determined to pass CAP_ and Tax even though the real scientist-not these so called government scientists, who are pushing the agenda they are told, to get the money they want. How about the government stay out of science until there are scientists who come to the government with the truth? Not the other way around- just trying to plump up their bank accounts. What do G.W.Bush having shoes thrown at him and Uncle Tom Obama winning the Nobel Peace prize have in common? Answer : neither one deserved it. Same with Al Carbon ass Gore .Soldiers and Marines are dying now over Gates and Uncle Tom destroying Military preparedness and morale. Rules of Engagement prevent support for soldiers in trouble if our people are dying due to a rule. It needs changed, so that if anyone is dying it needs to be the people we are there helping not the other way around. But that makes to much since too the clowns running Obama's wars. Just like this latest attack in the Baghdad- they think we do not know Iran is the only one behind this attack- well clowns as usual your wrong we know .Health insurance companies that the evil capitalists who you all have been crying about making obscene profits between 4 and 6 percent. Yahoo makes more; so much for truth. Just more lies lies lies amd commmunism.Now one last thing- Obama, the Uncle Tom who pushes cap and tax and government health care conserve conserve. Let the world conserve, we are Americans. This country has only one Crisis and that is this bad leadership. First under Bush, the faint of heart fighter, and now Uncle Tom Obama and his Maoist lovers Communists. We are decedents of the founders- right wing radicals who built the best country on this planet. A shining city on the hill, if Uncle Tommy Obama had to build this country it would not have gotten done. We do not conserve.If left alone and unfettered by corrupt government, we innovate, build new and better, and we don't put the horse before the wagon. We have energy still in the ground. So before you "pie in the sky" some fairy tale energy green jobs( which is communist government jobs spying on your friends) realize that Obama's jobs are non existent.Government cannot create jobs; but if it gets out of the way privatemoney will and can. Use what is in front of you, it works! Coal, oil and nuclear until all these pie in the sky ideals of yours are given a lot of work. Private companies will come up with the answer if you get your taxes out of the way. And by the way- if you were in charge, America would never have been discovered.You and your communist are losers baby killers and have no regard for life, the Constitution, and minorities. You are only there for their votes and the Constitution- another burden-that you and your Communists look for ways to go around, over top of, all in the name of Communist take over. Rights? What rights? Those that you haven't taken away yet. Keep good people down, beholding to the masters or Elitist Defeatists who will wipe your nose and behind, kiss your babies, just for the look of caring.The only law they pass is laws that give them more and more power and more and more of your money. That is it not faithful to a cause or amission, just power . We the people need to remind all Government buttwipes who put them there and why the same with those we give our money. I will not buy from companies that help this corrupt Government take any more rights.This is America dam it. Till next time be safe Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting