
Friday, October 16, 2009

Uncle's Tom's White House and more OBama lies

SAN FRANCISCO—President Barack Obama addressed an adoring crowd of supporters at a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee in San Francisco Thursday evening, where he told the assembled that “When I’m busy, and Nancy’s busy, with a mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess, we don’t want somebody sitting back saying, ‘you’re not holding the mop the right way’ … ‘you’re not mopping fast enough’ … ‘that’s a socialist mop.’”“Grab a mop.WE need help.” What he should have done was grab some bags for all the loot he has stolen from us, he is a piece of Crap. Uncle Tom's (Obama) the natural born liar, that he thinks he is. Even if he doesn't do it all that well he continues to try. And those who want to see a half black man do well will never fault him for being a liar. After all, they finally have a champion for their causes. Only one problem -Uncle Tom's Obama is blind to skin color. He can only bring him self to care if you're a devout communist. In my last blog I wrote on some of the so called helping hands he as so far given to the black or middle class- all lies. As I wrote,while he was still running for the office he now holds. But it was nothing more than lies;those who can see with out blinders on know this to be true.Now Uncle Tom's (Obama)in this latest statement above while talking to Fund Raisers (chumps= useful idiots) donors for the communist clown.Obama bots and Drones who are now thinking their a part of the(Elitist defeatist crowd) that the communist left has become. They will not fight for any pro American causes unless it furthers their grip on power for the communist left and those who believe in their Marxist theories. The Counter-Revolutionary movement of the 21 st century. Even if it has failed every place it has been tried ,these clowns think they can make it bigger and better. Hey Uncle Tom and the Propaganda outlets-- news flash! Your health care HR3200 is so messed up that your cannot read it yourselves. Why not look at Hr 3400 ? Even an uneducated fool like you can muddle through it in less then a couple hours. But long story short ,(Herman Cain) has broken it down for you and us on his web site!There's a Republican alternative to the Democrat -Care Don't let anyone know! HR 3400 is called Empowering Patients first ACT.1. Individuals are allowed to choose their health insurance (no Mandates)2.Deductibility of health insurance premiums regardless of who pays.3.Employers to provide flexible health insurance options to employees.There are three more that Herman Cain has broken down for those who wish to follow up but my point is made. HR3400 does NOT cost 1 trillion and still gives final say to the person who gets insurance from a company . Not good if you are trying to take over health care and the power it gives you over your opposition. (But at the same time, who wants more debt?) Heard today that we hit 1.42 trillion there abouts. The amount Bush left him was 455 billion. You know, you have heard him say he inherited a mess. Also, HR 3200 Commie Bill will not cover around 34 million people- so it's going to cost us tax payers 1 trillion to cover the remaining 13 million. You always said there was 47 million in our country with out health insurance. Another lie.Anyway back to inherited. Well it was this amount 455 billion, the rest was his own doing. Also, he was the one running around yelling crisis!crisis! alert! alert! that spooked all the investors as he was buying up private companies and firing their CEOs . Now they say " Come on people, it's getting better "as the unemployed numbers get bigger and bigger. It's the same old game- blame Bush. Well, Uncle Tom's butt wipe- that doesn't fly . You have done all you can do with the help from the Propaganda outlets and talking heads to damage and destroy all that is good about America and change it into your ideal of Utopian communist run by ELITIST DEFEATESTS. You do not wish to share power . It's that nasty old Constitution again. Maybe Cass Sunstein (Commie) can help change that old problem for you; that is why you hired him, is it not? To help you mop up the problems you made . How about the blood of all those service people you are killing due to yours and Gates'Incompetency Rules of Engagement? That causes our people to die for your stupidity. Change the rules of engagement; if someone is dying, it needs to be them. But I know that in your heart you want to flee so you can blame this on Bush too. But remember, when we are attacked from their again, it will be your party of Elitist Defeatest that will burn on the cross of public opinion. Anita Dunn (commie) may plan your way out of this too, but she will have to stop attacking FOX news and telling the world about her hero- Chairman Mao; who has the distinction of being the biggest mass murder in history. 60 or 70 million Chinese; good pick .You said it was that he that overcame great obstacles. I'll say. She must be an idiot even by Obama's standards . She should learn from the master- Gibbs- and look at the floor and um say Able Lincoln. I would love to throw shoes at all these Elitist Defeatest but cannot find the time. Us right wing extremists are all gathering to have a giant tea party where we can come up with the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy theory you commies are always talking about. We the People who believe in true freedom ,not that Communist Uncle Tom's version. Keeping them votes on the Plantation. Poor, dumb, and stupid -but votes.With their race baiters who can keep their share of the spoils, to all of you we say "suck crap threw a straw you sleazy excuses for humans." You have pulled off the biggest robbery in history and you do not have a clue what you are doing. Like all fools ,you will fail. The people will understand that the media is no longer looking out for them, but for the crooks and so called Uncle Toms who have sold out the dreams of his people-black and white and brown. Even light brown to green will remember you for, the fools you have always been. Until next time, save your money; inflation is coming and the communists want your money and are still trying to come up with a way to cap and tax you into the poor house. Be safe keep your hand on your wallet and start supporting only Conservative things in all that we do. Politics, magazines, books ,radio companies and the products they sell. Other wise the left will overcome them as well. TV has already fallen- all but Fox -and I do not trust them. Now you know why I shut off my TV . Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting