
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Who are we to complain about Obama The fairy tale king


Well it's almost Nine months since The Uncle Tom of all races and women's equality movement started on his and the DNC's Communist reformation of America with the support of Americans media or Propaganda outlets .The talking heads and super News Propaganda 24 hours have all been taken by this talking parrot- who is real good at reading teleprompters -but is not so smooth if he has to think off the cuff. He chokes up like a rookie at his first big event. Now the left tries to front on us how much they support the races and women's equality ;but then do all they can to maintain the status quo. And only do more when it brings headlines or support close to elections. Which party had the most of the above groups in their administrations past and present ? It's not the fairy tale king, I'll bet! This guy is so filled with hate for both whites and blacks he must really have hated his mother and grandmother for their being white. Not to mention his dad for leaving him alone and not being there for him. He cares of only one thing and that is the communist agenda and being remembered in history. Good /bad ? Doesn't matter. Just one giant EGO .He has no foundation- no religion, just a cause. And now the New World Order has given this Fairy tale king and his Obamabots payback for losing the Olympics for Chicago- The Nobel peace prize for headlines and payback. After all, if not for the right wing radicals ,the next Olympic games in would have been in Chicago- all hail one New world order and their star Obama.You say I must be a sore loser for the Repucks? No, but look at the truth.1. whole economy folded due to Left saying they want people who could not afford homes to get homes; now these people who have lost their homes will never have the chance to own a home again 2. Cash for Clunkers program who and what it was supposed to have helped it is not so clear- but there was not that many from the lower economic classes lining up to get rid of there clunkers and the used cars they could have bought are now junk- destroyed to prevent them from being sold. But if we are lucky, most likely the government failed to managed this program like most of theirpoorly run programs and most of the cars hopefully will be resold and not destroyed. The car companies that the government owns didn't fair that well either. So who except headlines did this waste of tax payors money help? Truth: No one but the false leader . The biggest damage is public schools and getting rid of school vouchers and the Hyper cost of inflation of getting a college education. Due to government interference and subsides and what do all these things have in common? indoctrination to the elitist or to the leftist ideal . Either way it's all built upon peoples belief that government is there to help them. Most schools cannot get kids to graduation and it's the dumbing down of our country that soon there will be no one who can understand the history. And it will have been rewritten anyway to match the new reality. We are nothing more then what the goverment allows us to be. So much for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Government only helps it's self to your money and like the fire,it will just keep burning more and more area money till they have all of yours . Now they have spent so much that we are all slaves to the elitist. You, me, and all of our children owe more money than our great great great grand children will be able to pay off in their lifetimes. And the whole time these Elitists will be running more and more till we are unable to keep up even with the cap and tax or any other taxes. And now they are trying their best to cram us closer and closer together and then they will keep allowing more and more people to come into this country to add more and more fuel to this fire. Your money and mine; while the whole time they keep getting bigger and less competent at governing this country Dam dam dam if only they (the Bush lovers) had supported the Fairy tale king racist ! They arere all white racists. The poor guy on CNN- the communist news network- will go down in history on you tube as an instant classic. He was dumbfounded- which for CNN is not that uncommon- but this guy was funny.Oh, like I was saying it's almost been a year since I told Dish network to shut my dish off, and I have not missed it at all .I have been working at learning guitar and working in my garden and getting myself into this political info that I started out hating. Especially the democrats for being communists and socialists.Then I got mad at the media for their Propaganda that they spew forth daily. Then lately after seeing politicians only doing what the people let them get away with, and now after a lot of soul searching ,I'm back to- yes, it's the media's fault and the Obambots who suck up the stuff this racist communist an illness that makes him apologize for America each and every time he leaves this country.He's just misunderstood. I thought that this is what the media's job was: too check up on this guy's plans, and see what he is all about. We still know nothing about him . Who is covering up for this guy and why is there a vast right wing plan? Or is this guy just a plain out and out idiot which I have been fearing for quite some time. The communist training could not make an affirmative action president any smarter and yes I know he is half black and half white but being a rock with lips knows no color. Look at how far the country has fallen since this clown took office . It's not a lost cause yet -but we're getting there and who is to blame? The media of course. In the mean time, I have been watching the Democrats lying about how the economy is picking up and the co2 is heating up the planet till they realize hey it was pretty cold this year. Oh I got it ! Global Climate change- that's the ticket! Oh wait ,you had a basic science class co2 is what plants use to make oxygen? How many of you know this or can remember science? I hope not as many as those who go to the tea parties. What was that ?60,000 or so bunch of spoil sports- who are really racist at heart; who carry swastikas and are members of the Nazis Party or so the media of Baghdad bob says. Well, to hear it, I know this country is going toward a cliff ;I just hope enough people wake up and think of this Obama as just the tip of the sword. At this time, the real problems in our country are :first, the media who have chosen a side (and it wasn't the American people's side) their pick was the special class of" let them eat cake "politicians who think they are so smart and that only they know what is best for us the lowly people, who should be grateful for all the hard effort these piles of crap do for us. I say fire all of them and start over from scratch ;but in the mean time- save your money so the coming bad times that are ahead of us might stand a chance of finding something to eat. If cap and tax or Obama care gets passed; the country will go down quickly. If 2010 will hurry up and get here before they burn American life into just a memory.Cap and tax is the best money maker to come forward since the first income tax was started .Now more then ever I see government like a fire. Tax money is the fuel for this communist take over, for the Elitists. Shut off your TVs and wake up to the facts . The talking heads are against us and for the communists. They hope that when the dust settles they will be one of the special groups who can still thrive after the Marxist take charge, and throw out the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.Stay alert and watch out for the hammer and sickle coming to you on the Obama express. Besides that, who needs to find stories to print under communist government? You are told what to print. Easier then having to investigate and hunt the story down. God help us .Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting