
Saturday, November 29, 2008


Who wrote it in stone that democrats were the party of unions, feminism and Equal opportunity race relation movements? The party of conservationist global warming , sky is falling chicken little crowd. You know, the tax and spend aristocrats who married into money or were born into it. The party of liberals, homosexual rights, the ACLU Socialists who suck up tax money but can pick and choose who they will help based on the news headlines it will generate , or the color of the skin. The do as I say, not as I do crowd. Drug using,over- educated do nothings who spend a fortune on education only to end up teaching in college until they quit by accident. Someone realized that they could spread the disease that has devoured entire Civilizations. I know that it was an accident, because any conservative will tell you that liberals have no concept of strategy in war (and yes it’s a war )that conservatives better get up to speed on. The task- slash and burn strategy- take no prisoners. Liberals are more adept at looking you in the eyes and then stabbing you in the back .It’s their way. An example : look at how many democrats run as republicans and act conservative until after they are elected. Then do all they can not to let their true nature be discovered; but at the same time not help the party . The Republicans need to take a check up from the neck up as well.First, find a compass point and get a mission and get back to Conservatism before all the Conservatives decide to start their own party. Since the Democrats are the new Socialists and the Republicans are the new Democrats- where does that leave the Conservatives ?Feeling like a red headed step child. I'm a retired soldier with a lot of miles under me and I've been around the world more times then I would have liked but there are things that are certain- Democrats are weak on defense and strong on social experiments. In today's world we are what we say we are and by what our actions tell other we are. Don't be scared of your own values and ethics. If you have to lie to us about something so basic, what does that say about your beliefs? I'm a Conservative; but in a union. I also eat as much organic food as possible and grow my own fruit, nuts, and organic garden vegetables.I've planted more trees than most of the Global Warming Crowd has or ever will ;but of course I believe in standing on my own two feet and not waiting for Uncle Sammy to take care of my every need. Since Carter was the Commander -In- Chief I have never counted on any help from the Government. And what with the Katrina fiasco and everyone placing blame on Bush who can blame me? What happened to the Individual,the New Orleans City Mayor, the state Governor, then the federal government? Did not the City tell People to evacuate?Was it not the people who decided to gamble and think it would miss them? And then the Mayor- did he not leave over a hundred buses sitting empty and unused in a parking lot? True, the Federal government should have been better organized. So long store short there is enough blame to go around. But true to their nature liberal Democrats look for someone to blame besides admitting they screwed up.Look at old Bill Clinton -what is the definition of (is? ) The whole point of this blog is to point out Media and Socialist liberals for what they are- hypocrites of the worst order. Where would the unions, media, and the new religion of the far left be if there were no United States of America? So before supporting a party- support the country. Before praying for Global warming and trying to scare people who don't know any better, why not say we can do better and try to get the facts.But instead, they make up their facts as they go along . The female battle for equality suffered a big blow with code pink and all the socialist hags who crawled out from under rocks to attack Governor Palin with such vile words like " she should stay home and take care of her five kids" and she was put down for trying to bring into being all that the woman's movement stood for.She was vetted- unlike the foreign born Barrack Obama who's only claimed to fame is that he hung out with terrorists and anti American groups and trained thieves to steal democracy . After a month I still cannot believe the American media actually pulled it off.What can you say to those Stupid Americans who (after being duped by Socialist media) voted in a Socialist non American who's only goal is to destroy America. Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting