
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Land of the free


Land of the free, home of the stupid and ignorant masses. Are the children getting too much lead or are the teachers not teaching any more? This question has been asked by each generation in different ways,each generation is convinced that it's right about this question. But when the Ziegler report came out it was quite clear that education and news media have both failed drastically. I personally think that it goes to the bigger trend of dumbing down the American youth with the hip-hop drug dealing MTV and BET culture. Parents- with all the distractions of working and paying bills- sometimes lose focus and forget that their goal is to raise children that are self sufficient and contributing members of society and who stand a chance at a happy and fulfilling life. American children have distractions other nations don’t have. Also, these kids trust TV or print news to give them the facts- but nothing is further from the truth .TV and media in general only tell you what they think is in their best interest. This is why after the election and the days following it I turned off all media except that which I still control; namely Internet and talk radio. Some people may think that I’ve slipped a nut or two off the old brain pan but I wonder when the real outrage will come what will it take before the citizens of the United States wake up and open their eyes.
Paladin Kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting