
Monday, November 17, 2008

Clearing out the rubble

Clearing out the rubble in the aftermath of 2008 election. Well, after shutting off my satellite dish and canceling my newspaper and a trip to the dump, for the past week I've went to all my favorite blogs and news sites trying to control my news intake without going to all the talking heads who elected their Marxist super hero. I refuse to give them or any one of their sponsors a bit of my business.If it were possible, they would get zero business of mine but it is hard not to give them a little now and again. But as soon as I can get myself together -zero from me. After all, look what they've allowed into the country. That brings up a good point. I keep seeing all these people who keep getting themselves into trouble attacking B.O. Hussein for being black .He is after all half white to be fair to African Americans. Although he did follow Rev. Wright's teachings for twenty years and never heard a single offensive word or black Liberation manifesto, I personally think OK, how would it have gone down if Palin went to get information from the Rev. David Duke ? Not well I'll bet.Fair for the Marxists left, who would have had a field day; but we are racist if we questions the media's super Marxist. Also, I served next to all races in combat zones and find that I always felt that I could and did expect help should it become necessary from whoever they were and they felt the same way. No white,black or brown.Just Americans with ethics and values. B.O., I dislike him because someone left the back door open and a Marxist scum crept in like the thieves they are. They steal liberty plain and simple .The media and their sponsors used lies, deceit and useful idiots IE: acorn to steal this election. So do not fall victim to being a racist for there are too many great reason to detest this guy and his brown shirts coming to your town soon. Rev. Wright ,I personally think he doesn't believe the vile dribble that spewed from his face. It was just that he found the religion of hate paid a whole lot better then the church of forgive they neighbor. Same with all those who make money off people who really work for a living. Last thing before I get off here is that when and how the truth comes out about B.O. Any takers its his own party that outs him?Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting