
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Turned off and tuned out 2008

Since the election of 4 Nov. 2008 A lot of my fellow American from across the heartland are asking how we got here and what is a Marxist waiting in the wings for . We are looking at the enemy and he is us. He stands at the Gate and is waiting for his chance to tear down all we hold dear. Media Conglomerates have finally managed to elect someone who passes the stink test of Marxism and or Communism B.O. is that man black well spoken and does not take a stand on any Issues or has many stands depending on which part of the country he is standing . unlike his predecessors you know global warming carbon credit collecting Tenn. Tuxedo Gore or Vietnam treasonous swift boating Kerry can you say Ghengis Khan traitor. You and Your pal T. Kennedy How did he help you for your lies at the Senate hearing that's right its the gift that keeps on giving. Turned off and tuned out does not believe any Mass media outlets and there talking lies
there all the same the truth is not present they give the version of the truth some left some right and some confused and who pays for the leftist leanings WE the People of these United States.Look at there sponsors and see if the truth is worried about. Turn off you soaps game shows and basketball ,football and wake up the enemy is at the gate do not buy into there games there is no Mr. Independent bought and paid for by CNN . Liberate your mind from all this clutter and you will see the truth is the first victim of B.O. Talk radio is in there targets now and Schools and the gay agenda taxes zero from zero is still zero B.O. Bush tax cut that all Americans have enjoyed will wither on the vine and die from neglect. and B.O will say that is not a tax increase. Forty percent of ninety-five still says zero same old story middle class pays for all
I think its time we the Heartland look for a group of true Conservatives with and outreach to all American supported by a group like oak tree you know acorn all grown up to help get out the vote. WE have four years to see a Marxist true colors come out and four years to try and get our true Conservative party up and running to this end we must be ever vigilant protect the Constitution military and marriage word of the day is American Values and ethics these we are all sworn to protect at all cost till next time be safe be wise and turn off and tune out the clutter that they blind us with Paladin Kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting