
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Better to have been the worst President in history then not to have been one at all!


Right off the bat, let me say to the Uncle Tom Obama and his band of merry thieves,communist loving administration and liars of Global cooling /Global warming/ and finally Global climate change of the elitist defeatist party," At last there is no discussion about it. IT was a hoax and an attempt at a giant Ponzi scheme called CAP AND TAX." Hope that the conservative party is learning something here. Conservatives should now take this whole discussion and subject and run with it. Like I have said many times in this blog. Who breaks up items like these for Communist left and this for the Repucks? I have written yes we can do better at taking care of mother earth and do so in a realistic way. But also with our economy in mind and the jobs that go with a strong economy and free market ideals for most in mind. Jobs can be created in this field just not the ways that the clowns of the elitist defeatist party are trying to do it.. Government does not create jobs- it blots government only bigger bigger. The private sector creates jobs based on demand of services or products that make a profit. More dollars in then going out. Taxes cut into profit; reduce taxes and more profit allows companies to expand. That is if there is enough of a demand and the company remains a lean mean profit making machine it will expand.States who toll roads cut into profits. States who raise tax on energy or fuel cut into profits. The bottom line is profit.Companies who make a good profit grow if demand stays high for services or goods.Taxes are always passed on to consumers after all factors are taking into consideration competition being foremost. So when Uncle Tom Obama said during the election that he will tax the fuel producers and people clapped and cheered, I knew our country was in trouble.States who follow the not being a victim mode and provide limited services are the states who are in the black- those like California and New York filled to the brim with victims are sliding into the abyss. New York should be ashamed that they have fallen into the victim trap. After all, Alexander Hamilton warned them in the beginning of their formation as a state. California never had such a person until Ronald Reagan stepped up to the plate. It's a shame they failed to learn the lessons he taught, but history is full of failed lessons.EPA in early blogs I covered the Lisa Jackson end run around Congress and the people of America and why she has classified Co2 as a dangerous chemical. It is so she can regulate America and fund their elitist defeatist ideals of social experiments and communist take over of our society. But with their attempt to take control of society comes twenty class action law suits. But this will not deter them because trillions of tax dollars are at stake and only Science can save the American people. But we all know now how science cannot be trusted when dollars are involved.Tea parties and media bashing and communist attempts to infiltrate groups tea party groups that stand against higher taxes, tea :tax enough already. It's not a racist group.It's men and women of all races and ages that are tired of the status quo by both parties. The elitist defeatist party they are the propaganda merchants who try to subvert the message with hate,lies, and greed. They are corrupt groups looking for something for nothing.Acorn, (Victims) Seiu, (Something for nothing) All of them are supporting the elitist defeatist along with all the rest of those so called victims women groups or should I say women groups for the communist left not women, Unless you agree with their politics that is. More info if you can stomach the article 12 pages of compost or worst- toilet paper-in history next to green leaves.Here is the name of the story; Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right. By New York Times 15 Feb 2010 Daivid Barstow. 12 pages of wasted space could only make it to page four my self. Comments where filled. Hope you have stronger stomach then me.Last thing is this so called worrying about DEBT. By Uncle Tom Obama will not be long now before 100% of our GDP total earning of the country will not be able to cover the Debt. Its better late then never but he should have started on this before throwing money at his buddies. Where was the worry when these programs where being debated? Tarp 1 wasted money and all money following wasted money no accounting no worries then Blame Bush Bush. Reid, Pelosi, and the rest of the elitist defeatist party have had control of Congress and the Senator for quite sometime now but they still blame Bush and they will continue to blame Bush. But it's their job now. Cut spending, cut programs that create victims with no pride and no sense of accomplishment.This is America we make no excuses for being America we have helped and given more then anyone else.Last thing before I get this posted . I just heard they are saying on MSNBC this guy who flew his plane into the IRS building for what ever reason must have been A member of the right wing. Well attacks from Muslims and one wacky female college professor must be connected to the left and I'll wager she watched MSNBC and there to the left of no one and it must have been a contributing factor to her killing spree.
Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting