
Monday, February 22, 2010

Uncle Tom Obama attacks Employees of Toyota,WHY?

Big investigation of Toyota by Elitist defeatist in the name of Safety and legal concerns or some other over riding concerns Toyota has the best product out there except maybe Honda Motors,for safety for quality and customer satisfaction so why all the Propaganda over Toyota now.
This is why Governments should never own private corporation's.Much less take sides between workers and Private industry.Now that the Obama administration owns much of Gm, and Chrysler, and is lock step with UAW , How can Toyota get a fair shake?, Is this token investigation being done as a result of real concerns about safety by Toyota. Or as a favor to unions or are they trying to sell more of there Autos.Is this why they have stuck some token liberal re pucks on this panel.How will we ever know ? As we have seen with global warming the media cannot be trusted to be unbiased.They like the elitist defeatist party have pick a side. And its not with the American people. Its with the elitist defeatist party. Not in step with the vast majority of the public. Just as with Health care how will the Government rate its self I'm sure it will.Are they always going to say that they are doing a bang up job. What will we think about our care, Who will we complain too? Some board of paper pushers the media thanks for the Change. I would rather take my chance with the company I have now I have no complaint's. So fix something that is broken not my health care fix the legal system that is driving up health care cost fix regulations that keeps cost up so people get there share of the pie that being anyone who gets payments that was not involved in my treatment .Now do you see why employers are not hiring how many thousand will be laid -off due the hype in the propaganda channels of the zombie box and talking heads. There are a lot of attacks against Obama I would like to say a lot of them are fake but more and more are well deserved I think even the impression of going after private business for any of the above reason is enough to make them think twice unless they have proof of some wrong doing watch the results of hearings . Just as with Eric Holder and the Black panthers in Philly. It gives the impression that they have chosen a side as I have said if there were KKK or skin heads or Aryan brother hood members out side of a voting place the networks and Justice Department would have been up there butt holes looking for evidence but not when its black panthers even today watch the Utube video and tell me there was no evidence. Now watch the dog and pony show unfold and tell me that Obama is not against employee's how many thousands will be laid- off. What is next and who is next target for losing more jobs." Banks wall street health insurance companies more car companies in an attempt to bring unions into the factories UAW after all did such a good job with Government motors bringing the company down to where we are at now. Why is employment going to keep going up ask Uncle Tom Obama who side he is really on brass knuckles politics Chicago Mafia no its the elitist defeatist party of communist take over nothing more crisis politics Glen Becks said that both sides like to spend but one side likes to raise taxes at the same time one side is pro jobs and employees and one is not they say they are but they are only for them selves. Janet Big SIS as she is called Napolitano say she is looking at home grown terrorist more now. Maybe this is why the Muslim radicals keep getting away with there attacks your too busy looking for the vast right wing conspiracy. If not why did you not just come out and say who? Since you wanted to put the impression in peoples mind that you are looking at WHO Tea Parties Conservatives or just leave it to people to fill in the big hole after all you just want Headlines. Feeling neglected there big sis well Obama does that to all people The Country as a whole is feeling buyers remorse and neglected till next time buy Toyota this is still America and if we do not support workers and the people who hire workers we will all be slaves to the Elitist defeatist Party of Uncle Tom Obama. Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting