
Friday, February 12, 2010

Communist talk of coming to middle Lier lier and other bits of stupidity!


First Toyota is still the best company for lack of recalls , But you would not know this with all the Government and Media blast aim at Toyota but this can easily be account for when you look at UNCLE TOM OBAMA communist supporter and Unions like UAW, Could it be the UAW wants more people in there union from TOYOTA .I mean Look at GM; Government Motors record on recalls well first we have to look at those few they sell since being taken over by the Government OK throw out all stuff after Obama took over. OK lets just use FORD. If the Government had not went after Toyota I would have most likely went with a Ford since I was a life time GM owner and refuse to buy from Government motors in fact have pretty much boycotted anything pushing communism down are throats, TV, Magazines and Newspapers. Any mention of the communist agenda in them I did not renew, and or canceled them outright. Now since the government bashing of Toyota I have something to spend my money on besides the coming taxes and inflation this Idiot will be leaving us on his way out come 2012. Thanks to those few Governors who have just now started to come to the defense of this big employer in four states they are more an AMERICAN car company them Government Motors is . Next item J.Biden says that Iraq is a great Achievement of Uncle TOM Obama administration Joe Biden is an Idiot and always say stupid things this is an out and out lie and he thinks that we the people are as stupid as he and his party of elitist defeatist not even close more people are waking up to there tricks and lies and thievery of money hope and capitalism. Biden will not be on the Ticket come 2012 as I said in earlier blogs he is always stepping on his you know what Obama has to keep him on a short leash. Hillary on the other hand will be a set up for the Elitist defeatist party to hold on past Uncle tom Obama should he steal another election using acorn and black panthers and SEIU and other unions thinking they will get something for nothing .
Attacks on Palin by talking heads is laughable over righting on her hand key points when Uncle Tom Obama need a teleprompter to talk to school children its one thing to need notes to hit key points its another. Palin is not perfect and may not be the smartest but she is way better and smart then Uncle TOM or Hillary Look at Obama having to rely on Teleprompters for each word that has been tested and studied for effect . Palin pisses elitist defeatist party off so much because she talks from the heart and talk to people not at them like the rest of these so called politicians. She's not polished at lieing.
Last thing is the attacks on Tea parties and on the United States in general first 911 is being blamed by nuts and kooks on the United States Much as Climate change is being blamed on this latest snow storm the Giant Ponzi scheme they are pushing is not on wheels anymore but still they try to push it anyway email gate and Penn state stories do not make head line new on the zombie box but yes we still know the truth 911 was Clinton policies are at fault and yes we know Uncle Tom is following those very same policies Miranda rights for terrorist police actions and wiping out the military's funding and manning same as Clinton yes we know all about how many Army Divisions and Air Force squadrons you cut . But the Elitist defeatist party thinks we do not know about it. Yes and there trying the same thing with the melt down of the economy
who to blame the Elitist defeatist party of course. Uncle tom and his communist doctrine have done more harm then even all the spending by the Rino Republicans could ever have done.
Do your self and your family a good thing plant a garden this year and protect your self from the coming inflation of these clowns join me in tea party movements and boycott anything this communist administration is pushing at us till next time be safe and remember this is American and we will overcome because we must and because we are Americans who can overcome anything when we work together. Join me in our boycott of all things pushing this agenda down are throats TV Newpapers Magazines interi net sites drop me a comment if you can till next time Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting