
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

White wash Propaganda anything but the truth.


Well Since last we met here's : All that is goings on in Uncle Toms Obama land of make believe.
Fort Hood report of massacre comes out filled with white wash clean no word of radical Muslims teaching in fact no word about radical Muslims at all. This guy should be taken out and hung from the nearest tree like the traitor he is Mass murderer . Like his so call religion of peace . But since there have been a total of Eight such attacks in the last Seven months of course the Obama Propaganda machine and his attorney general giving the terrorist Miranda right including the untie bomber who tryed to kill ever man women and child on the flight to Michigan. The Plane had not even quit rolling and these clown were reading his Miranda rights and I'll bet all kinds of useful information was gotten after his questioning for what must have seem forever not close 50 minutes yes 50 I'll bet his lawyer was laughing all the way to the bank look at all the free advertising he will be getting
and if any one says anything he can always say : We are all entitled to be considered innocent till proven guilty in a court of law. One problem with that he should not be in a court of law he has no rights he should have been taken to any military base tried convicted and shot or hung. But that brings me to my last little bit of sun shine should have known from the State of the Union speech that this was coming you know the part where his American hating wife is working to help Military families like she helped the poor in Chicago find a better Hospital well a clinic or something as long as it was not her hospital that she sat on the board. This whole story was for cover after all slick Willie Clinton decimated the Army and Air force . Now this Uncle Tom Obama will finish the job with getting rid of Don't ask Don't tell but that was the whole reason they had his wife say she was going to help military families . Gates and most of the military People this clown has appointed are yes sir boss man we be doing what ever you be wanting YES Men Generals and REAR Admirals . Just like his safe school Czar phonies is it any wonder we have become the target of all radical Muslims whats to fear are jails are better then there home life and worst case they become a martyred 21` virgins and all that crap. Uncle Tom and band of elitist defeatist could not protect the White House how will they protect the People of this America they will not they have not got a clue on anything other then bashing the United States and blaming BUSH so get ready folks trouble is coming be ready for lost of Americans just hope it's not to bad for the sake of those who will mourn there losses. Who will bare the responsibility for the loss of life and the CHANGE Not the CHANGE we had in mind Paladin kcs

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conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting