
Friday, December 12, 2008

The fake Conservatives, and the blame game


The world of politics and the Republicans and fake Republicans and conservative view are to blame for the current socialist agenda looming in the not too distant future . President Bush- now worried how history will remember him. Its just now that after eight years that he is wondering what happened to his lofty goals?Also, his speech at the rubble of the World Trade Center that I for one thought was great. I believe most Americans agree. A man of his word; and actions speak loudest. On September 20th, 2001, during an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, President George W. Bush formally declared war on terror when he said, "Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated." So there was the early version of Bush yet after being beat down by friend and foes alike; we fight now over what we can call them.Never mind that they are trying to kill us.
So they are the enemy, but being Americans we have to look at it from all points of view and each of us has an opinion . But the only voice that mattered was the Commander -In- Chief and his advisers. But we have heard from the media day after day, year after year- write, talk and make movies about how are allies look down on us because we are attacking those who attacked us . The Liberals and their attacks -fair and unfair- thought they should be getting a bigger piece of the pie.And after They got it- all of them shut up except the most greedy of them . Some of those same Allies were liberated during previous wars and have been defended by us- so they put three percent of there GDP into defense and the rest into social programs.An example, going to a health spa and being paid to be there because they are stressed out for six weeks. Anyone who ever went to school should know who I am writing about. And us being the fascists(we have always returned their country to them) and for their thanks we get lectured by old world liberals. Telling us how they think we should deal with our problems. All of this was understandable on Bush's part.I thought OK -we are fighting two wars and we will suck it up budget wise, go into the red a little ,but then he goes on to spend money like nothing was going on here! We are borrowing money from our future and giving it away to all parts of the world like nothing else was going on and at the same time, the liberals were undermining Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and were being rewarded.As were some of the Republicans. All for not saying anything.There were warnings- but they- like a lot of things were not reported on by media. There are a whole lot of Republicans to blame -as much as the Liberals' talk radio and blogs sounded the alarm.We could not hear for all the distractions of the media. Now I am listening and reading to all they are doing. Turned off and tuned out was an eye opener for me. I have now celebrated one month with out the clatter of media intervention in my mind. Shut off your cable or dish and listen to talk radio.Pick and choose your news from Internet sites and you will open your eyes to what I'm talking about . What and how we find our way as a country is a matter of personal opinion. I have my opinions as do those who are reading this. The Global crowd think
that open border open trade is the way to go. I think fair trade is even better and controlled borders even better. One language and only one language that is spoken and written on all government business and merchandise through out our country. Stop sending money out side of our borders until our house is in order. Send United Nations packing to China or Russia. Get them out in three year or less and start working on fair trade deals that will make our trade partners rich as well as us. Bring businesses back to the United States by offering incentives for businesses within our borders,treat businesses that move overseas as the thing they are-foreign companies.Stop giving tax dollars for organizations that are against the American way. ACLU and PBS are two that come to mind. Get rid of media Conglomerates that only play music that is on the approved play list and Newspapers that don't serve the American way . There is so much to say and do that this has run long but I will continue this discussion in the coming day and weeks Paladin kcs


Anonymous said...

we need another Ronald reagan, and we need him now.Never mind compassionate conservatives; media types will be screwed if there is a charismatic concervative out there i.e. Mr. Reagan

Keystone To The Heartland said...

The media would make him out to be unquilified and never covered in any form execpt where they can cut and paste him or her as unfit or not able ie GOV> Palin the only one of the four that was running who had already done every job that a President would have to be able to do. Yet media painted her unfit not quilifed and if u never saw it go to how obama got elected
paladin kcs

conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting