
Monday, December 29, 2008

Religion of the Socialist Liberal Left and the Untouchables!!


First to all readers of this blog- I'm not a scientist or a member of (NNOA )IE; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. But,then, I never claimed to be the founder of the Internet either, Al Gore and his: Inconvenient Truth. His presentation is so filled with lies and half truths. He and the group of Chicken Little , the sky is falling, Liberal Socialist Engineers are a group of malcontents who all look for something to fill that void. The void of just not quite living up to the American dream.They attack anything that shows them they are not quite normal. And they are on the outside looking in of what ever they think normal is. Our belief in God, the family- man woman and child-, and marriage strictly between man and woman . Now, it's the environment.They think they have gotten the lead on this important life altering event. But as usual, they have again (with out any facts to back them up) went running around like a bunch of little girls,- no offense to little girls. But it's true. The media -not being scientists- and always agreeing with their socialist buddies -have also jumped on the latest new thing called Global Warming. I am reminded of the movie Independence Day with Will Smith. In particular, the part where the people were dancing and waving banners welcoming the aliens.When the aliens attacked, the liberals are the same thing. They do not have a clue. Michael Savage says it correctly; "Liberalism is a mental disorder. " Newsweek Magazine wrote an article about the coming global Ice age or global cooling. It's true. Google it and you will see the same as I did. 1975 had all the scientists telling all their facts of food shortages and disaster waiting for us. Just like now. In a 100 years the temperature will rise a half a degree or there abouts . Now Newsweek is saying a person who points this out is wrong because their facts (at the time)were correct. But beyond that, they now report as if it were a fact that global warming is coming and it's all man's fault. But is it? And is the way the mental cases in the media cover it the right way? Is it fair and honest? Not that this ever applied to the liberals in the first place. Let's scare the Bejesus out of all those people who might believe them. So for those of you like me who really cares about the environment and plan to leave this life with as little damage done as possible. Thank you. If, unlike me,you do believe them; the below list applies and good luck.The following is from to stop producing carbon dioxide :
Stop breathing - When you exhale you release carbon dioxide
Don't drive - We all know how bad driving is.
Don't live in a house/apartment/condo or any building that uses gas or electricity - Homes produce 2-3 times as much carbon as cars.
Don't wear shoes or any sort of clothing produced in a factory. Grow a cotton field and make your own clothes by hand.
Quit school - Those school buildings produce more carbon in a year then you do in 20 years.
Eat meat raw - Whether you are using gas or electric -both produce carbon dioxide.
Turn off this monitor and computer - You hypocrite.
Don't use toilets, urinate or poo in your back yard.- The water to your house is cleaned and sent to your house using pumps that use electricity.
Stop exercising - Increasing your heart rate increases the amount of oxygen you take in and turn into carbon dioxide.
Die - Dying younger means you will do all of the above less. Living one year less means you will save the earth 8.4 tons of carbon dioxide every year you are not here! But if you are like me and you're waiting for all the scientists to get together and come to a consensus on what the facts are. Not the politicians or foreign bodies looking for American dollars. What are the facts ? The government is trying to tell us and the scientists what is going on.And they are waving the all mighty dollar as reward for their correct response. Liberals should find a new way of stealing from the American people. Not come up with a carbon credit sham. I have a lot of carbon credits for sale at my farm to those who think they need to waste their money on liberal shams. You can contact me through this blog. I have said that I have a great respect for the earth and understand that we have used and abused her and I know we as humans can do a lot better. Since the end of 2008 has come,I hope we all will think of the day to day actions and what they mean to old mother earth and to ourselves. Plant a tree. Go to the National Arbor Day Society and order a tree, any tree. I prefer fruit trees myself- but what ever floats your boat-and you will know for sure where your money went . And you will have some fruit or nuts and help get rid of some carbon. Plus it will help you get off to a good start for 2009. It would be one thing if they said we are going to error on the side of caution and do the following laws; but they are not interested in the environment.They are concerned with controlling people- nothing more, and nothing less. 2009 lies ahead with a chance for B.O and his Cabinet to prove that he he not a socialist on the take. Like so many of his Cabinet who are Clinton's retreads. But I think B.O. and his Cabinet will be known as THE UNTOUCHABLES . Unlike other Presidents that the media looked at threw charges at, and sometimes it stuck. Other times it could not hold water. Ronald Reagan comes to mind. But B.O. will have a free pass or get out of jail card because he is their sweet heart and hero to all the oppressed ethnic people. Old and poor whites of the United States that those mean old Republicans held back, drugged,and failed to provide with an education. And then made them enlist in the armed services and otherwise live in squalor,and filth in the combat zone know as the Cities. Getting back to my point-there s a bumper sticker I saw that says drill now or walk.How many Liberals will we see walking? The Untouchables are coming to your television soon and I can hear it now-they are all crooks. No, not all just the media and their darling from Chicago and his Clinton retreads. But the talking heads in the media will never let there sweet heart be held accountable.No change, just the same old stuff. Get rid of both parties or at least level the playing field for third parties. How about the Conservative party, or the Green party? Again -the Conservative party needs it's own party. The Republicans- like Fox news- are too busy bowing down to the liberals and socialists. Also,are there any takers out there that in 2008 Hillary will get the nod for Vice -President-thereby paving the way for 2012? With all her vast Government experience, HA HA . Sadly, she will have more experience than B.O had when he got elected. Paladin kcs

Friday, December 26, 2008

The American Dream or Nightmare Ahead


People are people, I believe, after moving around my whole life and living on both coasts top to bottom. Up north to down south; most of us just want to be able to live our lives without too much interference from anyone or anything . We do not like someone making fools of us because we are busy trying to make a living and pay bills. We would like to be able to add a little to our saving now and again without the tax man either at federal or state or even city levels all fighting for bigger cuts. So they can make promises they had no plan on keeping in the first place. We try our best to stay informed at each of those levels as to what is going on in the world so we can do our duties as citizens of this country. But when did the politicians think that because they were elected to an office of trust think that they are better citizens- more informed, more intelligent better able to understand the needs of the people who voted them into a position of responsibility and trust? Just so they can vote themselves bigger pay raises, better medical insurance, and bigger retirement pensions. That is reserved only for the most elite. Each year they look to the country's problems and solve them with no regard to future of the country; just how it affects there ability to con America into the ideal that they are doing America's business . Now in America we have two bad parties and two make believe parties. The two bad parties have stacked the card deck against the two pretend parties; and the whole time the media is now supporting one of the bad parties; along with all the lobbyists supporting their causes. And no one is looking out for the American people. All of the mega rich that are feeling guilty for being successful so they bash one of the parties and back the other. Unions think that one of the parties is there for them when the truth is they now make it look like they are trying to help ,but in reality they are blocking (at every turn) the other party.In truth, all the political parties seem to have sold American interests out to the new Global Party. While the Global Socialists Toast Victory Over America , Please go to the web site and read the whole article
AIM Report By Cliff Kincaid, published on December 3, 2008.
"Now that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has admitted that his $700-billion plan didn’t work out as planned, some in the media are acknowledging that they helped stampede the Congress into passing it. The American people may be losing their jobs and savings, but on Friday night, November 14, on the eve of the international financial summit, they provided President Bush and other G20 leaders a lavish banquet that included $300-a-bottle wine, Vermont Brie, eggplant fondue, and rack of lamb. Details of the “culinary delights” and “sumptuous feast” provided to the politicians who departed their black limousines were included in wire service stories. They were toasting the demise of America as a global economic and military superpower and planning to loot another trillion dollars from U.S. taxpayers.
Stories about the feast can only cause rising anger in the United States. A C-SPAN moderator on November 16, hosting a discussion of the growing financial crisis and taking calls, himself commented that there was a lot of anger out there. One caller mentioned taking up arms against the government over the looting of the taxpayers. We have seen the people react this way in the past to proposals for Congressional pay raises and illegal alien amnesty. But the growing anger over the endless series of taxpayer bailouts is getting louder and louder." I do not believe in a lot of things,but if the Mainstream media does not cover this or any of the other items not covered during 2008, how could the media not make a bigger stink over super Delegates ? Whose job is to correct the mistakes of those common men and women who voted them into office?? New super delegates . How about two states locked out of the primaries by the very party they end up backing in the Presidential election? Minnesota votes seem to be for sale to the deepest pockets. They are somehow able to find votes out of no where untill they get the right outcome. Where was the media on that election?How or why should I ever trust them again? Why do the people watch them like zombies? That is, if they bother to keep up on current events at all? With most guys- they can tell you football,basketball, and baseball stats of teams players,but think all politicians are crooks. But if they are pressed, they do not know what is going on in America. Women are no better in this area. The media is not the media of twenty years ago. If you think they will inform you of what going on in America, the tanks will be on your front porch and they will say it's a parade. B.O or President Elect will follow the new path ,and I hope it is as my bud from New York wrote, "The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society; and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public trust." Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 57, February 19, 1788. But if the past is telling us of the future B.O will do no wrong according to the media. He will raise people from the dead and feed the masses with 1 fish 1 loaf of bread and a cup of night train or MD 20/20 wine . There are only points of view, now, not facts. Anymore a fact is a story told enough times that it appears as fact.But is not even close. You can make a hero or you can make a villain- look at OJ Simpson or Rodney King. By cutting the first 20 seconds of tape, a person might assume incorrectly that the police started the whole thing and he was an Innocent and that the police over stepped their authority. But if I were the Mayor of Los Angeles, I would have gone after the media for editing out those missing shots. I would have sued to try to get some money for rebuilding and all the lives lost. Who was more at fault? The police? The Media?Rodney King?Or was is the Jury? The same Jury that saw the entire video from start to finish. About 20 missing seconds showing King getting up and rushing at one of the officers. But the media played it for the most part with twenty missing seconds and made a fact look like a man being beaten for no reason. Who should have paid for all the death and destruction? Can we afford to trust the new far left media with Acorn?
Can we trust their take on Al Franken? Global warming? The vast Right Wing Conspiracy theories? The trans Canada -Mexico Highway? What about the new power of taking your property from you and giving it to the highest bidder so it will generate more taxes? The court should have been tarred and feathered and chased from the country. Both parties should have passed bills that would prevent the court from allowing people to steal your property. But they all act like there is nothing they can do . Pelosi , Reid, and B.O. History will tell if the media was corrupted by greed or by thought or lobbyists who work for everything except the good of the country and the citizens who were born here. So why isn't there a bigger uprising about the media? Because the people are not working on taking America back yet. They are asleep at the switch. How do we warn them, when the media is in on the problem of failing to protect America? IF I could, I would shout it from the roof tops. But unlike the Muslims and their Call to Prayer, I would be arrested and sent in for evaluation of my mental Competence. So I will just keep banging at it until maybe enough people have told enough people that from a bare grassroots movement an awakening will happen. IF we can get enough people not watching the media and If we talk to the sponsors about what they are promoting by giving the media money. Look at PBS. We the taxpayers are paying for anti -American rhetoric just like we supported Acorn and their crooked voter registrations.And again, the Fairness Doctrine is nothing more then a way to silence and control one of the few remaining ways of hearing what is going on. Not counting the Internet. Besides, like in China, it too can be controlled . Again, we need a group like OAK tree (acorn all grown up) and defending America. A conservative movement that will start taking back America, one person at a time till the mental disorder that is the progressive movement is stopped in it tracks and sent packing. A small step in the right direction would be stop listening to massive radio companies who play the same music night and day because it's on their play list. They have no DJ, any way. What do they offer? Bigger is not better. So what if it's free? If you listen more then a few hours, it plays the same old songs. With all the music that is in the world they have to play the same old songs until you are sick of hearing them. TV plays junk.I gave it up due to the news being run by liberals and Socialist. The shows they put on are not worth watching,for the most part. Look at what's on and see if they use a writer or not? Reality TV is Cheap TV.Cut back on commercials and you might make a better profit. T&A is always a hit with young guy and gals. Watch BET or MTV and see what all the evening shows are about-Good writers -sure thing . Looking for answers to some questions? How to get the media interested in facts? What is the truth about the election fraud? What is the truth about Global Warming ? What is the truth about Bias in the media? What is the true meaning of 'IS"?When a President has to resort to this, is there any wonder we have this Financial melt down on Wall Street to main street? There is no accountability for anything. This is why we are where we are at. No ACCOUNTABILITY, WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE, WHO HOLDS THEM ACCOUNTABLE??

paladin kcs

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Welfare State Governors Beg for Unemployment Funds and Other Ironies


Governors from across the country- the number is up to 30 (according to the New York Times)both Democrat and Fake Republicans-are facing a shortfall in money to cover unemployment.The experts say the usual. They see problems with this a lot later into a downturn of the economy. Not at the beginning. Problems at the top of the federal government have been seeping down to the state and local governments. Bush II, The Earl of Fake; the liberal Democrats in congress, and the crooked Governors that are out there, look for solutions.Some have gone so far as to sell bits and pieces of their state. In 2006, Indiana and their governor and their crooked state assembly sold their turnpike for 75 years at 3.8 billion dollars. They've passed laws that if you work for a company and are injured due to careless management practices, You no longer have the right to sue that company.You have been sold out -unless you are a lawyer or have one in the family. Blocked by the the very entity that should be looking out for you. Good job, people of Indiana. Pennsylvania, on the other hand, has gotten slot machine fever and it was supposed to be for property tax rebates. I know of no one that has received, it as of yet.Fast Eddie Rendell and his buds have tried selling the Turnpike and then making Int.#80 a turnpike as well. He has helped some in Philadelphia build a couple of new stadiums;but for the most part would be better suited to selling used cars in another state.But as bad as these are, I can't decide which is worse- New York or Michigan . New York's Governor- who is lost in a fog- wants to raise as much money as he can to prove to his state that he, the Liberal government,is good and Conservatives are bad. So he has started taxing just about everything in site. In 1787,another famous New York state writer who I admire said the following,"If duties are too high, they lessen the consumption; the collection is eluded; and the product to the treasury is not so great as when they are confined within proper and moderate bounds. This forms a complete barrier against any material oppression of the citizens by taxes of this class, and is itself a natural limitation of the power of imposing them."
Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 21, 1787.But like I said, Michigan is no better. It's the home of welfare and greed. And the people have only to look in the mirror to see the guilty parties. Now it is not what can I do for the country but what can the country do for me?The workers and middle class have fled and soon only the welfare class will remain. So I say Welfare to all ! Why be a sap? Why work just to appear like you are still living the American dream? Its like the movie Matrix. It's pretend nothing is going on and stay on course to your doom.Or take one of the two pills and wake up and Open your eyes!The Lobbyists and crooked politicians (with the wealthy,elitist media's help) have stolen the country and we need to get about the business of taking it back. Madison wrote:
It may be a reflection on human nature that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. Our government has failed to control it self and we are watching sports soaps and game shows while the greatest country in the history of this world goes down in a burning pile of rubble. The solutions are there . Do you already know what they are? Do you think the country as a whole is still United or are we heading into Divisions and civil war somewhere down the road? The rich get richer and the poor get poorer and the middle class catch it from both directions. Get back to basics and repeal and or put back laws that we put there for a reason.Glass Steagall Act Then President Clinton and his leftest buds Barney Sticklicker Frank repealed in 1999. Google the world at your finger tips, and everything for sale to highest bidder. Or how about 2007 and the Democrats killing the uptick rule again google it. Control the Borders,English as the only Language on all government forms and merchandise and culture American only we are Americans nothing more nothing less if you cannot handle it hit the road jack and never come back . If you want to tax or fix things, look to the past. The answers are there waiting with out excuses . If you need money try this- tax anything that cannot be 100%recycled or something that ends in a land fill higher tax. Have heard there is a rush too raise the age of drivers why not raise the fee to Five to Ten times what is currently charged. Also if you should lose it for breaking the law the fee is the same as the initial fee, not the much cheaper renewal rate. How about taxing people who receive TV over an antenna? None of these are my ideas they are around. But I do give them to those who claim they are looking for tax dollars. But it's not how much money you have,but what you do with the money you have. B.O and the Al "fat daddy" Gore and his "do as I say not as I do" typical liberal rhetoric of I know best for you . They are starting a new agency- Global warming and green jobs.If it were up to me I would be closing any Department that was not performing the job they were created to perform.FDA and FCC are the first to face the budget test:do they perform the task they were created for? The answer is NO! I think about how much lead is still in toys! How safe is the food and water?Not up to American standards. Maybe up to 3rd world standards.How about Pet food?Safe?Not even close. The FCC is no better .Look at our economy and the damage the liberals and the greed merchants have put on the American people. I will not even get into mad cow disease. It takes ten years just to show up in humans from the time you get it and there is no cure. But the fat cats get rich and we the workers get dead but just ask the Indiana Governor. He would tell you they are replaceable easy enough unless it happens in your family. B.O. is worried about global warming and I'm sitting here writing and its about #-8 degrees outside. I think we can all agree we can do better for the environment, but where are your priorities? The jobs follow the technology, not jobs creating technology. Get rid of Government Departments that are all bureaucracy and not performing the task they were created to perform. Paladin kcs

Friday, December 12, 2008

The fake Conservatives, and the blame game


The world of politics and the Republicans and fake Republicans and conservative view are to blame for the current socialist agenda looming in the not too distant future . President Bush- now worried how history will remember him. Its just now that after eight years that he is wondering what happened to his lofty goals?Also, his speech at the rubble of the World Trade Center that I for one thought was great. I believe most Americans agree. A man of his word; and actions speak loudest. On September 20th, 2001, during an address to a joint session of Congress and the American people, President George W. Bush formally declared war on terror when he said, "Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated." So there was the early version of Bush yet after being beat down by friend and foes alike; we fight now over what we can call them.Never mind that they are trying to kill us.
So they are the enemy, but being Americans we have to look at it from all points of view and each of us has an opinion . But the only voice that mattered was the Commander -In- Chief and his advisers. But we have heard from the media day after day, year after year- write, talk and make movies about how are allies look down on us because we are attacking those who attacked us . The Liberals and their attacks -fair and unfair- thought they should be getting a bigger piece of the pie.And after They got it- all of them shut up except the most greedy of them . Some of those same Allies were liberated during previous wars and have been defended by us- so they put three percent of there GDP into defense and the rest into social programs.An example, going to a health spa and being paid to be there because they are stressed out for six weeks. Anyone who ever went to school should know who I am writing about. And us being the fascists(we have always returned their country to them) and for their thanks we get lectured by old world liberals. Telling us how they think we should deal with our problems. All of this was understandable on Bush's part.I thought OK -we are fighting two wars and we will suck it up budget wise, go into the red a little ,but then he goes on to spend money like nothing was going on here! We are borrowing money from our future and giving it away to all parts of the world like nothing else was going on and at the same time, the liberals were undermining Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and were being rewarded.As were some of the Republicans. All for not saying anything.There were warnings- but they- like a lot of things were not reported on by media. There are a whole lot of Republicans to blame -as much as the Liberals' talk radio and blogs sounded the alarm.We could not hear for all the distractions of the media. Now I am listening and reading to all they are doing. Turned off and tuned out was an eye opener for me. I have now celebrated one month with out the clatter of media intervention in my mind. Shut off your cable or dish and listen to talk radio.Pick and choose your news from Internet sites and you will open your eyes to what I'm talking about . What and how we find our way as a country is a matter of personal opinion. I have my opinions as do those who are reading this. The Global crowd think
that open border open trade is the way to go. I think fair trade is even better and controlled borders even better. One language and only one language that is spoken and written on all government business and merchandise through out our country. Stop sending money out side of our borders until our house is in order. Send United Nations packing to China or Russia. Get them out in three year or less and start working on fair trade deals that will make our trade partners rich as well as us. Bring businesses back to the United States by offering incentives for businesses within our borders,treat businesses that move overseas as the thing they are-foreign companies.Stop giving tax dollars for organizations that are against the American way. ACLU and PBS are two that come to mind. Get rid of media Conglomerates that only play music that is on the approved play list and Newspapers that don't serve the American way . There is so much to say and do that this has run long but I will continue this discussion in the coming day and weeks Paladin kcs

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Giant Step Sideways for Feminist Movement


The feminist movement and it's Allies took a giant step sideways in Election 2008.The movement showed that it had succumbed to the almighty dollar and it's not that surprising.Look at what had happened to the Civil rights movement in America.The Carpet Baggers of the modern era (like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton) have been making a mockery for quite some time -not to mention a good living- off the backs of a movement that has done so much to improve lives for Americans of all races. Look at the good old Rev. Wright, he saw there was a lot more money preaching hate and separatist movement then the teaching of the Bible. And when people of some fame got caught up as being members of a hate Church they all said they didn't know that he was like that.Well to the point,Gloria Steinem and her feminist movement and the above has made a living off always being the victim, and the church of hate, and poor ,pitiful me. The media go to for forgiveness of sins past and some not even thought of as of yet. Yes, they're the go to for any thing in their area of expertise and ripping off and turning hard working Americans into being victims. While they stuffed their bank accounts and scratched each others backs and with a wink of the eye and the media's help. While they formed front groups to funnel even more money into their accounts. Yes, they all make their mothers proud.Gloria Steinem, the former publisher of Ms. Magazine, and a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton's in the primary, spelled out her concerns about Palin in an Op-Ed for the LA Times:
"She[Palin] opposes just about every issue that women support by a majority or plurality. She believes that creationism should be taught in public schools but disbelieves global warming; she opposes gun control but supports government control of women's wombs; she opposes stem cell research but approves "abstinence-only" programs, which increase unwanted births, sexually transmitted diseases and abortions; she tried to use taxpayers' millions for a state program to shoot wolves from the air but didn't spend enough money to fix a state school system with the lowest high-school graduation rate in the nation; she runs with a candidate who opposes the Fair Pay Act but supports $500 million in subsidies for a natural gas pipeline across Alaska; she supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, though even McCain has opted for the lesser evil of offshore drilling. She is Phyllis Schlafly, only younger." Which- if you can google line by line her statements about Palin-they are half truths or opinions with some irritating facts thrown in for good measure. Stephen Colbert calls it truthiness. For example, google Palin wolf killing and you get a lot to choose from but the sixth items down say by La Times Wolf killing may have Merit then the rest were from ;people that are pushing animal rights or different takes or points of view. She also attacked Palin with good old God that the liberals "Created Global Warming." As if she and her leftist buddies are the fact bearers on this subject. Long story short- why didn't you say-I support Hillary and as a women I also support Palin's right to run. And why didn't you attack anyone who said she should stay home with her five kids?There must have been no money in that. You compared her to Phyllis Schlafly. I thank you for that. She writes good articles that do not make victims of her readers like you do. After Hillary's loss to the Media darling of the Socialists, what were your excuses then? Where was your heart?For women or for yourself? For a soon to be 75 year old political leader who's queen of one liners, she went the easy way and supported a socialist who will be totally lost when he makes it into office. But like everyone else you can claim you were fooled too. Drilling.You make me laugh. Most of America supports drilling that is done responsibly.Not everyone has the Jetson's car. We have to make a living, unlike you, who makes a career of being a victim and creating victims.You are a leader for kool-aid drinking fools that the socialists called useful idiots. I have no respect for you or the so called feminist movement. Schlafly, on the other hand, makes people stand up on their own. Something your parents or teachers or friends should have taught you.But, like all liberals-you look for the easy road and you took it. Being old is not for the weak or simple minded nor the cowardly.Maybe in your old age you will learn all that has escaped you so far.Good luck, you will need it.But if you ask, I'm sure Phillis Schlafly would lend you a hand. Paladin kcs

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fairness doctrine and Socalist agenda


The New Socialist Party of the Democratic United States and Premier Barrack Obama and his whores of Socialism :Speaker of the Liberal House Pelosie, Little Cheeky Chuckey Schumer and all the others like Barbara Boxer that are trying to gag America free speech including some of their biggest sponsors -Google- comes to mind and Yahoo and China is another thought. Fairness Doctrine was repealed in 1987 and talk radio came into its own from that time on. When almost all major news media is controlled by liberal socialist they want to control each person's intake of news by forcing us to listen to all the leftist crap or opposing views of thought, for example fair and balanced Fox news . Well personally there is nothing fair or balance on Fox. What is fair when an effort is made to appease the left at the expense of the right? IE; having to listen to Allen Colmes and his Barney Fife reach in the pocket for his bullets which he never never has- is as sicking as it comes . Fairness is a camouflage word for socialist editing and censorship.There is nothing fair in it. This is the start of the end for the United States while the People congratulate the Socialist for finding the biggest liar who could keep his mouth shut,unlike their previous traitors who ran for President. They will bring America to her knees and people will still be saying give the socialist a chance why don't you? I hate Liberalism and those who make excuses for them. But what do I know? I'm just an ex-soldier who fought against socialism and communism not to mention Islamofacists for 22 years. But there are things to celebrate- Allen Colmes and his Barney Fife act will be leaving Hannity's show at the end of the year. So one less thing. Wake up America! Wipe the fog from your eyes! Paladin kcs

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Who wrote it in stone that democrats were the party of unions, feminism and Equal opportunity race relation movements? The party of conservationist global warming , sky is falling chicken little crowd. You know, the tax and spend aristocrats who married into money or were born into it. The party of liberals, homosexual rights, the ACLU Socialists who suck up tax money but can pick and choose who they will help based on the news headlines it will generate , or the color of the skin. The do as I say, not as I do crowd. Drug using,over- educated do nothings who spend a fortune on education only to end up teaching in college until they quit by accident. Someone realized that they could spread the disease that has devoured entire Civilizations. I know that it was an accident, because any conservative will tell you that liberals have no concept of strategy in war (and yes it’s a war )that conservatives better get up to speed on. The task- slash and burn strategy- take no prisoners. Liberals are more adept at looking you in the eyes and then stabbing you in the back .It’s their way. An example : look at how many democrats run as republicans and act conservative until after they are elected. Then do all they can not to let their true nature be discovered; but at the same time not help the party . The Republicans need to take a check up from the neck up as well.First, find a compass point and get a mission and get back to Conservatism before all the Conservatives decide to start their own party. Since the Democrats are the new Socialists and the Republicans are the new Democrats- where does that leave the Conservatives ?Feeling like a red headed step child. I'm a retired soldier with a lot of miles under me and I've been around the world more times then I would have liked but there are things that are certain- Democrats are weak on defense and strong on social experiments. In today's world we are what we say we are and by what our actions tell other we are. Don't be scared of your own values and ethics. If you have to lie to us about something so basic, what does that say about your beliefs? I'm a Conservative; but in a union. I also eat as much organic food as possible and grow my own fruit, nuts, and organic garden vegetables.I've planted more trees than most of the Global Warming Crowd has or ever will ;but of course I believe in standing on my own two feet and not waiting for Uncle Sammy to take care of my every need. Since Carter was the Commander -In- Chief I have never counted on any help from the Government. And what with the Katrina fiasco and everyone placing blame on Bush who can blame me? What happened to the Individual,the New Orleans City Mayor, the state Governor, then the federal government? Did not the City tell People to evacuate?Was it not the people who decided to gamble and think it would miss them? And then the Mayor- did he not leave over a hundred buses sitting empty and unused in a parking lot? True, the Federal government should have been better organized. So long store short there is enough blame to go around. But true to their nature liberal Democrats look for someone to blame besides admitting they screwed up.Look at old Bill Clinton -what is the definition of (is? ) The whole point of this blog is to point out Media and Socialist liberals for what they are- hypocrites of the worst order. Where would the unions, media, and the new religion of the far left be if there were no United States of America? So before supporting a party- support the country. Before praying for Global warming and trying to scare people who don't know any better, why not say we can do better and try to get the facts.But instead, they make up their facts as they go along . The female battle for equality suffered a big blow with code pink and all the socialist hags who crawled out from under rocks to attack Governor Palin with such vile words like " she should stay home and take care of her five kids" and she was put down for trying to bring into being all that the woman's movement stood for.She was vetted- unlike the foreign born Barrack Obama who's only claimed to fame is that he hung out with terrorists and anti American groups and trained thieves to steal democracy . After a month I still cannot believe the American media actually pulled it off.What can you say to those Stupid Americans who (after being duped by Socialist media) voted in a Socialist non American who's only goal is to destroy America. Paladin kcs

Land of the free


Land of the free, home of the stupid and ignorant masses. Are the children getting too much lead or are the teachers not teaching any more? This question has been asked by each generation in different ways,each generation is convinced that it's right about this question. But when the Ziegler report came out it was quite clear that education and news media have both failed drastically. I personally think that it goes to the bigger trend of dumbing down the American youth with the hip-hop drug dealing MTV and BET culture. Parents- with all the distractions of working and paying bills- sometimes lose focus and forget that their goal is to raise children that are self sufficient and contributing members of society and who stand a chance at a happy and fulfilling life. American children have distractions other nations don’t have. Also, these kids trust TV or print news to give them the facts- but nothing is further from the truth .TV and media in general only tell you what they think is in their best interest. This is why after the election and the days following it I turned off all media except that which I still control; namely Internet and talk radio. Some people may think that I’ve slipped a nut or two off the old brain pan but I wonder when the real outrage will come what will it take before the citizens of the United States wake up and open their eyes.
Paladin Kcs

Monday, November 17, 2008

Clearing out the rubble

Clearing out the rubble in the aftermath of 2008 election. Well, after shutting off my satellite dish and canceling my newspaper and a trip to the dump, for the past week I've went to all my favorite blogs and news sites trying to control my news intake without going to all the talking heads who elected their Marxist super hero. I refuse to give them or any one of their sponsors a bit of my business.If it were possible, they would get zero business of mine but it is hard not to give them a little now and again. But as soon as I can get myself together -zero from me. After all, look what they've allowed into the country. That brings up a good point. I keep seeing all these people who keep getting themselves into trouble attacking B.O. Hussein for being black .He is after all half white to be fair to African Americans. Although he did follow Rev. Wright's teachings for twenty years and never heard a single offensive word or black Liberation manifesto, I personally think OK, how would it have gone down if Palin went to get information from the Rev. David Duke ? Not well I'll bet.Fair for the Marxists left, who would have had a field day; but we are racist if we questions the media's super Marxist. Also, I served next to all races in combat zones and find that I always felt that I could and did expect help should it become necessary from whoever they were and they felt the same way. No white,black or brown.Just Americans with ethics and values. B.O., I dislike him because someone left the back door open and a Marxist scum crept in like the thieves they are. They steal liberty plain and simple .The media and their sponsors used lies, deceit and useful idiots IE: acorn to steal this election. So do not fall victim to being a racist for there are too many great reason to detest this guy and his brown shirts coming to your town soon. Rev. Wright ,I personally think he doesn't believe the vile dribble that spewed from his face. It was just that he found the religion of hate paid a whole lot better then the church of forgive they neighbor. Same with all those who make money off people who really work for a living. Last thing before I get off here is that when and how the truth comes out about B.O. Any takers its his own party that outs him?Paladin kcs

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Turned off and tuned out 2008

Since the election of 4 Nov. 2008 A lot of my fellow American from across the heartland are asking how we got here and what is a Marxist waiting in the wings for . We are looking at the enemy and he is us. He stands at the Gate and is waiting for his chance to tear down all we hold dear. Media Conglomerates have finally managed to elect someone who passes the stink test of Marxism and or Communism B.O. is that man black well spoken and does not take a stand on any Issues or has many stands depending on which part of the country he is standing . unlike his predecessors you know global warming carbon credit collecting Tenn. Tuxedo Gore or Vietnam treasonous swift boating Kerry can you say Ghengis Khan traitor. You and Your pal T. Kennedy How did he help you for your lies at the Senate hearing that's right its the gift that keeps on giving. Turned off and tuned out does not believe any Mass media outlets and there talking lies
there all the same the truth is not present they give the version of the truth some left some right and some confused and who pays for the leftist leanings WE the People of these United States.Look at there sponsors and see if the truth is worried about. Turn off you soaps game shows and basketball ,football and wake up the enemy is at the gate do not buy into there games there is no Mr. Independent bought and paid for by CNN . Liberate your mind from all this clutter and you will see the truth is the first victim of B.O. Talk radio is in there targets now and Schools and the gay agenda taxes zero from zero is still zero B.O. Bush tax cut that all Americans have enjoyed will wither on the vine and die from neglect. and B.O will say that is not a tax increase. Forty percent of ninety-five still says zero same old story middle class pays for all
I think its time we the Heartland look for a group of true Conservatives with and outreach to all American supported by a group like oak tree you know acorn all grown up to help get out the vote. WE have four years to see a Marxist true colors come out and four years to try and get our true Conservative party up and running to this end we must be ever vigilant protect the Constitution military and marriage word of the day is American Values and ethics these we are all sworn to protect at all cost till next time be safe be wise and turn off and tune out the clutter that they blind us with Paladin Kcs

conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

Paladin kcs

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United States
world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting