
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Uncle Tom Obama Jhad on anyone who disagrees with his Elitist Defeatist Party.


Well the right wing radicals and there massive attack conspiracy are at it again and yes I cannot tell a lie it was so ooh good since my last entry I have been trying to see the big picture in what this nut in the big house is up too he always says look here not at the thing we should be looking at. So it not easy to see what they do not want you to see. But after carefully consideration this guy has not got a clue to what he should do other them blame blame blame anyone and everybody about what is going on in the country. This past Monday he came out and said the unemployment was shinking by ever so little and how it was good. Only thing was they lied and lied some more when caught on it they are reworking those numbers even as I write this , They were only off by say a few OK more then a few it was a bunch. Hundreds of thousands to be exact but this is good new for the left this is after all what there goal is to shake the United States to its core.
Look at this Lisa Jackson and EPA now she could not do anything in New Jersey dealing with toxic clean up she took dive after dive dealing with those problems now she does an end run around Congress and no one said a thing other then looking like a street walker selling her wares on some dark corner she says that the year 2009 will be remember for the well for her breathless announcement I'm sure of the EPA plan to regulate Co2 gas. She should start with her own carbon foot print before looking at others but that's not in the plan they and all the other Cap and tax Ponzi Schemers have one goal and one goal only controlling all that they can see and hear because as I have said before he who regulates something controls something just with this move expect people telling you how much Co'2 a single person can contribute and a family same thing Health care death panels control control car companies control heating and power control it the communist way. Media Propaganda control education tell your kids what sick books to read how to fist someone in there Ass.
Well that does bring all the clowns in this government into fist us all weather its taxes or raising and educating our own children.Uncle Tom puts a sick in the mind and soul Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings between him and Arne Duncan as Education Secretary and he wonders why people are worried about his talking to students at school Maybe you Uncle Tom should put your kids with this sick Man but that's right he only goes for Young males so maybe your daughters would be safe unless Jennings has been hiding something from the world either way no thanks keep the change. Read anything on this man and tell me he belongs in a position of telling kids what books they should read. I have taken the red pill and now waiting for the rest of you to wake up and smell the coffee never in the history of the country has it been in so much danger except maybe in the war for Independence from Great Britain.
On dirty little lies from Uncle Tom and his Party like current unemployment rate health care reform and his Party of depraved so called human beings and do not get me going on his budget deficit and the his parties raising the cap on said deficit I will admit that I have become more and more Anti Obama now so more then ever his will go down in history as the dumbest man ever to the highest office in our United States history. And the thing that is even worst is the party of elitist defeatist and all those Obamabots do not see anything I hear them arguing with talk show host on radio from across the land and given all the facts they still choose not to see this is why I thinking that our country is in real trouble the kind I saw in countries around the world this is what diversity get us for get the salad bowl All different but part of the whole its not working people One country one language one history one border culture diversity is killing our country.
How many languages should a voter ballots be in, or driver license test answer 1 English not 20 0r 50 like in California one of the most broke states in the Union but yet all those who messed it up are now fleeing to other states .
Now the illegals will get health care and Medicare no waiting time. While American Seniors
citizens are having there health care rationed. Good job seniors enjoy the party of change. 2nd grader in Ma. suspended from school for drawing a picture of Jesus on the Cross guess he should have drawn something more in line with Uncle Tom Obama's Change like bill and bobby sucking each other off or how messed up the United States is we are the meaning of evil
Last thing before I end the media pushing the 5 Muslism who were just good ole boys caring about kids and familes not the Jihadist looking to kill American soldiers to get there Jihid badge
another case of turn off your tv drones box nothing more freedom is worth more then dancing to the stars and CNN Communist news network Good luck Marry Christmas enjoy the change Paladin kcs

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fort Hood soldiers target for another Muslim looking for his Jhad medal


Propaganda is as I have been writing about for the last year is what news has became the so called media is busy as are the Elitist defeatist Party that being the party of Uncle TOM Obama and his drones and Obamabots wanting us to believe that a Muslim killing fellow soldiers yelling Allah Akbar did it because he was sick in the mind, But yet he had the for thought to take a bunch of weapons training by the military because we all know how much of a demand the Army places on Psychiatrist to be crack killers of unarmed fellow soldiers. But if you listen to the news stories you have Uncle Tom and his Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey and the yes man Secretary of the Army Gates all saying do not rush to judgement well a turd is a turd when it looks like a turd smell like a turd and all three of the above are lying turds what was on this guys door what did it say? I hope the state of TX. Fries this piece of Crap on the express rail to hell and those who failed to act for fear.Hope your future is filled with thoughts of what you could have stopped, If only you had acted against the Elitist defeatist .
Next those people who keep planning these so called tea Parties and march'es on DC . Have you give any thought to maybe stop rushing them and post an advance warning say for say six months down the road so people can make plans and have one massive protest that cannot be propagandized in how small or big it was how about around the headquarters of CNN Communist network of news and make believe News MSNBC that way those in the south can all go to CNN and the rest to MSNBC just make sure its a success by inviting FOX and the rest of the talking heads are invited to attend . Health Care and the freedom of all is at stake down . If they get this next will be cap and tax this is America dam it we do not need communist running our country any more they should be thrown out of office and then jailed for treason. Destroying in less then a year what has stood for more then two hundred as a beacon of freedom long live America. Till next time do not believe the Propaganda if its a turd call it a turd Paladin kcs

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



Well the vote has been cast and now remains the fruits of that choice and New York hope you enjoy the direction the country is headed down now that you have hired a Democrat hope he being an Air Force Lawyer learned a thing about love your country but if he is a Democrat I think he must walk around as blind as the people who voted him in. Also the vote showed the need for the Re-pucks to get rid of so called fake Re -pucks because they lost N.Y. 23 by putting up a fake Re-puck. I hope those who voted for the elitist defeatist communist party enjoy the fruits of there choice. I for one could care less New York just like California filled to the rim with Kooks and nuts on the fringe who have started leaving there states and spreading the sickness. There even running from the mess they created now they want to spread it to those states unlucky enough to be close to there borders. Those residents need to expel these kooks as they show up at your cities and towns for the mental problems they suffer from cannot be fixed by a different location. The elitist defeatist trying hard to push there crazy ideals down are throats with the bill hidden behind there backs . If they say look here watch them close they are distracting you with there mirrors and talk of caring for people they only care about power nothing more look at one thing they call a success I'll bet it involved taking from one to give to another and that means taxes more taxes and more taxes which now they have stolen all they can with out there Cap and tax Ponzi scheme and taking over the crown jewel of communism or a good portion of the economy which like cap and tax is smoke and mirrors not science. Health Care should never be run by government they do not know how to run anything and they confuse our money with theirs and they think health care is bad now. Wait till they get done with it people will be dying and not dying in peace but with pain and the best medical care in the world will fall quickly into the worst and getting more so each day the government tries control it. Innovations in care or procedures will come to a halt no incentive to get better under state control ask anyone from the communist countries of Europe. Well New York enjoy but do not keep coming to the keystone state its mess up enough already with Fast Eddie at the reins till next time,Remember this is America dam it.Paladin kcs

Pss Update recount in progress mail in ballots make it three out three please .

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Propaganda Communist and far left Obamabigbots other stuff on my mind

Just back from the vast Right Wng Conspiracy Meeting and you Communists are in trouble now!God told us that your bill is coming up due and your funds are not worth the paper they are printed on. We are watching and you are coming up short all the way around. You are found to be lacking in all areas.For those who maybe visiting this site for the first time, you might be thinking this person really doesn't care for Uncle Tom Obama and his Elitist Defeatists- also called his base. He is "The fairy tale King" and his group of thugs and Maoist Administration currently in the Uncle Tom's Obama White House. To this I would have to say without a doubt you are 100% right, I cannot stand the sounds his lies make when they pass through his lips. He is communist and I have said many times you can tell he is lying because his lips are moving. Now that being said -I'm neither racist or bitter of a lying Uncle Tom. I hope nothing harmful happens to this clown, due to the fact that we in the Conservative side of this country will finally be able to get rid of the centrists who think you can work with the left; or that it's all right to act like a Conservative when election time rolls around but the rest of the time lean left . Even though leaning leftnow means being a communist.Communist Obamabigbots have told Communists in this government not to go on Fox Network. I do not watch Fox because I shut off my TV, but I do visit the web site along with many other web sites to stay up with the news.The very news that so called Democrats have been told by Move On. org Not to go on, including Fox News as well. You might be thinking Move On is as bad as your pick for Leadership of the country Did you learn this tactic from the gay and lesbian groups, because they are now in a class above yours and mine. They are Part of the Elitist Defeatists- a group head and shoulders above all othersThey have special laws that cover and protect them. People that claim they wanted to be treated like all the rest of us' now are better then us. I cannot wait to see who else needs special protection and laws like an Endangered species. Since I am a straight, hard working, tax paying, patriotic American; I think those who have received anhonorable discharge from the armed forces should get special rights and privileges and protections under the law . If gays and lesbians have special protections under the law then I feel I deserve the same rights. If someone attacks me it has to have been a hate crime. Because we all know how the vast communist wing hates the military. Or maybe women and men who get divorced, and due to stupidity and bad laws become targets by their ex; who feels they have lost everything including HOPE. Those people who have nothing left to lose, that spent a lifetime putting together everything only to loseit all due to bad laws and stupid judges. Judges who have no concept of fairness. I think those who face this need a special protection law. It must be hate that causes all these spouses to grab a gun and kill the ex and then the kids and finally themselves. News flash-this person was not a nut. Bad laws for bad situations equals No Hope anddeaths; but you will never see this reported on the news unless these people start going after the system that took hope away .Health care is not free even with the Elitist Defeatists. 38 million will still not have health care and for the rest of us our health care will be run by the same idiots who run Amtrak who now run GM and the post offices, social security,medicare and medicaid and who are bound and determined to pass CAP_ and Tax even though the real scientist-not these so called government scientists, who are pushing the agenda they are told, to get the money they want. How about the government stay out of science until there are scientists who come to the government with the truth? Not the other way around- just trying to plump up their bank accounts. What do G.W.Bush having shoes thrown at him and Uncle Tom Obama winning the Nobel Peace prize have in common? Answer : neither one deserved it. Same with Al Carbon ass Gore .Soldiers and Marines are dying now over Gates and Uncle Tom destroying Military preparedness and morale. Rules of Engagement prevent support for soldiers in trouble if our people are dying due to a rule. It needs changed, so that if anyone is dying it needs to be the people we are there helping not the other way around. But that makes to much since too the clowns running Obama's wars. Just like this latest attack in the Baghdad- they think we do not know Iran is the only one behind this attack- well clowns as usual your wrong we know .Health insurance companies that the evil capitalists who you all have been crying about making obscene profits between 4 and 6 percent. Yahoo makes more; so much for truth. Just more lies lies lies amd commmunism.Now one last thing- Obama, the Uncle Tom who pushes cap and tax and government health care conserve conserve. Let the world conserve, we are Americans. This country has only one Crisis and that is this bad leadership. First under Bush, the faint of heart fighter, and now Uncle Tom Obama and his Maoist lovers Communists. We are decedents of the founders- right wing radicals who built the best country on this planet. A shining city on the hill, if Uncle Tommy Obama had to build this country it would not have gotten done. We do not conserve.If left alone and unfettered by corrupt government, we innovate, build new and better, and we don't put the horse before the wagon. We have energy still in the ground. So before you "pie in the sky" some fairy tale energy green jobs( which is communist government jobs spying on your friends) realize that Obama's jobs are non existent.Government cannot create jobs; but if it gets out of the way privatemoney will and can. Use what is in front of you, it works! Coal, oil and nuclear until all these pie in the sky ideals of yours are given a lot of work. Private companies will come up with the answer if you get your taxes out of the way. And by the way- if you were in charge, America would never have been discovered.You and your communist are losers baby killers and have no regard for life, the Constitution, and minorities. You are only there for their votes and the Constitution- another burden-that you and your Communists look for ways to go around, over top of, all in the name of Communist take over. Rights? What rights? Those that you haven't taken away yet. Keep good people down, beholding to the masters or Elitist Defeatists who will wipe your nose and behind, kiss your babies, just for the look of caring.The only law they pass is laws that give them more and more power and more and more of your money. That is it not faithful to a cause or amission, just power . We the people need to remind all Government buttwipes who put them there and why the same with those we give our money. I will not buy from companies that help this corrupt Government take any more rights.This is America dam it. Till next time be safe Paladin kcs

Friday, October 16, 2009

Uncle's Tom's White House and more OBama lies

SAN FRANCISCO—President Barack Obama addressed an adoring crowd of supporters at a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee in San Francisco Thursday evening, where he told the assembled that “When I’m busy, and Nancy’s busy, with a mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess, we don’t want somebody sitting back saying, ‘you’re not holding the mop the right way’ … ‘you’re not mopping fast enough’ … ‘that’s a socialist mop.’”“Grab a mop.WE need help.” What he should have done was grab some bags for all the loot he has stolen from us, he is a piece of Crap. Uncle Tom's (Obama) the natural born liar, that he thinks he is. Even if he doesn't do it all that well he continues to try. And those who want to see a half black man do well will never fault him for being a liar. After all, they finally have a champion for their causes. Only one problem -Uncle Tom's Obama is blind to skin color. He can only bring him self to care if you're a devout communist. In my last blog I wrote on some of the so called helping hands he as so far given to the black or middle class- all lies. As I wrote,while he was still running for the office he now holds. But it was nothing more than lies;those who can see with out blinders on know this to be true.Now Uncle Tom's (Obama)in this latest statement above while talking to Fund Raisers (chumps= useful idiots) donors for the communist clown.Obama bots and Drones who are now thinking their a part of the(Elitist defeatist crowd) that the communist left has become. They will not fight for any pro American causes unless it furthers their grip on power for the communist left and those who believe in their Marxist theories. The Counter-Revolutionary movement of the 21 st century. Even if it has failed every place it has been tried ,these clowns think they can make it bigger and better. Hey Uncle Tom and the Propaganda outlets-- news flash! Your health care HR3200 is so messed up that your cannot read it yourselves. Why not look at Hr 3400 ? Even an uneducated fool like you can muddle through it in less then a couple hours. But long story short ,(Herman Cain) has broken it down for you and us on his web site!There's a Republican alternative to the Democrat -Care Don't let anyone know! HR 3400 is called Empowering Patients first ACT.1. Individuals are allowed to choose their health insurance (no Mandates)2.Deductibility of health insurance premiums regardless of who pays.3.Employers to provide flexible health insurance options to employees.There are three more that Herman Cain has broken down for those who wish to follow up but my point is made. HR3400 does NOT cost 1 trillion and still gives final say to the person who gets insurance from a company . Not good if you are trying to take over health care and the power it gives you over your opposition. (But at the same time, who wants more debt?) Heard today that we hit 1.42 trillion there abouts. The amount Bush left him was 455 billion. You know, you have heard him say he inherited a mess. Also, HR 3200 Commie Bill will not cover around 34 million people- so it's going to cost us tax payers 1 trillion to cover the remaining 13 million. You always said there was 47 million in our country with out health insurance. Another lie.Anyway back to inherited. Well it was this amount 455 billion, the rest was his own doing. Also, he was the one running around yelling crisis!crisis! alert! alert! that spooked all the investors as he was buying up private companies and firing their CEOs . Now they say " Come on people, it's getting better "as the unemployed numbers get bigger and bigger. It's the same old game- blame Bush. Well, Uncle Tom's butt wipe- that doesn't fly . You have done all you can do with the help from the Propaganda outlets and talking heads to damage and destroy all that is good about America and change it into your ideal of Utopian communist run by ELITIST DEFEATESTS. You do not wish to share power . It's that nasty old Constitution again. Maybe Cass Sunstein (Commie) can help change that old problem for you; that is why you hired him, is it not? To help you mop up the problems you made . How about the blood of all those service people you are killing due to yours and Gates'Incompetency Rules of Engagement? That causes our people to die for your stupidity. Change the rules of engagement; if someone is dying, it needs to be them. But I know that in your heart you want to flee so you can blame this on Bush too. But remember, when we are attacked from their again, it will be your party of Elitist Defeatest that will burn on the cross of public opinion. Anita Dunn (commie) may plan your way out of this too, but she will have to stop attacking FOX news and telling the world about her hero- Chairman Mao; who has the distinction of being the biggest mass murder in history. 60 or 70 million Chinese; good pick .You said it was that he that overcame great obstacles. I'll say. She must be an idiot even by Obama's standards . She should learn from the master- Gibbs- and look at the floor and um say Able Lincoln. I would love to throw shoes at all these Elitist Defeatest but cannot find the time. Us right wing extremists are all gathering to have a giant tea party where we can come up with the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy theory you commies are always talking about. We the People who believe in true freedom ,not that Communist Uncle Tom's version. Keeping them votes on the Plantation. Poor, dumb, and stupid -but votes.With their race baiters who can keep their share of the spoils, to all of you we say "suck crap threw a straw you sleazy excuses for humans." You have pulled off the biggest robbery in history and you do not have a clue what you are doing. Like all fools ,you will fail. The people will understand that the media is no longer looking out for them, but for the crooks and so called Uncle Toms who have sold out the dreams of his people-black and white and brown. Even light brown to green will remember you for, the fools you have always been. Until next time, save your money; inflation is coming and the communists want your money and are still trying to come up with a way to cap and tax you into the poor house. Be safe keep your hand on your wallet and start supporting only Conservative things in all that we do. Politics, magazines, books ,radio companies and the products they sell. Other wise the left will overcome them as well. TV has already fallen- all but Fox -and I do not trust them. Now you know why I shut off my TV . Paladin kcs

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pictures in NYT of aborted babies


Abortion these days is used by ignorant women as a form of contraceptive , Its there first choice with all the other options available and this is the choice they make how many time are women allowed to say i made a mistake .How long will the Government subsidize genocide of human life and make rules that make it so hard and expensive for loving couples to follow the adoption process as long as the government gets it big cut . Why give tax credits ? You the government has promoted this waste of life as if you were lining up children and shooting them.Why is it cheaper and faster to go to the farthest point of this planet to adopt a child then go to the closest place in the USA. Like all things when politicians get involved it gets messed up and very expensive. Truth is truth, All life is sacred ,and all Government corrupt.— paladin kcs

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Who are we to complain about Obama The fairy tale king


Well it's almost Nine months since The Uncle Tom of all races and women's equality movement started on his and the DNC's Communist reformation of America with the support of Americans media or Propaganda outlets .The talking heads and super News Propaganda 24 hours have all been taken by this talking parrot- who is real good at reading teleprompters -but is not so smooth if he has to think off the cuff. He chokes up like a rookie at his first big event. Now the left tries to front on us how much they support the races and women's equality ;but then do all they can to maintain the status quo. And only do more when it brings headlines or support close to elections. Which party had the most of the above groups in their administrations past and present ? It's not the fairy tale king, I'll bet! This guy is so filled with hate for both whites and blacks he must really have hated his mother and grandmother for their being white. Not to mention his dad for leaving him alone and not being there for him. He cares of only one thing and that is the communist agenda and being remembered in history. Good /bad ? Doesn't matter. Just one giant EGO .He has no foundation- no religion, just a cause. And now the New World Order has given this Fairy tale king and his Obamabots payback for losing the Olympics for Chicago- The Nobel peace prize for headlines and payback. After all, if not for the right wing radicals ,the next Olympic games in would have been in Chicago- all hail one New world order and their star Obama.You say I must be a sore loser for the Repucks? No, but look at the truth.1. whole economy folded due to Left saying they want people who could not afford homes to get homes; now these people who have lost their homes will never have the chance to own a home again 2. Cash for Clunkers program who and what it was supposed to have helped it is not so clear- but there was not that many from the lower economic classes lining up to get rid of there clunkers and the used cars they could have bought are now junk- destroyed to prevent them from being sold. But if we are lucky, most likely the government failed to managed this program like most of theirpoorly run programs and most of the cars hopefully will be resold and not destroyed. The car companies that the government owns didn't fair that well either. So who except headlines did this waste of tax payors money help? Truth: No one but the false leader . The biggest damage is public schools and getting rid of school vouchers and the Hyper cost of inflation of getting a college education. Due to government interference and subsides and what do all these things have in common? indoctrination to the elitist or to the leftist ideal . Either way it's all built upon peoples belief that government is there to help them. Most schools cannot get kids to graduation and it's the dumbing down of our country that soon there will be no one who can understand the history. And it will have been rewritten anyway to match the new reality. We are nothing more then what the goverment allows us to be. So much for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Government only helps it's self to your money and like the fire,it will just keep burning more and more area money till they have all of yours . Now they have spent so much that we are all slaves to the elitist. You, me, and all of our children owe more money than our great great great grand children will be able to pay off in their lifetimes. And the whole time these Elitists will be running more and more till we are unable to keep up even with the cap and tax or any other taxes. And now they are trying their best to cram us closer and closer together and then they will keep allowing more and more people to come into this country to add more and more fuel to this fire. Your money and mine; while the whole time they keep getting bigger and less competent at governing this country Dam dam dam if only they (the Bush lovers) had supported the Fairy tale king racist ! They arere all white racists. The poor guy on CNN- the communist news network- will go down in history on you tube as an instant classic. He was dumbfounded- which for CNN is not that uncommon- but this guy was funny.Oh, like I was saying it's almost been a year since I told Dish network to shut my dish off, and I have not missed it at all .I have been working at learning guitar and working in my garden and getting myself into this political info that I started out hating. Especially the democrats for being communists and socialists.Then I got mad at the media for their Propaganda that they spew forth daily. Then lately after seeing politicians only doing what the people let them get away with, and now after a lot of soul searching ,I'm back to- yes, it's the media's fault and the Obambots who suck up the stuff this racist communist an illness that makes him apologize for America each and every time he leaves this country.He's just misunderstood. I thought that this is what the media's job was: too check up on this guy's plans, and see what he is all about. We still know nothing about him . Who is covering up for this guy and why is there a vast right wing plan? Or is this guy just a plain out and out idiot which I have been fearing for quite some time. The communist training could not make an affirmative action president any smarter and yes I know he is half black and half white but being a rock with lips knows no color. Look at how far the country has fallen since this clown took office . It's not a lost cause yet -but we're getting there and who is to blame? The media of course. In the mean time, I have been watching the Democrats lying about how the economy is picking up and the co2 is heating up the planet till they realize hey it was pretty cold this year. Oh I got it ! Global Climate change- that's the ticket! Oh wait ,you had a basic science class co2 is what plants use to make oxygen? How many of you know this or can remember science? I hope not as many as those who go to the tea parties. What was that ?60,000 or so bunch of spoil sports- who are really racist at heart; who carry swastikas and are members of the Nazis Party or so the media of Baghdad bob says. Well, to hear it, I know this country is going toward a cliff ;I just hope enough people wake up and think of this Obama as just the tip of the sword. At this time, the real problems in our country are :first, the media who have chosen a side (and it wasn't the American people's side) their pick was the special class of" let them eat cake "politicians who think they are so smart and that only they know what is best for us the lowly people, who should be grateful for all the hard effort these piles of crap do for us. I say fire all of them and start over from scratch ;but in the mean time- save your money so the coming bad times that are ahead of us might stand a chance of finding something to eat. If cap and tax or Obama care gets passed; the country will go down quickly. If 2010 will hurry up and get here before they burn American life into just a memory.Cap and tax is the best money maker to come forward since the first income tax was started .Now more then ever I see government like a fire. Tax money is the fuel for this communist take over, for the Elitists. Shut off your TVs and wake up to the facts . The talking heads are against us and for the communists. They hope that when the dust settles they will be one of the special groups who can still thrive after the Marxist take charge, and throw out the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.Stay alert and watch out for the hammer and sickle coming to you on the Obama express. Besides that, who needs to find stories to print under communist government? You are told what to print. Easier then having to investigate and hunt the story down. God help us .Paladin kcs

Sunday, September 13, 2009

America under attack from within!!!


With the march in DC finished for now at least a short after action report is due. The talking heads of ABC CBS AND NBC ,Reported as little as they could on the hole affair least they be accused of reporting news instead of Propaganda for the communist. Cable news did a little better they including the worst MSNBC HAD SHOCK OF ALL SHOCKS A REPORTER THERE SHOOTING VIDEO!!!! Even thought they did try to marginalize the event, "Big story there uh". CNN Did there part to show this event from there point of view far left that is and fox fair and balanced as long as they agree with the owners point of view. But coming from someone who could not make it and after seeing the many faces of Patriots standing against the communist government of this country. There is hope even if the talking heads and the Propaganda units offer there many head counts and try to break apart the message of this event. Too those who got on those buses and took this trip to those who got the buses and help to ensure a safe event for those who offered a learning event for there kids. A teachable moment to the country to use a lefty or communist tactic hooah I salute you and hope that if there is another march that I can find out about it in time to make arrangements to attend . But to one and all good job Patriots.
Next item Van Johnson and Cass Sunstein One Communist busted and on the way out and one worst Sunstein on the way in "Plans on changing the Constitution" to better match his communist views on the world as he see it thats why The Liar Fairy tale King hired him and of course no one spoke up and asked "What in the world are you doing here you slimmy turd" .
Last item during my last blog I wrote about the destruction of the Military its even worst then I wrote about its not just the Military that is being plundered budget wise its departments that do not meet the far left agenda like the secret service that defends the Fairy tale king , the Home land security department that defends us all. They could Ax this one completely and it would not break my heart just another case of government gone wild FBI all ready does or did this job and the CIA filled the gap all though the wall that prevented them from working together needed to be voided the goal is to prevent another attack on this country. What else have these communist been up to? What other department do they think are not essential to us if they are willing to cut protection for the head idiot in charge. Did they not tell us about the rise in far right radicals so why have they cut funding to the secret service or do they have plans on making a martyr out of there Communist Idiot or like every thing else this corrupt bunch of criminals has done are they gambling with all our lives like they always do thinking their so superior to us common people.
Which is what I think is going on in this current nut jobs Administration of liars thief's and devout communist hiding under the cover of Green Environmentalist nothing more then communist seeking change Your money there Power till next time watch out for Cass Sunstein wolf in sheeps clothing but well limp wristed is "what these guys are all about ". Till next time may the left wing radicals be in someone else's family. Shut off you zombie box and listen to talk radio. All tea party members from across this great land of every color and sex and even religion again great job defending all of our liberties Paladin kcs

Friday, September 4, 2009

If the fairy tale king and his Obamabot gates wish to destroy military How could they do it??????

A single photograph Jacobson’s shows Lance Cpl. Joshua M. Bernard, 21, on August 14 after he was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade during a firefight with the Taliban in southern Afghanistan. His suffered severe injuries.!!!!!!!!!
How Robert Gates , destroyed the Military for the Communist and his Fairy tale King . The two wars that are military is currently engaged in are being underfunded and soldiers sailors and airmen have been cut using early outs and not recruiting enough numbers to fill positions so they can have cash for clunkers and all there other social experiments in ripping the social fabric of our United States. But this was not working fast enough for those on the communist DNC party. Now under the leadership of Gates the Defense Department first allowed coffins of Patriot's being flown back to there families for there good bye's and burial . Now the greatest slap in the face of love of country and Patriot support is that each person in the Military has to worry that there loved ones might have to deal with seeing there loved ones last moments in pictures for all to see due to the communist and far left propaganda outlets like AP news. Yes Gates Protested to the AP for headlines but he is laughing at the families of those who serve this country and defend the Constitution that his Fairy tale king is working so feverishly trying to tear apart so this country will be transformed into this 3rd world Utopian socialism dump that they see in there sick mind's. Propaganda by the AP was more important then the feeling of those loved ones this young Marine left behind they ask two times for the AP to please not do this, Their plea's were over looked because the AP has an Agenda and it is not the News or free speech its showing young people not to join these hate mongers and baby killers never mind that most soldiers have babies at home as well and soldiers are those young people from each and every city and town and neighborhood they are the kids you played with all through school the guy next door the AP should have looked at this young man and his family and looked at what he believed in??? What he was all about? What his plans were when he got out of the marines.? He was a hero not some picture for them to use as a political pawn in there anti American campaign. And if the AP was really that hell bent on causing pain to the family and friends of this young patriot; But the pain the family feels will be multiplied many times over. How will a young person fight the enemy in one on one when he's praying that if something bad happens to him that his loved ones will not have to look at the final pictures like Lance Cpl Joshua M Bernard family did. If Gates really had wish to stop these photo's he could have told the AP Associated Press or Asshole Press correspondent Alfred de Montesquiou, AP photographer Julie Jacobson or there company Ceo or at the very least the idiot who said this" AP journalists document world events every day. Afghanistan is no exception. We feel it is our journalistic duty to show the reality of the war there, however unpleasant and brutal that sometimes is," said Santiago Lyon, the director of photography for AP Read more: Gates should have said show those pictures and not one person from there Organization would ever be allowed into the war zone again they obviously cannot be trusted to show good judgement but since they have gone down this road if there are military out there reading this if you see any of these blood sacks gut shot make sure you get a picture for there family before you move on A special place in hell for all these leaches Boycott all thing AP blood sucking propagandist paladin kcs

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Great a waking from this Nightmare and the Fairy tale King


The month of August has been uneventful except in the destruction of our country. WE the tax payers have funded a car bail out from both ends first GM Government made cars sucking up tax payers money. Then cash for clunkers we funded people who need a new car. The jobs market keeps getting worse due to we are still headed in the wrong direction. Gibbs White House Propaganda speaker always servicing the fairy tail King on his knees that's why his mouth cannot seem to speak plain truth. In fact he is a bold face liar and an Obamabot.
To those who still watch TV and the talking heads and after a fresh rewrite of history dealing with Teddy Kennedy and according to them how much he did for all of us. He was a pile of crap left over from his two brothers who loved the American Dream and the American way. Teddy should have been in jail for killing a 28 year old young women, But he spent the last 40 years making jokes about it instead.
More people are awaking to the fact that the Democrats and the media elites and the fake environmentalist and white haters and American haters are all one under this faker moron I have been calling The Fairy Tail King spending money and nothing to show but a huge deficit's. The stock market is rolling back and forth ready to roll over and sink. But all you here is the light is visible at the end of the tunnel. Town hall meeting have shown me that there are others out there who see the fairy tail king for what he is a moron loser I'm not talking about his skin color half white half black but his soul is communist that's what I have issues with. He is a crook who lies hires thieves and con artist to work for America. He has made America the laughing stock of the world. Like I have said many times only this guy could make Gw Bush look like a genius and Bush for the most part try ed to protect us.
Last thing Obama's take over of health care. Obama has been his own worst enemy in that he has no clue to what is in the thing. So he runs around telling his version and those who have taken the time to read it and expose all his lies and mistakes: Like does it cover illegals? Yes it does. Are there death panels?yes! Will your health care be rationed? Yes it will. Who will treat you. Your Dr? (or) there panels telling the Dr what he can and cannot do. there is much work to be doing these days tea parties fighting against the communist take over of this country should be the only thing on the news, but what do they talk about the stars have a break down or a pimple and teddy of course hope he is in hell sucking crap through a straw., harvest time in the garden hope your was a good one and that you have saved your cash for the coming assault on your wallet. take care join a local tea party in your area Paladin kcs

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Goverment of thieves with no shame""""" Waxman Cap and tax himself
A Thief in the Night: Veterans’ Land Grabby Jeani DiCarlo
Did you ever have an encounter with a thief? If not, how many times have you read or heard about their sudden attacks in newspapers or TV and thought or gasped, “I hope that never happens to me”?
Well, it is happening. As I write this, we have politicians all over the country stealing from us. Many of you are now more than aware of this new Cap and Trade bill brought to us by “our” representative in the 30th district of California, Mr. Henry Waxman. Well, you may also want to know that Mr. Waxman has been quite busy these days not only promoting the biggest tax in history, but also by helping to give away land he does not own.
Whose land?
The land of our revered Veterans.
This land is slowly being doled out to special interest groups that benefit Mr. Waxman and his friends who are known as the “Westside Political Machine.” Sadly, he is not the only one doing this; politicians all over the country are “giving” land they do not own to special interest groups. Eighty-five acres of Veterans’ lands were just annexed in Chicago. Where did it go to? Who got it?
In order to get the big picture of what’s happening all over this country, let’s start with a little history on the Veteran land here in Waxman’s Los Angeles district.
Veteran land is land deeded to Veterans to take care of their physical and emotional wounds. One of these lands, the West Los Angeles Veterans’ Home (WLA VA), the largest parcel on land for Veterans in the USA, was donated by Arcadia de Baker and John P. Jones in 1888 to the government for the sole purpose of providing permanent care to our Veterans ONLY.
At that time, the hospitals on the land were providing care to returning Civil War Veterans, and to emphasize the intensity of their suffering they were called asylums. What Arcadia de Baker realized was that the peaceful and isolated land was perfect for healing the physical and emotional wounds of people who served their country.
What Arcadia de Baker did not know, though, that in time this isolated land would end up in the middle of one of the most affluent areas of the country. The WLA VA is the largest Veterans Healthcare Center in the Untied States. It also just happens to be located in an area considered the Fifth Ave of California, a place with multi-million dollar mansions and fancy condos surrounding it. Being a piece of prime real estate, many are vying for it.
In Henry Waxman’s Brentwood district, homeless Veterans sleep outside the gates of their own land while TV productions rent empty hospitals that neither the VA nor Waxman will open for our Veterans claiming the buildings are damaged. Yet, these same damaged buildings are rented to “Grey’s Anatomy,” among others, and net seven-million per year. Now, would anyone rent damaged buildings for seven million a year?
Recently, the WLA VAMC gave Veterans Park Conservancy (VPC) (a non-veteran group consisting of wealthy residents of Brentwood) $1 million to help build a wrought iron fence to beautify the entryway into their community, while Veteran health-care services and facilities continue to go under-funded. Was the beautification of an already very wealthy community a priority?
The WLA VAMC also gave VPC permission to engrave in stone on Veterans property, “Beauty, Honor, County,” thereby seriously insulting and denigrating the Military creed of “Duty, Honor, Country.”
The VA also “rents” this land for special fundraising parties. I was recently at one such $1000-per-ticket celebrity-saturated fundraiser with a Vietnam-era Veteran, Robert Rosebrock.
Mr. Rosebrock, founder of “Veterans’ Revolution,” was not allowed to enter the Veterans’ land and was harassed by a hired security guard who kept a camera on him the whole time.
For 72 consecutive Sundays, Mr. Rosebrock and Veterans from all wars gather in front of the WLA VH to protest the land grab perpetrated by the VA and federal politicians in conjunction with affluent Brentwood neighborhood community organizations, businesses and Mr. Waxman’s Westside political machine.
In this shameful orchestration, the VA rented about 16 acres of Veterans’ land (worth more than a billion dollars) for a dollar per year to the Brentwood Homeowners Association. Yes, you heard me right, a buck a year. Why, you ask? So the people of Brentwood, some of the wealthiest in the country, can have a park. A park on Veterans’ land when there are empty hospitals our Veterans need!
Another game being played by the LA bureaucrats is the building of “apartments” at the cost of about $325,000 per unit in the unused hospitals that they now rent for TV productions at the Sepulveda VA. These very expensive so-called “apartments” are meant to house recovering addicts, etc. They say some Veterans can live there (this is really generous of them, isn’t it?), but the truth is these apartments will end up being fancy condos sold for millions in a few years.
In accordance with the Flag Code of the United States, the Veterans decided to turn the flag upside down as a sign of distress. In return, the federal police almost arrested them for “disturbing” conduct! Domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers can stomp the flag, anarchists can burn flags on the steps of the Congress, paint flags, rip flags, put flags in dung and call it art — but Veterans who fought for what the flag represents cannot, in accordance with the law, hang the flag upside down as a call of distress? Last week Mr. Robert Rosebrock was cited for having the American flag in distress attached to the Veterans gate, yet, the VA allowed the Iranian flag to be displayed on the Veterans gates!
Something is very wrong with this picture in America. Right now in history we have a group of renegade politicians who have buried our Constitution under the structure of false laws that we must abide by, “laws” that allow them to steal in the dead of night. And make no mistake about it: if they can steal our Veterans’ land without blinking an eye, they will soon be able to steal yours.
These “thieves” work on people’s minds, making them believe they are spotless individuals who do no wrong. Their abuse is silent and “lawful.” It is always for “our good.”
Our Founders fought a long battle to give us freedom and we cannot let anyone steal it from us. The first stand is with our Veterans to stop this land grab. Call your representatives, write your senators, demonstrate with your fellow Veterans, and do not allow this to go on any longer. In many ways, their land is your land — for without these good people freedom would be just a word.
For links, more facts, updated information and to contact representatives, visit
Paladin Just thought I would help spead the word being a veteran I hope those who read will do the same and a special thanks to the writer (Jeani Decarlo)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for the left and there limp wristed drones supporters

snitch line above for those Drones and Tv zombies, Snitch your parents brothers and sisters out!!!

First things first cash for clunkers ripping off tax payers again, here we go again their using tax payers money to fund first Gm and now for people to buy cars they may or may not be able to afford will we have to bail them out too. Also Mr Propaganda Gibbs why not bring Baghdad Bob he might as well be doing the job after all he sounds like one of the current talking heads on the zombie box . Gibbs should be signed up for one of the many realty TV shows around for comedy. Next if any one likes the ideal of Government run communist health care please go into Gates Military he has cut so much money from the services with the Fairy tail king Obama that now military families cannot even get care on post and must relying on civilian health care providers.Great Jobs Talking Parrot I'm sure he Obama has torn up the armed services budgets just like all Democrats do and when a Real Conservative show up he will have to try and repair the damages this clown and his man Gates have done to Military readiness and the Left wing nuts will not be able to understand why all this money must be spent to repair the catastrophic damage they the left always do. There are so many items on my list of things to mention that this blog would be a full time thing and God only knows that if I had the time I would focus in on health care that the Left wing Communist will try and force on us with lies and deceit and make us dependent on there generosity for care. I would rather earn my own care not have some limp wristed idiot who counts money and odds to determine how much care I get and for the left to call us who are worried about the Government lies in this area as working for insurance companies trying to scare buy intimidate threaten what ever it takes to get there scam and power take over through look at all the money the left and media propaganda outlets are throwing at us trying to pull the wool over our eyes . Late breaking news in this area is now there sending brown shirts to beat anyone who stands up for Liberty they are calling us extremist but we all know they are scum filth who live in the elite world of let them eat cake after all the drones of the left are too stupid to see they are the worker bees for there masters
media outlets and the talking heads of 6 pm news reports right wing scary scary vast right wing whiteys up surge due to half white Talking Parrot who lies when his lips are moving , But I remember the lefty socialist nut jobs at WACO and Ruby Ridge let see which party was in charge then that's right the Party of KKK , Gay agenda and Pedophiles Anti-American Anti- Religion the Party of Carpetbaggers who have stolen more money from us the tax Payers more then all the money that was stolen by so called thief's in Jail even if you lumped them all together .
The so called Elitist Jerks think that we Americans are as stupid as there drones or themselves
the real threat to our country is the Propaganda outlets that pass them selves off as News People or Journalist when they are nothing more them blogs for a cause who twist news to fit there socialist agenda so much for freedom of the press till next time watch your back Obama and his group of thieves are looking for money and information on dissenters who have a brain.
and are willing to use it. Paladin kcs

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Investor Beware! Obama comes this way.


If your looking to invest here weather for your IRA or just for some future thing the powers that be have done all they can do to tear down this country and the economy. If you happen to own stocks that the Administration eye's for take over or selling to one of there supporters you could stand to loose a lot of you hard earned money, A few examples (GM) unless you own as many shares as say a school union in In, you lost all your money or how about Fannie Mae you again lose all your money ,Contracts no problem they do not mean what they use too.!The Talking Parrot Obama waves his arm presto change O and again you lose all your savings . Your charged a lot of money for experts to lose your money,But no matter what they make money You on the other hand may choose to manage your own stock folder and buy good companies and next thing you know the government moves in and wipes you out ,How can an investor make out its all rigged at the moment and the government is holding all the cards so if you have money to invest choose something out of the USA. You might be saying oh your an Obama hater and you just do not know what or where to put your money. I would say take a look at the stock market how many shows on TV are nothing more them advertisement for companies on the stock market where did all the money go that came up missing from peoples accounts who got the money?From Fannie Mae can you say Chris Dodd or B. Obama or look at (Ge) The company gave billions and now the stock is in the pits who did they give money to B.Obama all in the hopes of getting to be the bank for carbon credits under the name of Cap and tax or global warming or climate change the new word trying to hide the nature of taxes for everyone.
Alexander Hamilton said a strong Central bank who honors its debts and contract are a must not B.O. like I said he can do what he wants King Obama knows better then the founders of the Central bank but he was an affirmative action student not a founder of a nation . The stock market is not a good place to risk your money until the government removes it hand from those who operate it, Also if they cannot take your company outright they will blackmail you into doing what they want ask some of the banks who made the big mistake of have the Government give them a loan or if they cannot blackmail you they regulate you into doing what they want .But if you must throw your money away go ahead, My personal choice will be in silver or gold take your pick and if you see the government showing any interest sell asap or a soon a possible. Maybe an old fashion saving account might be best or a hole in your back yard who know but the Government has got it sights on other people money do not let them see yours or it might become theirs like thieves on a dark street no better this King and his band of 40 thieves have taken more money then all the people in all the prison around this thing we call earth thieves who stole so much money there accounts are bursting hows yours doing ???? attention. Medical stocks I would start making plans to cash out,You say no way I'll bet a lot of investor right now wish they had listened to the warning. Take care till next time stay tuned same bat channel Paladin kcs

Monday, July 6, 2009

This and that ,Media will feel repercussions for picking the wrong side against Americans!!!!!!!


Mark Levin

"Conservatism is not a narrow philosophy……it is the philosophy of the Founding Fathers. It is the philosophy of liberty, opportunity, private property, national security.
It is a philosophy that promotes the liberation of the individual, that nurtures competition, and that embraces all people regardless of who they are, or where they have been.
It is a philosophy that rejects the authoritarianism of the few, of the politician, of the bureaucrat; and promotes limited, stable and predictable government authority.
It is a philosophy that rejects the bankrupting of future generations to pay for the benefits of the current generation.
It is a philosophy that expects its citizens to abide by a just and righteous and predictable law and demands the same from aliens who cross our borders illegally.
It is a philosophy which emphasizes the family and faith, over government.
Conservatism is the antidote to tyranny. It’s the only one. It’s based on thousands of years of human experience. There is nothing narrow about the conservative philosophy. It’s a liberating philosophy.
It is a magnificent philosophy.
It is a philosophy for the ages, for all times".
—Mark Levin ShowApril 28th, 2009 (Now this is Modern King Ludwig .The talking Parrot or Affirative Action Pres teachings) Saul Alinsky

'Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.' - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.

Look the Communist wimp up he was a little wimp with wimpy Ideals. Not Like real men who if they have a problem with someone take it outside and work it out but Alinsky tactic were used on Sarah Palin by Abc cbs cnn nbc msnbc and by alot of print media as well they took there marching orders from the crooks around the talking parrot and soon we hope the American people will start the payback to these liers and thieves who have put the con man King Obama and his group of American haters white haters and they think there enlightened they are the racist and race baiters who turn hard working patriots into those welfare queens and the rest who think they need morons like the King to set things right for them by robbing them of there dignity and pride by taking a little handout for what. Nothing is what the Democrats offer they are the racist and woman haters anyone who is not a drone know that they cannot be trusted look who there friends are Al Sharpton Jess Jackson Wright ,Look at the cast of low lives who rip= the people off each day of the year and say its for the poor while they get rich fly around in private jets and getting young girls knock up and they act mightier then the next guy they are the gutter rats of the new age and there King is Obama the Communist who hates everyone just so he can prove how messed up of a person his mother made him. Hitler and B.O. are not that different in this aspect ; there personal lives and all we need to see is his brown shirts called acorn acting as his enforcers to prove how mess up the news and media has been. They will not succeed they are going to damage America but from the ashes. I never want to hear from the media that they did not know how screw in the head and left of center the weasel was and the people will remember the crap that was called News and facts and it was nothing but Propaganda for the weasel and his thieves. The media thinks no one is keeping track of there lies but its all there for anyone who wishes to look for it 47,000.000 uninsured sure that sounds good lets keep repeating the lies till we believe it. Bull Crap How about Global warming to climate change. How about the minute we walked in the door we were handed a 1 trillion deficit by the Bush administration sure moron try 550,000.000 which you quickly ran up to two or three trillion where was the media who checks the facts anyone see anyone of those listed above checking the numbers (NO) Not one of them even Fox has started to lean left with there owner is it any wonder. Martin Luther King had a dream it was not for his people to became the haters that tried to keep them in there place. Its was to be judge by the content of there own character not there skin color or how much bling they can dazzle the crowds with. or for that matter become welfare queens or drug dealers keeping there own people down. Much less the sewers rats of Sharpton Jackson Wright which party was the party of Jim Crow laws or KKK and not the party of Laraza =The race , Brown not American All Americans have bought it this game of race baiting. Hispanic American Afro American Caucasian American Asian American hate to say this we are all Americans rich poor want too be rich old young smart dumb just Americans trying to have a good life good family and a little happyness along the way. Well only time will tell if you have been following me for awhile now you know that I shut off my Dish for it was nothing more then Propaganda any way and it has been since Nov that I told them to shut it off and they said what ever.The truth is out their you just have to listen for it and shut off the Propaganda till next time do not fall into the trap the King is laying for us each of us at each others throat while they rob us all blind the only Crisis is the current goverment and there Propaganda units.this current little race thing with Gates is nothing more then a distaction while the New socialized medicine slithers through the law makers haha in Congress reading Conyers poor baby has to read the bill didn't know it was required I guess Paladin kcs

Friday, July 3, 2009

Have a great 4th Of JULY People drink sing and be Marry


To one and all Have a great 4th of July our country is celebrating Our Independence Day, While
our People watch the talking Parrot sells out on Democracy first in Iran and then Honduras more like he sided with the communist against Freedom and Individual Rights . For the record it is not a Coup when a Countries Congress and Supreme Court tell there Communist President follow the Constitution or else and he tells them to get stuffed he is President and will do as he pleases. Same In Iran not a word untill his poll numbers were plummitting. Just heard the only person who was qualified to run for President in 2008. The radio announce that Gov. Palin plans to resign from Gov July 26. Hope that what ever she chooses to do that people will support her in all that she does. Take care and enjoy the Day. Paladin kcs

Wednesday, July 1, 2009



Even though we lost due to Eight traitors to there voters and the country and the world as a whole we have not lost the War. Just the first battle so we need to regroup and spread the word the light of truth will show this Cap and trade for what it is a power grab by the socialist using our money to accomplish there goals Cap and trade will cost jobs and big dollars a family of four around 1800.00 dollars in new energy cost est. After emails sent to all Pa. Senators and only heard from Senator Casey here is the smoke and mirrors reply to my inquirer on his stand can you calculate his vote by the answer he left. He has sold Pa. to Washington D.C. Same and our own Fast EDDIE RENDELL too " The modern King Ludwig of our time after all he the Talking Parrot only has our best interest at heart. Its not his fault he calls us Hanging on our Religion and Guns. He is a City Fellow of course and thinks we all have bus service out here in the sticks of Pa. Any way here is Senator Caseys reply :"Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding climate change. I appreciate hearing from all Pennsylvanians about the issues that matter to them most.The international scientific community concluded human activities that add a large amount of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, to the atmosphere are a leading cause of climate warming. I believe Congress must take action to reduce and eventually reverse the hazardous effects of climate change, including extreme weather, famine, population displacement and the escalated spread of disease. The House of Representatives recently considered global warming legislation. H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, introduced on May 15, 2009 by Representative Henry Waxman of California and Representative Ed Markey of Massachusetts, takes a comprehensive approach to reducing greenhouse emissions through a number of proposed programs, such as capping carbon emissions, renewable energy requirements and energy efficiency standards. H.R. 2454 passed the House on June 26, 2009. When this bill comes before the Senate, it is likely that the Senate will divide the contents into two separate pieces of legislation, one focused on global warming policy and one on energy policy. As the Senate considers global warming legislation, I will continue to advocate strongly for the people and the economy of Pennsylvania. In fact, I have introduced a bill focused on climate policy, S.1134 the Responsible Use of Coal Act, focused on carbon capture and storage technology. I am also working on a program which provides assistance to workers as they train for new clean energy jobs in a transitioning economy. In addition, I introduced a budget amendment for funding to help accelerate research and development of carbon capture and storage technology in the fiscal year 2010 Budget. Throughout the upcoming debate I will continue to fight to ensure that clean coal is included in the national strategy to reduce carbon emissions, and that affordable electricity and assistance to ratepayer programs remain available. It is of great importance to me that American families are not left behind as the country addresses the challenge of global climate change.As a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, I am also closely monitoring international negotiations leading up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen this December. I believe that a global agreement is necessary to alleviate rising energy prices, to transform the world economy, and to protect our national security. If done properly, our national global warming policy will reverse the global environmental impacts of man-made greenhouse gas emissions while cultivating new clean energy jobs, re-energizing the manufacturing sector in Pennsylvania, and revitalizing the national economy. Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind as I continue to work with my colleagues in the Senate to develop climate legislation that will help Pennsylvania’s workers and economy.Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about this or any other matter of importance to you.If you have access to the Internet, I encourage you to visit my web site, I invite you to use this online office as a comprehensive resource to stay up-to-date on my work in Washington, request assistance from my office or share with me your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you and to Pennsylvania.Sincerely,Bob Casey United States Senator"
Paladin kcs update Chris Carney a true Patriot vote against Cap and Tax Hooray for PA. and the USA...

Friday, June 26, 2009

First vote in House of REPRESENTATIVES GOES DOWN IN SMOKE for Common sense


The vote was extremely close 219-212, with eight Republicans voting yes and 44 Democrats voting no. Bill voted on but not even read as most bills are these days . American Government at it best Fools leading fools. Next stop Senate will try to ram this up Tax Payers you know what with out any KY-Jelly" California getting all hot and bothered Charge led by Waxman and Markey with Pelosi doing the Holding. Propaganda outlets faking fact checks or just out and out picking and choosing which facts to inform America about. You know same as all there fake Polls. Like I've written before You can make a poll say any thing you want and they do the same thing now with facts. Pick and choose till you get the Socialist economy they think they want. The have and have nots do not come to gather they drive Limos and we drive GM government Made clown cars that will get you killed in a minor fender bender but what the hay Your a nobody any way just expelling to much CO2. Want to know what America will look like in a few years if they pass there Cap and trade "BS" bill watch the old black and white moves about East Germany you know maybe some of you heard of Check point Charlie IE. Movie "GOTCHA" I had Conducted my own survey at work and only one other person was even aware of the vote and what cap and trade stood for. Better Pray for devine intervention in the Senate vote because voters have to get there fill of Dance with the Stars or the Lastest news on The Prince of touch little kids "MJ" well hopefully we can stop the Carpetbaggers on this next vote but what the heck they need to be able to fund there social engineering experiments brainwashing 5 years old about how cool being Gay or lesbians are. Till next time we cross paths at Keystone to the Heartland Paladin kcs

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

RED Alert The Taxman cometh Cap and Trade Vote Friday


Well the time of American Prosperity teetering on the cliffs of A vote this Friday which will cost each family in America 1600.00 or more in taxes. Cap and trade hidden taxes fresh from DNC and the New Socialist movement of America. How may more jobs will it cost America before the people wake up and take there eyes off Sports, Soaps, and Game Show to see what these nuts are doing to the jobs that make our lives fill the stores shelves with products we buy. Cap and trade will finish the factory jobs that are still here will have to leave For shores of less taxation taking with them all those jobs that many across this nation pay there bills with.Those that stay for what ever reason will pass the cost on to you and me heating cooling driving playing all these things we do day to day will cost each of us more. Now is the time to call your Senators. People always say there is nothing I can do. "Well light up there phones emails and if there is enough support against this bill it will not pass don't count on talking heads or federal Propaganda Broadcasters to inform you of the dangers this bill . Word of mouth Internet and blogs. Wake up America think what there looking at doing and see if C R A Z Y comes to mind Social Engineering and Taxes will dominate every thing you do. THINK anything you do will cost more and for What??? While your at it stop this Medical meddling which will take free choice way from you and me and give it to the Government board of dollars counters. Will you be able to get the care you need when you need it? NO. The Biggest crooks to ever hold government office are now at the head of this country. Look at ever thing these people have done since being in office there worst then any crooks in Prisons they have stolen trillions any one who doubts what I'm writing look at what these crooks did to Gerald Walpin, the Inspector General for the Americorps has been axed by Obama for blowing the whistle on a million(s) dollar fraud.So much for CHANGE!

Thursday, May 28, 2009



During previous letters I started calling B.O. The talking Parrot due to his need for using a TelePrompter lately do to his similarities to King Ludwig of Bavaria IE the mad mad spending and them saying we as a nation cannot continue the spending it will act to dampen the economy.OR his ever historic statement of it would not be right for federal government to cut spending when industry and people have cut spending. Or how about the fake environmentalism practice by The King and his administrations and both houses that are controlled by his Flakiness who with both houses are drunk with power and think the drones and zombies are dumb lazy and are mental retards which to some small way after blaming the propaganda machines I agree that a lot of idiots are taking up useful air and polluting the countries air with all the Co2 they give off there fat welfare food stamp using.Drug selling using drugs in -bred urban slums using all the resources up. Criminals that make up his support along with the drones you know them they're the people who vote Democratic because they cannot be bothered to check into the way the modern world and its parties of shame and sham have gotten so bold to openly act communist and yes very few even notices it. They say all politicians are crooks. When are country fails and the history is written all these people who voted for this pretender and stood and watch as he spent and spent more then any president all together more money them could fit in a rail road train 300 miles long.. It was the drones and TV zombies and those from the great generation who vote Democratic because there family has always voted that way. Those who read this blog it you go back and see some of the early things I wrote I'm 80 or more percent right and the other 20 percent just has not happen yet but I believe will when the time is right IE H Clinton 2012 Vice- President. You might say Old Joe Biden what about old Joe every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. The King had to Hide him . Plus there getting ready to replace King B.O unless he decides to get really bold and change the two terms limit which he is just crazy enough to try. But getting back to old fake environmentalism this is only good for grabbing power grasping it from the American people and using the money it generates to fund your ever growing bands of influence into the household of each American. The only thing slowing you down at the moment is the economy let see you all caused the biggest financial melt down since the great depression and blame Bush and Chaney who helped Acorn change the lending laws I don't think BUSH OR Chaney OH that's right it was The talking Parrot his buddy Clinton Barney Stcklicker Franks and Chris Dodd yes that's about right isn't it! Now they have used Taxes to buy into most big Financial institutions own 70% of GM government made cars here come the HUGO Hugo again good job there all that tax money to help them go bankrupt . If I were and Investor I would be pissed that due to government interference I loss all my Money in Fannie Mae and GM can hardly wait for the law suits to start flying there Global warming fake science land water air pollution sewers filled with everything plus the usual all these things I have covered before taxes life style taxes money grabbing carpetbaggers using us against them tactics and dump stupid people who believe in Darwin's theories survival of the fittest or in there case weakest supported by and taken care of all of there life needs pretty soon they will take people and say you are to stupid to live so you cannot breed. Or you must marry this guy and the off spring will stand a better chance of being smarter you will live here and you can only drive this small clown car so we can have gas for our smarter leaders who are all knowing and all seeing each of your needs will be given to you and if you should get sick there's always state medicine or if your too costly to repair they will terminate you humanely of course and what the heck they have billions of worker bees just like you so what the heck those mean old Conservatives that wanted me to take care of all of my needs myself who do they think we are all I want too do is smoke my dope watch TV or play videos or listen to my jams I cannot take time to see what them smart politicians are doing. Not about environmentalism if it were we would be building nuke power plants that have been providing power in European Countries for 20 or more years safely Wind is find but you must have back up working all the time anyway so why not go the right way clean coal or nuclear. Taxes life style taxes how about if it cannot be recycled tax the crap out of it water ways so bad from sewers emptying or factories putting stuff in the water that kills all creatures or makes them uneatable to us. But lets have them make fuel out of this it creates more pollution them regular fuel but do not let those fools know this us against them all the experts agree and the propaganda machines keeping us guessing I would not believe any so called news from there so called news agencies propaganda department is closer to the truth. Survival of the fittest God abortion and family planning centers started by raciest mostly in black urban areas carpetbaggers who spend there time making victims of hard working people and now they have us against them later it will be them against us let them take your guns voting machines jobs medical care of your choice. Radio stations that inform you of the truth government jobs in agency that do not work for the people its just a job that you must do so you are controlled where are we heading we are now in uncharted territory so your guess is as good as mine but we will all be victim's and when it comes time you better be ready third world rules or a lack there of rules that is. Keep watching and believing the government for the people by the people ha ha how about love your country fear your government that's the bumper sticker I have in my back window I need no idiot making apologies for me or my country and most of all not to sick countries that have already fallen. When are country falls it will be due to this ass in charge who might be historic but is still going to be written about as the first black president who was a total failure do to his communist education and his lack of experience and his handling by his parties upper white handlers. Up and down around and around lets see where he goes next till then remember his Secretary of transportation "He says he has joined a "transformational" administration: "I think we can change people's behavior." Government "promoted driving" by building the Interstate Highway System—"you talk about changing behavior." Yes he is all about changing your behavior the rest of article is in Newsweek for those who might think that I like the propaganda department picked just or miss quoted him till next time be safe watch for homeland security busting down your door for using your computer oh that's right now they have a cyber government watch who has a lot of power over you and me and the truth you know us right wing radicals till next we meet be safe turn your TV off and do not support there sponsors Paladin kcs

B.O crisis with a mission carbon-credits propaganda mission full speed ahead


Potus as I've said last month is easy to catch in a lie his lips are moving his latest crisis is medical coverage for all the speech in Wisconsin was filled with more lies then truth but the Talking Parrot and his rag tag bunch of thieves have no honor or truth just a mission to destroy our country this bunch think their so smart elitist socialist. I have a good Ideal If they think there medical coverage is gong to be so great let them test drive it out for five or ten years and if they like the results let us put it to a vote, He the Fairy tell King thinks we are a part of his drones or TV zombies to believe anything that passe's his lips he has never been acquainted with truth or love of country. You have to have something Alex Haley wrote about called ROOTS .
Crisis Crisis (x) 10 as I have written before everything he works on he inherited and its a Crisis
mostly of his and his parties making look at Housing Banking now Automobile and medical coverage but he only wants what is best for his country. This Affirmative Action President is clueless on American love of country and god they believe in nothing and know nothing.The Repucks and Conservatives might as well not exist the only place they can be heard is on talk radio and blogs main stream Propaganda outlets have very few Repucks or Conservatives voices ever now and again they put out there someone who pretends to be Conservative saying crap crap crap and the Propaganda outlets let him stand as a poster child for the Conservative Movement. So between his words and his actions what are we to believe Like I said if his lips are moving he is lying Look at this and tell me I'm wrong Government owns now banks AIG Automobile Companies and what he doesn't own out right he controls with regulations and if you can regulate it you can control it now he has the Cigarette Companies under his control and before long medical which makes up 22 percent of our jobs what about his Propaganda outlets those people we use to count on for news now nothing more then his own little propaganda outlets. Look now at what has been going on with King Ludwig or B.O. the talking Parrot or affirmative action president has been spending money at a rate that has never been seen in the whole history of our world. He B.O. has no plan to pay any of this money off in fact he has been doing this on purpose crisis crisis that is the key to his plan can you say carbon credits a two-part regulatory system in which the “cap” is a government-imposed limit on carbon emissions, and the “trade” is a government-created market to buy and sell greenhouse gas credits. ...cost to you and me about 1600.00 two 3000.00 more in taxes each and every year government getting bigger and your rights getting smaller and smaller he the talking parrot has done all he can do to harm are free market system. But the drones TV shows are keeping the haze over the eyes of those who could stop this or as I often hear from these drones does it matter what can you do nothing. Well how about writing emailing your state Senators or Representatives and let them know that you are tired of there crap and if they continue down this road that you will do all within your power to vote them out of office. What will it take to wake people. New so called life-style tax? No How about B.O firing of the AG A Real AG Gate - Questions Swirl Around Obama Firing of Americorps IG ... Which is interesting because Obama ran on a platform to identify and eradicate ...corruption. No the propaganda outlets will not let this get to far it will be that vast right wing conspiracy Janet Reno or Napolitano will start another witch hunt for a diversion Maybe when they come for those who think they do not have a dog in this hunt.Well how about the freedom to work and live the way you want with the ability to work hard and succeed or fail without Government interference or red tape taxes taxes taxes. How about when you go to the store and the shelves are empty and those things you take for granted now like if you old and need medical help you can get it now but in the future your option might be to be put down you know like we do are old and sick pets? Well could not happen here in America already has in Oregon if the lady had chosen to say yes to the state Luckily she told them she was not ready to give up yet. and a drug Company gave her the drugs she needed I hear B.O. has been bully any body that gets in his way but he goes on TV and acts like he's above all this he is because no one calls him out on this and the Repucks that voted for the Cigarettes regulations should be voted out of office for stupidity he who regulates controls. For those who think what harm can B.O do to medical care look at the country in 6 months B.O. controls what ?? look at Social Security,
medicare and medicaid all going broke how about Am-track,Just look at the bailouts they said he must pass this stimulus package to avoid double digit unemployment what is it now ???? Do you see the light at the end of the tunnel No its a light behind us fixing to run us all in to third world status and where will B.O. be when this is all proved to be so messed up he will be making millions with book deals and speaking for $$$ to the drones tell your friend we are going the wrong way they will look at you like you have a third eye not a clue TV zombies or drones look at
his actions around the world Mr Apology and his actions with North Korea or Iran while the whole time stripping the military down to peanut farmer Carter levels Carpetbagger at every turn the Democrats should apologize to blacks for slaver they are the party that started it as well as the KKK and they now control people with the media. Wake up people If I can see this how come you cannot I'm no rocket scientists nor am I a right wing Radical Janet but I like many in this country sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the bill of rights where are the States coming out against this nut job just one state has said anything and he was quickly shut up most Blue State Governors have sold there states to Washington D.C. for there own federal tax dollars coming back to the states for future big governments programs that will never die. Guess which states are the most needy of course those who have the biggest taxes and most government bureaucracy are you surprised look at the Keystone state PA. Fast Eddie Randell and all his work for B.O. he will not work with the state lawmakers he wants his budget or he will keep the entire state hold up like the little fast boy who want to take his ball and go home because he didn't get his way jobs what jobs he is welfare welfare loved in Philly hated in the rest of the places he hasn't bought with tax dollars this state has some some real winners in government Murtha Arlan Sphincter and Fast Fat boy Rendell who should be selling used cars but yet he seats in Harrisburg Pa. When he there the rest of the time he's in Philly checking on his statue made of gold. Pick a blue state and see for your self, Till next time spread the word write email call by phone but let them know Government made everything is not America save your money shut off the Propaganda box and listen to talk radio and grow a garden till next time be safe right wing radicals Paladin kcs

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nortre Dame 2009/Media


Too all of you out there who say That The Talking Parrot should not have talked at the UNIVERSITY of Nortre Dame shame shame look at the peace makers words at the big event. Abortion is not and will always be a sin and now its more then that its a form of Birth Control for Idiots and the talking Parrot says look at it from each others point of view. How about running up historic a first of its kind he inherited deficit then telling people that this speeding is not sustainable it will dampen the economy. The talking heads in the network Propaganda departments are working over time spinning polls and keeping the drones and zombies happy while the biggest rip off artiest in the history of the world are taking them for a ride down 3rd world status and the drones and zombies are still saying give him time let see he controls the housing market the auto industry banks and propaganda networks a majority in both houses and the Repucks say nothing but blah blah . The Department of homeland Communist spying of veterans those who voted against gay marriage illegal immigration and just say anyone who voted against them and . Now there going after talk radio and inflation is starting right now as summer is beginning by fall the network propaganda department will be blaming Bush and Chaney. Speaking of Chaney his daughter has more brains then the entire staff of the Talking Parrots Administration she tore up Chucky Todd of NBC she told him the country security is the priority not polls from the left or right or looking for common ground which moron boy could not grasp . AS I talk to people older and younger I run into the media's white washing of King- Obama. Taxes are going to be going up if you didn't listen to the speech mention above where he sited spending out of control in AZ. Look at there Life style choice taxes Beer soda wine and grain alcohol. The Propaganda Departments listed all the bad bad things the come from alcohol and soda IE; sugar, obesity and how diet soda would not be taxed . Life style choice tax also mention was that this would be used to fund there socialized medical coverage. Not the current medical care we are using.The government is like the old mask one frowning and one smiling used in old TV Sunday shows they try to look neutral when behind the scenes they are steering us to third would status and the people keep watching there drone box's and zombie box's for the Propaganda that they and there sponsors spew forth each hour of each day its only a shame that I do not have the resources that just one of these networks have to get the truth out look even talk radio is more interested in profit then helping one of there own. The three stooges Rush Hannity and Levin all talk a good game but there egos will not let them help M SAVAGE Only one RADIO BIG WIG BILL CUNNINGHAM 700 AM CINN OH. know that they will pick them off one at a time or will it be the new version on fairness doctrine Community local being key word advisory board stacked with communist far left group's like Acorn who's tied in with crooked unions and other thieves from the far left telling us what we should be listening to .
How we should eat. What kind of car we should drive so they can have gas for there Limousines and private jets while the rest of use are driving around in clown cars you know the kind where if your in a accident that you will be killed because there is nothing but plastic and tin between you so the car companies can meet the gas target that the government set. Only the rich and privileged will be able to afford a car that would prevent you or your kids from dieing in a fender bender but that is Darwin's theory of survival of the weakest supported by the government. Target sponsors of network propaganda machines do not buy anything the government takes control of I have bought by last gm vehicle I will own grow and or buy food that doesn't support this government and its group of thieves and the sponsors who support there goals. turn off your drone box's and see what is really going on in this country You can lead a horse to water but you can not make them drink. so the old sang goes but spead the word this country future depends on all people waking up and wiping the fog from there eyes before its to late till next time be safe save your money grow a garden and watch for the next life style choice tax coming your way.Paladin ksc

Monday, May 4, 2009

B.O. The Talking Parrot is the crisis along with his Party


Can you tell when The talking Parrot is lying. I can, But I do not watch the drone box or read or listen to socialist propaganda. This is how you can tell his lips are moving . If it sounds like I'm a B.O. Fan not even close I hate his policies I give him credit for only one thing and that is getting all those tax cheats to pay up. Yes he had to hire them in order to get it done but at least we know the kind of people The talking Parrot thinks are good candidates for service in his administration. Like I said in the last letter I wrote B.O. is the Talking Parrot or Affirmative action president I believe in giving credit where credit is due B.O is as ass backwards as any President in all of American history he will be remembered as the Media's President. Look at what his spokesman said about how they love MSNBC. I think its not even news its a normal bashing for degenerates, who want to feel normal. By bashing normal, look at where are our movies come from. Au Vant Garde to be hip modern or employable, Rebel's without a cause. Such a queer little town. By just being Contrary to anything us poor unenlightened masses might think of as normal .Its an upside down world at the moment and there will be a prices to all Americans for this need to put an idiot on a pedestal. He B.O. does not have a clue as to what he needs to do, he could not run a girl scout cookie drive much less a country. If and when we are attacked this Idiot will get cover from the talking heads I just wonder who they will make as the scapegoat if it's late into his first term.Its one think to blame Bush for the Economy and his inherited budget deficit even with the facts that all the Democrats voted for and wanted and even bigger amount spent . Never mind that Barney sticklicker Frank and Chris Dodd and B.O. did the most to fold up our economy with there friends at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac not to mention those most Patriotic SCUM called Acorn. But truth is B.O and the Democrats Liberal Socialist Party will get theirs not from the Right but there own will see what hollow promises they make and how they flaunt there elitism's . If Pelosi has her way their will be two laws one for us and one for her elitist friends in government. Average Americans need to wake up and see that the false promises are made by those who cannot do anything. But must depend on those who can. Homeland Security Department spying on The Right for Political gain ONLY!! Janet Napolitano take your Apology stick up Janet Reno Ass. Can you say Ruby Ridge or Waco Cases of Leftist Goverment gone wild Like nobody can figure this out even the drones in there own party know this to be true. Except those Kool Aide drinkers who's legs quiver when the Talking Parrot speaks.The media there sponsors and the new socialist party with there hidden tax's think they can throw lies and accusation around to keep the Re-pucks on the Defensive and too this point they have succeeded only due to a lack of leadership in the Conservative Party. Could it be that we just do not get media coverage. ? What games are going on that there is no voice in the dark. Except talk radio maybe the lobbiest have been waving money in front of these hacks who cannot hear what is on the radio ever weekday from early in the morning till very late into the nite there are so many answers in front of them to counter these lies but still not a word. Global warming, Mark to market, Cap and trade are money from you and me too these idiots who could not sell newspapers on the street. If they need more and more money to fund there bureaucracy's of lies and idiots there is no hope left for average americans the far left can always be counted on to take a win situation and turn it into a loss and blame the American people for there actions. I will wait for the American people to wake up too these slight of hand idiots. Who say look at this why they do this behind the curtain now its the class warfare and its all big business'es fault. But like I said before shut off your tv and listen to talk radio and watch these idiots self destruct or stab each other in the back in the name of power till next time . Maybe we should have a tea party in front of MSNBC and CNN Corp. Then invite Fox to cover it so the world will know that we were not just racist and a few rednecks who know nothing of history. Do not let me get started on the Talking Parrots pick for education one of the worst school districts in the country Chicago average reading level 8th grade B.O. Picks there boss to be in charge of the entire countries school system "FUBAR" again LORD help the country HIS Highness King B.O. The 21st century Fairy tale King A match for King Ludwig of Bavaria any time hope his advisers do not drowned him and say it was an accident for his uncontrollable speading Paladin kcs

Thursday, April 30, 2009

B.O. and Media next 100 days will wipe all traces of Democracy from American


To those who follow this blog I have taken my own advise and have been planting a rather larger garden then I would normally have planted.But with the Talking Parrot and his Untouchables and the average Joe American sound asleep or watching the zombie box. As such the Drone's who still believe the talking heads or network news anchors. Those that studied at the Joesph Goebbels school of modern Journalism and give us there view of truth and Justice and the American way. Unlike the journalist of days long past who actually had to dig for the facts of a story unlike now where they take whats given as gospel. How and who ? Got us to this point that a devout socialist and just plain not quilified or as I said before he's the Affirmative action President and he and his handlers have set out to destroy our country in the eyes of the world and within our own country . Who is most to blame for this the media the Democratic party or maybe those, Re pucks that are so concerned about surviving till the next election that they will not even stick there necks out or even criticize the majority party in power even those that have done nothing but throw lies after lies about the previous President and still no body speaks up or utters a word. A word that could be heard above all the self congratulations on what a great job this moron is doing for us the UN -Educated and dirty masses. Where are the Republicans ?? Where is there token black leader who does not even believe himself what the rest of the party believes Steel might be an OK guy but a leader he is not and the Republicans better get there heads out of there behinds before 2010 or they will have put the nail in the coffin if that was not there intention any way. Both Parties are so Global now that the average American according to them is unenlightened about the reality of the American situation. The talking heads and there polls that can be tilted in any direction that is selected by the author of said poll why do you think there are so many polls and pollsters. All that is going on with The Talking Parrot and people still say give the idiot some time if someone is going the wrong direction you can give him all the time in the world and it will not matter the debt and American Bashing the crooks he's hired and gotten off the street it the only good thing I can see . Janet Napolitano spying on Americans and the left was upset that Bush was listening in on terrorist but here she is using here Homeland Security Department to not go after Al Qaeda but"American Soldiers"Those who fight"How about are you are you against Gay Marriage if there could ever be such a thing. It will destroy the word (Marriage) All in the name of trying to feel normal they would destroy that which they seek "Normal" . Illegal immigration and anything else these wack jobs feel will interfere with them retaining power at all cost . Where is the outrage over this. Ever time we the people hire a politician who thinks he is all that. This is what we get a "Fubar" ie. F- Up Beyond All Recognition. Only hope that those Repucks that are still in office at this present time unless they are freshman all get voted out for there lack of morals and ethics. Not to mention having a pair or courage too speak up for what is right and let the people be informed and judge. Since Nov. election I have and will continue to boycott Television and after these many months I do not miss one thing on that box of lies and brainwashing The talking heads the talking Parrot the talking Politician's all have one thing in common talk talk talk. We American do have a crisis its this,We need to find leaders not Television personalities, People who believe in the power of free market and capitalism and not Government interference or bureaucracy that does nothing but make smart people dependent on stupid rules or regulations and stupid people like the current Talking Parrot. That do nothing but hold up and add cost too items that should not be that expensive and do nothing but lie to you and me look at poor or Joe Biden the only true statement he ever made and the B.O machine comes out and says this is what he meant to say. "Ha ha ha who do they think they are to try and BS all of us who still have minds that are not turned to mush from the talking heads box or drone machine . IF you want your kids to do well in school turn off the TV and game machines listen to talk radio and talk to your kids and find out what they are learning in school these days. Try a trip to your local library. Give this one grading period and I'll bet you any amount of money if you stay focused unless your kids are rocks with lips there grades will have gone up greatly. The only crisis we have is in the leaders and Media who have pick the side against you and me. There sponsors all who have sided with these American Bashing pricks and those who work behind the curtains or under the desk so to speak like our current Secretary of State. She should have been fired for treason but will most likely be nominated to replace poor old Joe Biden or likely be given Nobel peace prizes with this upside down world that we find our selves in who know what will come next but I will tell you this one last thing it was nothing that the talking Parrot did except stay out of the way of the Navy . It was the Commander of that ship who risk his career to save the life of that Merchant Marine Captain if it would have failed he the ships captian would now be awaiting his walking papers so do not believe the hype about B.O he only lawyered up and would have been the first to scream that he told them to negotiate. But like the economy he will only take credit for the good things nothing but blame and shame for this thief. Till next time find a hobby grow a big garden and listen to talk radio the only truth you can still find is there waiting for you to seach it out. Shut off the Drones box and do not support there sponsors.Paladin kcs

conservative point of view. ethical issues and with heartland values and work ethics.

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world traveler 22 years in the service to our Country and counting